Category: Social-Justice Warriors (SJWs)

The Chronicle of The DC, 7May24: Reverse Envy Hatred

First, the recent, frequent mention of envy/covetousness and the last commandment in posts and comments suggests that readers of Liberty’s Torch would want to see this. Certainly the commandment lists only material things, but it also says “not anything that is thy neighbors.” Often overlooked but no less a possession, is love, ability, power, etc. …

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Visions Of Sugarplums

     People respond to incentives and disincentives. Sticks and carrots work. – Charles Murray      Ordinary people are massively baffled by the weird recent behavior of several major corporations. They look at the behavior of Anheuser-Busch, or Jack Daniels, or Nike, or Disney, and scratch their heads. “What could they have been thinking?” is the …

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More On Representation

     Yesterday’s bit of whimsy didn’t get a lot of comment action. Whatever the reason, apparently the Gentle Readers of Liberty’s Torch were disinclined to register their opinions on the subject. No matter; it was meant to stimulate thought on the issue, which is a live one. It will remain significant because the coin has …

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     I’ve ranted more than once about the usefulness of a steadily centralizing economy to those who desire total power over us. I trust the point was not lost on my Gentle Readers. However, it remains easy to miss the indications of political control over one’s workplace, so here’s a nice fresh one:      A …

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Ugly Portents

     I’ve recently encountered a few harbingers of unpleasantness that have reminded me of one of life’s less pleasant rules: Preferences Cannot Be Absolutes      What do I mean by that? Only this: if you’d prefer some condition of existence, and circumstances change to render that condition unavailable, you have no alternative: you must cope. …

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The Brazenness Has Not Yet Peaked

     This is typical of the race-hustlers: Wherever they’ve gained, they push for more:      American systems of legal administration enact violence against minority populations. Examining and re-considering these structures, such as the criminal justice system (CJS), is a crucial part of anti-racist action….      Princeton’s Honor Code, tasked with holding students accountable and honest …

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Using Law To Defeat SJWs

On properly using the law against the lawless: The Governor has the authority under the Florida Constitution to suspend state officials for reasons of misfeasance, malfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony. The Governor has further authority to fill that office by appointment for the …

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Who For President?

     The wizened old librarian-curator who lives in the back of my head said that he was prompted to dredge this up by the talk that Gavin Newsom would make an excellent Democrat presidential nominee: March 3, 2004      “Everybody’s always giving me guns.” — Humphrey Bogart playing Philip Marlowe, in The Big Sleep      …

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     (No, not “reparations.” Spelling matters at Liberty’s Torch. We’re carful about it. We proofread very carfully, both for spelling and to make sure we don’t any words out.)      These days it seems like every noisy group in America wants “our own space.” That means different things to different people, of course, but the …

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A Profile In Courage

     Facts that are not frankly faced have a habit of stabbing us in the back. – Sir Harold Bowden      I resist the impulse to call any living person a saint. As Simon Templar, played by Val Kilmer in The Saint, put it, “You have to be a very good, and usually very dead …

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If You Like A Nice, Informative Diagram…

     …and data-flow diagrams, use-case diagrams, state-transition diagrams, and the like haven’t yet made you turn into a rabid wolf at the merest mention of such things, have one, courtesy of Gateway Pundit, developed by three Oregon scholars to decloud what the SJWs mean when they invoke various of their cant phrases: Open in a …

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