Category: censorship

What Does It Mean To Be “Governed?”

     By now, our Gentle Readers have probably heard about this:      Quoth the mighty Sundance:      Within the recent WEF discussion, Secretary Kerry outlines how freedom of speech is a ‘threat to the global democracy‘ because the governing officials have a difficult time controlling information. Kerry goes on to posit how the next administration, …

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A Little Knowledge

     Every so often, I’m struck by the extraordinary wisdom of the old maxim that “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” The man who knows nothing at all, and is aware of the fact, is far less dangerous than the ignoramus who’s learned or observed a tiny bit and thinks himself erudite and wise. …

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The End Of The Totalitarian Road

     Power is a drug that doesn’t sate. – Me.      It’s frustrating, having to make the same point over and over. Still, needs must.      When Clarence Carson wrote:      [W]e are told that there is no need to fear the concentration of power in government so long as that power is checked by …

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They Have Pledged Eternal Hostility

     …to anyone on the right side of the one-dimensional political spectrum.      You know who I mean, don’t you?      When Instagram was created in 2010, it was a relatively friendly place mainly used for posting photos and short videos. Its user community expanded rapidly, which drew the attention of the ever-voracious folks at …

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Want To Know Whose Side “Big Tech” Is On?

Google banned this pro-Trump ad: Google banned this ad! Please make sure that you don’t REPOST🔁IT😏… — Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) May 4, 2024 ‘Nuff said.

Rants From Runts, Pants That Punt, and Cant From…Oh, Never Mind

     [While searching for something else of no particular import, I ran across this piece, which first appeared at Liberty’s Torch V1.0 on November 17, 2014. To my considerable surprise and pleasure, the embedded links all still work. – FWP] If you’ve been waiting for the: Social Justice Warriors Professionally Aggrieved Feminists (i.e., the angry …

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The Leftist fascism strikes again.

Never, ever, ever ever everevereverever use Fecesbook as a source of information. Like many people, I have a presence on fecesbook. For me, it’s about motorcycle rides, motorcycle groups and motorcycle activities. For a multitude of reasons, many of the various motorcycle groups out there use fecesbook as a way to get their events out …

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“As A Matter Of Principle”

     Fear not, Gentle Readers. I shan’t torture you with another long exposition on the real meaning of the word principle. Rather, I’d like to underscore an important aspect of the campaign to silence anyone who dissents from the Left-approved narrative.      I don’t know much about Russell Brand. He’s described at Infogalactic as “an …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 13Jul23: Jab & Castrate

For the purpose of Death Cult Chronicling, simply listen to the following from just before 28 minutes to just after 31. In that space Andrew Tate notes the ongoing attempts to liquidate military age males [PF: the jab, with little wiggle room for the enlisted] and to eunuchize [PF: trans inducements and coercion] as many …

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Newspeak Might Not Prove Necessary

     …if the Left can simply forbid us to use certain words and phrases:      A college woman received a zero grade score on an assignment for using the term “biological women.”      “I got a zero on my project proposal in class because I used the term biological women, which is apparently not allowed …

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Aspects of This Are Worth Cheering

Do you see why? Note how this recent(?) video becomes more significant after Tucker’s abrupt firing.

They Keep Trying

     There’s never been a defensible rationale for censorship – of anything. Attempts to construct one have always run up against insuperable problems. Even many of those who ardently wish for some sort of restriction on what people may say, and when, where, and to whom, will tell you that it can’t be done without …

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     I’ve ranted more than once about the usefulness of a steadily centralizing economy to those who desire total power over us. I trust the point was not lost on my Gentle Readers. However, it remains easy to miss the indications of political control over one’s workplace, so here’s a nice fresh one:      A …

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It’s Plain And Open Now…

     By now you’ve heard about the Project Veritas capture of a Director of Pfizer, Jordon Walker, talking about how his employer might perform a “directed evolution of the COVID-19 virus so it can devise new vaccines for the variants. Here’s the video:      Here’s James O’Keefe himself to tell you why YouTube is suppressing …

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Two New Icons

     There aren’t many people in the entertainment world who possess visible courage. Such courage is critical in the confrontation with “woke” culture:      Until I played that speech, I knew nothing about Konstantin Kisin. I intend to look more deeply into him. I doubt he’ll go forward from here without being savagely attacked by …

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The Uses Of Licensure

     Divemedic has written insightfully on the grift we call licensure. Indeed, he’s done so more than once. I’m confident that many who read those pieces will come away disturbed but not convinced. Disturbed, because the evils Divemedic cites are indisputable; unconvinced, because licensure has been a part of Western ways for long enough that …

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Apparently “No Law Abridging” Cannot Mean No Law Abridging

     “I have always read ‘no law abridging’ to mean no law abridging.’” – Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black      Time was, Black was regarded as a jurisprudential giant, especially by liberals. Of course, we don’t really have liberals any longer; they’ve been swallowed up by the “progressives.” You know, the political creed that’s …

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Musk And The Censors

     “There was a time when men were afraid that somebody would reveal some secret of theirs that was unknown to their fellows. Nowadays, they’re afraid that somebody will name what everybody knows. Have you practical people ever thought that that’s all it would take to blast your whole, big, complex structure, with all your …

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Perhaps The Truth Really Will Set Us Free

The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. The public deserves to know what really happened … — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 28, 2022      Initially, I was dubious about the relative importance of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. However, the above suggests that Twitter and its deliberate suppression …

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Good reason to be suspicious of “Citizen Free Press”

To this post, 80 Canadian doctors have ‘died suddenly’… I left a short comment that read something like “Of course. Killing off effective healers would be a primary item on the agenda of our ever more openly active Death Cults.” I went back today to see if anyone responded to it and it was gone. …

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