Category: courage

A Fallen People

     Stories built around the concept that we of today are the descendants of far greater ancestors are many. Some are well known. One gave rise to the most beloved adventure novel of all time. Others were fundamental to science fiction’s most honored tales. Still another inspired an insane pseudo-religion. And of course we have …

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Reactionary Roles Have Reversed

The assertion of my title today has been on my mind for a long while. It deserves fleshing out. The reactionary tends to be the one defending his position of power and privilege. The following Brave Leo result was posed using only the traditional Left and Right as a basic dichotomy. It’s only a starting …

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The Battle For Your Soul

     What’s that you say? You don’t feel as if you’re being fought over? Well, I’m not one to argue feelz. However, the objective evidence is as plain as a fart. Would you like some? Church music director cleared of assault charge. Where dialogue with “liberals” gets you. Hillary’s “deprogramming” program. A pro-life…bank? This tidbit …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 24 Aug 23: Fomenting Toxicities [Updated]

The same city that tolerates homelessness and welcomes illegals who add to it, could not be clueless as to the public health degradation that had to come with it. The city of Los Angeles will issue a citation for washing one’s car in one’s driveway. The object was to penalize addition of untreated soap which …

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I Should Speak Like This Guy

The following would be more effective had the ranter not singled out the Democratic Party for their continued twisted support for Brandon. The GOP is little better in that I’ve heard none of them come close to the justifiable outrage this man exhibits. Citizen SNAPS at Joe Biden HOURS after he insulted victims of Maui …

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The Chronicle of the DC: 17Aug23 Maui

Please point out — to anyone who will listen — the Sustainability agenda of every major Western institution. It’s a religion with them. Their moral code is not that of decent human beings. To these neo-pagan Sustainability worshippers, sacrificed human life is what is sacred to them. The Progressive Movement — with its Sustainability priests …

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BETTER RED THAN DEAD wasn’t real when Red meant communist in the 1960s. Since the 2000 election, MSM in lockstep with USA Today, dyed the Reds blue, and assigned Americans as red. Today, with our ruling class religiously believing their decimation of us by any means possible will “save the planet,” BETTER RED THAN DEAD …

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No Courage In Politics

     Just in case you’ve spent the last five years in a coma, the federal government of these United States, currently under occupation by the Ukraine-China-Democrat combine, is doing its damnedest to persuade Us the People that to question its legitimacy is against the law. Every now and then one of its boughten allies in …

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Among Friends

     Today, there are things one cannot say: Out loud; In public; Without unpleasant consequences.      That’s indisputable. The reason is the militancy of those who differ with you: i.e., the contemporary Left. They’ve learned that militancy is the trump suit: that militant tactics – from slander to outright violence – won’t be effectively opposed. …

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Assume Trump Is A Living Emmanuel Goldstein. What Then?

Anyone who ever read Orwell has likely had this assumption cross their mind. But it is the “What Then?” that becomes a very difficult problem to contemplate. Let’s explore the reasons for the difficulty simply arising from even thinking about the assumption. Getting people who like Trump to accept any notion that he’s an establishment …

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Exploring Implications Spotted In More Timid Reports

First of all, what do I mean by more timid reports? Whatever we read today is subject to censorship and its authors to cancellation. So expect to find reports that only call out the tip of any iceberg. Add to them commentaries that are slightly facetious, sarcastic or satirical. The authors can claim “I intended …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 13Jul23: Jab & Castrate

For the purpose of Death Cult Chronicling, simply listen to the following from just before 28 minutes to just after 31. In that space Andrew Tate notes the ongoing attempts to liquidate military age males [PF: the jab, with little wiggle room for the enlisted] and to eunuchize [PF: trans inducements and coercion] as many …

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At The Third Level

     In this country, the third level is where the action is – the sociopolitical action, at least. The physiological and safety levels are well-served for more than 90% of our population. Where we’re most vulnerable is in our desire for acceptance.      Not that the Left hasn’t tried its damnedest to attack our physical …

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The Totalitarians And The State Of Fear

     My acquaintance with the works of the late Michael Crichton isn’t deep. However, I have read what many consider to be his best novel, State of Fear, and was greatly impressed by his insight into the desires and methods of contemporary power-seekers.      A fearful populace, that shrinks from terrors real and imagined, is …

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Matches And Powder Kegs

     In this recent piece on “CW 2.0,” John Wilder reviews current conditions that could lead to the outbreak of a second Civil War. His observations give renewed force to questions that have plagued me for some time: Will the Right ever cease to prioritize the avoidance of conflict over the restoration of the Republic? …

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