Category: Establishment


     No, not the city in Ohio.      If you don’t know about Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus:      Lucius Quinctius (or Quintius) Cincinnatus (c. 519 – c. 430 BC) was a Roman patrician, statesman, and military leader of the early Roman Republic who became a legendary figure of Roman virtue— particularly civic virtue —by the time of the …

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Shame And Guilt

     Last Saturday’s disastrous performance by the Secret Service detachment assigned to President Trump has evoked huge amounts of commentary. Some opinioneers are claiming that the evidence can’t point to anything but a Secret Service tasked to permit Trump’s assassination. Others are of the opinion that it was merely a demonstration of the low estate …

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Happy Birthday, America

     It’s number 248, if we don’t count the very first one.      Time was, I would print the core section of the Declaration of Independence here, as my commemoration of the original event. It’s one of the greatest passages of prose ever set down, and it deserves to be proclaimed all over the world. …

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Lunatics Have Taken Over No. 2

Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit Against Oklahoma’s Ban on Changing Sex on Birth Certificates. This series originated with the thought that lunatics were being given permission to take over. However, there appears to be quite a few people in black robes who any decent person would rather not have to engage even in casual conversation. Given …

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Additions to Ace’s Skepticism

Disinformation Expert Ace posted the following: Biden “Accepts” Offer to Debate, With Special Conditions to Protect Biden; Trump, for Some Lunatic Reason, Accepts His Terms. After each of the news items he offered up bits of doubt, sarcasm and skepticism. For instance Your first offer is accepted without reservations! This guy wrote The Art of …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 7May24: Reverse Envy Hatred

First, the recent, frequent mention of envy/covetousness and the last commandment in posts and comments suggests that readers of Liberty’s Torch would want to see this. Certainly the commandment lists only material things, but it also says “not anything that is thy neighbors.” Often overlooked but no less a possession, is love, ability, power, etc. …

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This Is The Nation’s Top Economic Advisor

     And you won’t believe the crap he spouts, or how he stammers and misdirects:      Time was, even a schoolchild knew what money is: money n: a medium of exchange and a store of value.      I was taught that before I could write a check. Note the and in the definition. Money must …

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Cicero Saw Clearly

Everything about this post is short. Something simple should not require a great deal of words. The enemy outside the gates are far less to be feared. That is the shortened version of Cicero’s famous observation. I have begun to see it as eventually universally true. Certainly in light of Fran’s latest screeds noting past …

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“We’ve Got To Get Him Before He Gets Us!”

     Sundance at The Last Refuge has the story:      In the Special Counsel Jack Smith constructed Lawfare case against Donald Trump, what is generally called “the documents case”, involving the raid on Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s attorney, Christopher Kise, did something similar to a speaking indictment with an extensive court motion on January 16, 2024. …

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A Minor Insight That Could Inspire A Solution

I get a variety of emails. The headlines are often clickbait. This morning was I was offered this: America’s Top Enemy Suffers Devastating Blow – New Report Has Biden Weeping. It worked. I was curious who they meant. As I began reading I wasn’t impressed, so I began scanning. I didn’t see them actually name …

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     Two weeks ago journalist Emerald Robinson published a startling article about How The GOP Committed Suicide Trying to Stop Trump. Much of it is about Mitch McConnell (R, KY), whom Robinson accuses of doing his damnedest to prevent Donald Trump from functioning as president, and of subsequently aiding the anti-Trump forces in their attempt …

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Explain Why Obama, Admitting He’s Running Biden, Is Released

“The Obamas are RUNNING the Country,” says military historian Victor Davis Hanson. Barack Obama said he wanted to serve a third term “in my basement in my sweats.” And he’s “living his dream” using Joe Biden as a “cardboard person they cut out,” declared @VDHanson. “Obama never… — The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) February …

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Say What?

     Something “out there” is seriously wrong. You know it; I know it. But is it a unitary thing, or merely the sum of all the little things that currently bedevil us? It can be hard to tell.      I can’t shake the sense that there’s a monster lurking in the shadows, peering now and …

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“You Are TOO FREE!” Say The Elite

     Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me:      The nation’s ruling class holds deeply authoritarian opinions widely divorced from the rest of the American electorate, finds a survey out this week. It found nearly 60 percent of American “elites” think there is too much individual freedom in America. Meanwhile, nearly 60 percent of registered voters have …

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They’re At It Again

     Some of the Establishment’s dance steps are fresh. Others are well rehearsed and easy to recognize:      Jim Messina, a former top aide to former President Obama, claimed that a “third-party candidate can’t win in 2024” and might guarantee former President Trump does.      “With a rematch between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump …

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I Was Going To Take The Day Off…

     …until I saw this piece at Power Line. As I have a huge disdain for “wine snobs,” it immediately elevated Steven Hayward to my Pantheon of Heroes. A brief “tasting:”      Talking about wine lends itself to the same kind of silly jargon that has justified the fraud called “modern art” (an oxymoron if …

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The Deception Campaign: Dispatches

     Every now and then, a review of the most recent skirmishes in the struggle between the deceivers and censors and the rest of us is desirable. A week ago, Ace produced a good one. Here’s a jewel from that piece:      The hot new concept in ” ” ” journalism ” ” ” is …

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Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes Dept.

     I just saw this graphic over at Mike Miles’s place:      But Congress, which is 95% recidivists and 50% millionaires, would balk at both propositions. For one thing, the swollen Defense Department appropriations are a fertile source of pork for their constituents. For another, it’s a safe bet that a lot of them are …

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Notes On Extremistry

     Yes, that’s a coinage. It’s in the vein of chemistry, which is the study of how chemicals behave. There’s also palmistry, which is the study of palm trees. (What’s that? Palmistry has nothing to do with palm trees? Well, never mind then.) However, the comparison isn’t all that close. What I mean to tag …

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The Biennial Serving Of Kool-Aid

DON’T VOTE: It Only Encourages them! – from a West Coast shopping bag      I’m in a dour (dire?) mood this morning. Part of it arises from a taxing, difficult chore I’ve been straining to put off, the day for which has arrived and cannot be hired out, delegated, or otherwise shoved aside. But a …

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