Category: race

Crime, Punishment, And Lawsuits

     About a year and a half ago, there was an assault on a teacher’s aide in a Florida high school. You may have heard about it. The teacher’s aide, Joan Naydich, is a middle-aged, middle-size white woman. The attacker, Brendan Depa, is a giant teenager: 6 feet 6 inches tall, 270 pounds worth of …

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Turning Heads

     Apparently, women’s basketball sensation Caitlin Clark isn’t done breaking records yet:      Caitlin Clark is currently leading the WNBA in total points from scoring and assists. Similar to the NFL’s all-purpose yards measurement, Clark now has to be considered a candidate for MVP and Rookie of the Year (ROY).      Clark on Saturday became …

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Visualizing The Issue

     Back in my college days, I had a colleague named John who often exhorted those of us who worked in the Computing Center to “Think Visual.” The exact subject of the discussion seldom mattered; he always had a visualization pertinent to whatever we were trying to promote or encourage. Most of them were both …

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The Newest Federal Holiday

     Perhaps you’re already aware that the word holiday is actually a contracted equivalent for holy day. And perhaps it troubles you just as much as it does me that the federal BLEEP!ing government takes it upon itself to declare new ones, entirely to placate noisy interest groups. We dodged one a few years back, …

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A Voice Of Sanity

     In publishing this transcript of a recent speech by Dutch activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Maura Dowling has done America and Europe a tremendous service. Please read it all.      “Diversity” has never meant what its shouters claim it to mean. It means the elimination of the white race. Note that no majority-black country is being …

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Assimilation In Reverse?

     Paul Joseph Watson brings you news the “media” won’t touch:      A hearing held earlier this week in New York by the Council’s immigration and hospital committees saw black migrants who have arrived in the city airing their grievances about public services they have been provided, including food and accommodation, with one woman even …

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Sure, Go Ahead And Elect Blacks

     But don’t act surprised by what you get:      BALTIMORE (TND) — Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott shared his disappointment Tuesday that too much public money has gone to arts organizations that “just happen to be White-ran.”      The comment came during the announcement of a $3.6 million “Diversity in Arts” grant funded by …

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Avert Your Eyes, Citizen!

     In this Year of Our Lord 2024, there are a multitude of things of which We the People are not supposed to take notice. The graphic just below lists a hefty few of them, whose effacement is assisted by “our” “news media.” There are others of note, some of them pertaining to the behavioral …

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Mask Droppings

     The forces of chaos must feel that they can no longer be stopped: The most insane thing you have ever heard from@MSNBC Celebrity Black activist lawyer @BenCrumpLaw says that criminal behavior in America is just Black culture. Demands the legalization of crime.@TheRevAl and other Black racial activists all express agreement. — National Conservative …

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A Quick Appetite-Whetter

     Shamelessly stolen from Western Rifle Shooters:      I think we can all agree with the sentiment at the bottom. All of us white menfolk, that is.      Never fear: I’ll be back with something more substantial a bit later.

Don’t Imagine For A Moment…

     …that they don’t really mean it. They do:      God bless Mike Miles for finding this stuff. I haven’t the stomach for it.      It’s time to take this bit of advice equally seriously:      “Take your choice—there is no other—and your time is running out.”

“Our Standards? Can He Drive The Baseline? Hit A Three-Pointer?”

     I sometimes lament how little of the news I manage to cover each day. There’s certainly plenty going on. But I have an actual life – the C.S.O. reminds me about that frequently – a home, animals to tend, and miscellaneous other things that deserve some attention. So I miss a lot.      However, …

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What Has Been Said And Heard Cannot Be Unheard

     Apparently, media company iHeart Media, previously known as Clear Channel, has been erecting some “controversial billboards.” There have been a couple of stories about this already, particularly concerning billboards that proclaim that “voter fraud is a felony” – which it is. I’m a bit baffled that merely proclaiming what’s written into the black-letter law …

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The DEI-Hustlers Won’t Relent

     They’re a bit like the Chinese that way: they just keep coming:      The Wizard Of Oz and It’s A Wonderful Life are going to get a ‘diverse’ reboot, a Hollywood director has revealed.      Kenya Barris, who created the ABC sitcom Black-ish, is working on scripts for the Warner Bros adaptations of the …

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Extra! Extra!

     If you’ve read this essay of a few years ago, you know how I feel about “white privilege.” Well, as it happens a particularly incisive writer has penned a piece that summarizes and celebrates “white privilege.” If you’re already seen it, please ignore this notice…but if you haven’t, it’s a howl a second. Hie …

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“Galting” Or Despair?

     You cannot do wrong without suffering wrong. — Ralph Waldo Emerson      For many years, the “work ethic” – i.e., the idea that work is worthy and will be rewarded according to its merits – dominated Americans’ thinking on workplace behavior and employer / employee relations. Granted, the idea wasn’t reflected in the behavior …

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“Diversity” Advocates

     American “diversity” advocates, henceforth to be styled Diversitoids, have a propensity for living in the “whitest” parts of the country. As it happens, they’re usually surrounded by other Diversitoids…that is, other white Diversitoids. But diversity! We can’t get enough of it…or so they say. If that’s so, then what explains their chosen neighborhoods?      …

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More On “The Narrative”

     I just encountered the following image:      The salient part here is that “the authorities” – in this case, school administrators – are deterred from doing what should be done by the fear of being called racists. This is a common problem that affects other authorities as well, including police forces. Consider, for example, …

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Pride Crap

     [I’m in a bit of a state just now, for reasons that don’t bear on anything my Gentle Readers would (or should) care about, so have a reprint from January 2017, over at Liberty’s Torch V1.0. After rereading it, I must report that my attitude toward “pride crap” has only hardened and grown more …

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Defending The Narrative

     Call it what you will: “the narrative,” “the official position,” “the received wisdom,” or perhaps just what “everybody knows.” It’s Big Lie technique, straight from Dr. Josef Goebbels: circle the wagons around the falsehood, relentlessly repeat it in the loudest possible voice, viciously and violently denounce anyone who contradicts it…and with time everyone will …

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