Category: Democrat Party

Sanity Tests

     They can be just as important as cognition tests.      The political scene is agog (“No, really?” “Shut up, you.”) over two things: the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the prospect of Joe Biden resigning from the Democrat ticket. Of course, the former of those things is an actual fact, despite the attempts …

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Media Duplicity

     Beware claims from major media spokesmen that “We didn’t know!” about Joe Biden’s dementia. Also beware claims that they didn’t know that he’s the most corrupt political figure since Caligula. They’re not in the business of reporting things that reflect badly on Democrats.      Remember this exchange from the 2016 campaign, between Mike Cernovich …

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What Now, Democrats? Part 3

     The hole is getting deeper:      “I know I’m not a young man, to the state the obvious. Well, I know I don’t walk as easy as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do …

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What Now, Democrats? Part 2

     When a supposedly astute political commentator suggests that the Democrats should strip Joe Biden of the nomination and give it to Gretchen Whitmer or Gina Raimondo, you know that political Armageddon has arrived. I wish Biden would reflect on this debate performance and then announce his decision to withdraw from the race, throwing the …

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Compare And Contrast

     It seems that for many years, whenever an identifiable member of a Democrat mascot group was deemed the perpetrator of some heinous crime, Leftists would leap to their typewriters and microphones to proclaim that “Society is to blame! Oppression! Victimization! Deprivation! Marginalization!” and so forth. It was vital for Democrat control of those voting …

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The Newest Federal Holiday

     Perhaps you’re already aware that the word holiday is actually a contracted equivalent for holy day. And perhaps it troubles you just as much as it does me that the federal BLEEP!ing government takes it upon itself to declare new ones, entirely to placate noisy interest groups. We dodged one a few years back, …

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How It’s Done

     The following, clipped from this piece by James Kunstler, had me howling uncontrollably (and very nearly incontinently):      [T]he cabal running things behind the empty suit “Joe Biden” is dominated by women, and my guess would be the women directly associated with Barack Obama: Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, Kathryn Ruemmler, Sally Yates, Valarie Jarrett, …

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From The “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” Files

     Democrat politicians would like you to believe that they’re women’s best advocates and protectors. (Mind you, you mustn’t ask them Matt Walsh’s question “What is a woman?” That would upset them terribly.) They constantly prattle about “women’s rights,” as if one’s rights are in some way dependent on one’s sex. But then, we know …

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Shamelessness As A Political Weapon (UPDATED)

     The key political asset of our time is the ability to tell any lie, however outrageous or absurd, with a perfectly straight face: eyes straight and flat, no lifting of either corner of the mouth, and no tightening of either nostril. Moreover, the liar must be able to maintain that solemn-as-a-judge expression through a …

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It’s amazing what happens when you enforce the law

Texas shows how it’s done .It shouldn’t be a shock that when you enforce the laws and shut down the border, illegal criminals stop coming through. And we all know this, even the National Socialist Democrat Worker’s Party, who is now being stymied in their goal of flooding the country through mass illegal entry. Of …

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Another Non-Surprise

     That perennial loser “Beto” O’Rourke wants the invasion of Texas to continue unbounded: Abbott is using the Texas Guard to defy a Supreme Court ruling. When Gov. Faubus did this in 1957, Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas Guard to ensure compliance with the law. Biden must follow this example of bold, decisive leadership to end …

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Mask Droppings

     I’ve written this before: When the two parties are agreed on the problems but differ on the methods, the American system of government can function as intended, though not without the occasional bump in the road. However, when the parties don’t agree on the problems, or assign them radically different priorities, trouble ensues. Sometimes …

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Embarrassing For The GOP

     It’s not that long ago that a revolt against then Speaker-Of-The-House Kevin McCarthy, led by Matt Gaetz, barely succeeded in ousting McCarthy from that post. The vote to expel garnered the support of the Democrat caucus, plus a paltry five Republicans’ votes. What I didn’t know at the time was that some highly prominent …

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I had to get up early today for a number of reasons, and since I’m somewhat daft I decided that as long as my schedule included an early awakening, I might as well make the best of it. Last Sunday I was given a batch of sourdough starter. I made English muffins with it yesterday, …

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Assuming the title of “Good Communist”

Diane Feinstein assumes ambient temperature. Do you find that to be harsh? Calling her a “Good Communist”, as in one who is no longer stealing precious oxygen from the productive members of society? Can anyone point to one thing that Feinstein did that helped improve this country? Or did she sit in the Senate voting …

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He Who Says “A” And Gets Away With It

     …will inspire others to say “B,” in search of the same privileges.      Senator Robert Menendez (D, NJ) has been in ethical hot water for most of his time in public life. Perhaps, after so many close shaves, he thought himself invulnerable, but that might not prove to be the case this time around. …

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Another politician learns his lesson too late

“I made a mistake; it was a big mistake, and you have to acknowledge your mistake,” Canepa confessed. “By doing this, what we’ve done is we’re letting people take thousands and thousands of dollars. And why should people be subjugated?” Canepa acknowledged that the only way to combat the problem is to hold criminals responsible …

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No Courage In Politics

     Just in case you’ve spent the last five years in a coma, the federal government of these United States, currently under occupation by the Ukraine-China-Democrat combine, is doing its damnedest to persuade Us the People that to question its legitimacy is against the law. Every now and then one of its boughten allies in …

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Disingenuous Or Merely Sarcastic?

     John Hinderaker, one of Web commentary’s brightest lights, penned this:      For reasons I can’t explain, the Left, including the Democratic Party, has made sex change operations on minors its signature issue. It has become a litmus test: in order to be considered progressive, one must now advocate the mutilation of children’s genitals. If …

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The Shell Game Of Contemporary Politics…

     …still has a few desperate players:      It happened again on Monday. Mr. Biden appeared alongside Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to brief reporters on new efforts to force airlines to compensate passengers when a flight is canceled. As soon as his remarks ended, Mr. Biden turned and walked off, ignoring questions from reporters. This …

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