Category: bureaucracy

Lots of “130 yards.” Why No Perspective?

We hear that the attempted assassin was 130 yards away from Trump. Why only that? Let me provide you perspective. Place President Trump’s Stage just outside the end zone of an American football field. Then the sniper was outside the other end zone up in the 15th row of the bleachers. That is about 150 …

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Little Men

Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting For fear of little men… William Allingham, “The Fairies”      Allingham’s poem isn’t about anything contemporary…or real. But those first four lines spoke to me a few minutes ago. Little men are a problem of immense significance today. And they show their actual …

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Complexities And Human Capability

     Today, over at Cold Fury, there’s an excellent and thought-provoking essay by co-contributor SteveF that explores one of the funnier fallacies commonly advanced as an aphorism:      (NB: I have no idea who Hanlon is or was and bear him no ill will, but I will say that as a vendor of rose-colored glasses, …

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Evidence, Interrupted

     Yes, friends, you guessed it: Christopher Wray has refused to surrender the “Biden bribery” FD-1023 after all:      Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has said that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is afraid its informant who provided information about an alleged bribery scheme by the Biden family will be killed if their identity is exposed. …

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Budget? What Budget?

     About three decades ago, a reporter for Reason magazine asked a sitting Congressman of conservative inclination, “Will Congress ever pass a budget that’s even one dollar less than the previous year?” The Congressman replied flatly “No.”      Well, at least he was candid. And as the years since have demonstrated, he was a realist …

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The Cogly Life

     “I said it as soon as I got to Elbow: I’m a free man, I didn’t have to come here! . . . We always think it, and say it, but we don’t do it. We keep our initiative tucked away safe in our mind, like a room where we can come and say, …

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     Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, whose work I first encountered at Noisy Room, has a blockbuster article at Biz Pac Review:      It seems overturning Roe v. Wade may not be the biggest decision to come down from the Supreme Court as its ruling on West Virginia v. the Environmental Protection Agency could strip the government and …

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