Category: death cults

The Chronicle of The DC, 2Sep24: Cannibalism

An Under-Observed Front

     For decades we were exhorted to show compassion toward the less fortunate among us. That compassion was particularly for those whose bodies were not up to the normal standard of function or appearance: the crippled, the malformed, those deprived of one or more senses, and so on. And indeed, empathy for such sufferers is …

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A Litmus Test For Death Cult Membership

Despite its lead in, the following video, tweeted to X, appears to be the recording of a Caesarean section live birth. Because of the words of the tweet preceding the video, I was sickened by what I thought I saw. The upside: there may be wisdom to be extracted from my reaction. And, believe it …

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The Anti-Children Crusade

     Depending on which sources you choose to believe, on or around the year 1212 A.D. there was a “crusade” made up largely of children. Supposedly it was a peace-minded movement to travel to the Holy Land and convert the Muslims there to Christianity. No, it didn’t work. Indeed, a great many of the participants …

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Viciouser And Viciouser

     This has been a hot topic these last two days: Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear punctuates a DNC speech singularly focused on protecting abortion/child sacrifice with…”love your neighbor as yourself.” Loving neighbors don’t k*ll each other with drugs or dismemberment. — Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) August 20, 2024      That’s the Left for you. …

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If You Thought Kevorkian Was A “One-Off”

     There’s a new “Dr. Death,” and he has an invention for us:      A suicide pod dubbed the “Tesla of euthanasia” will be used for the first time next week.      Sarco, a 3D-printed capsule, was unveiled at the Venice Design Festival in 2019 and reportedly offers a painless death within 10 minutes of …

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Have You Finalized Your Vacation Plans?

     Because if not:      Scientists have identified an exoplanet that may possess an Earth-like atmosphere and the potential to support life, and in space terms it’s really not that far away.      But how are the accommodations and the nightlife?      Located just 48 light-years from Earth, LHS 1140 b orbits within its red …

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It Creeps In Everywhere

     Pascal, Dave, and I have written quite a lot that falls under the death cults category. There are plenty of reasons; a perusal of the essays in this book and of the essays here under that heading would convince anyone not determined to ignore the evidence. I’m certain that it will remain an important, …

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Mothers’ Warning, Dimmed

From the beginnings of our race, mothers would warn children of hidden dangers. Sure, they were concerned about the obvious ones. But nature provided us with instincts that propelled us away from the lion’s roar or the steep cliff. It was the disguised dangers, such as the hidden slime pit or the attractive but poisonous …

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Lunatics Have Taken Over No. 2

Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit Against Oklahoma’s Ban on Changing Sex on Birth Certificates. This series originated with the thought that lunatics were being given permission to take over. However, there appears to be quite a few people in black robes who any decent person would rather not have to engage even in casual conversation. Given …

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The Anti-Death-Cult League Has A New Member

     …and his name is Elon Musk: Elon Musk Issues Urgent Warning for Humanity “If there are no humans, there’s no humanity.” Musk says that we should be “very concerned” about imploding birth rates, which are “accelerating in most countries.” But it’s what he said next that was very telling.… — The Vigilant Fox …

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The Catastrophists Ride Again

     Say, does anyone else remember Eric Pianka?      On March 2, 3, and 4 of this year, the Texas Academy of Sciences held its annual conclave, at which it awarded a certain Eric Pianka, a biologist at the University of Texas, with its Distinguished Texas Scientist Award. Whatever Dr. Pianka’s achievements as a researcher …

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So You Think Pas And I Are Kidding About The Death Cults?

     I assure you, we aren’t:      For nearly 30 years — since Oregon became the first state to legalize physician-assisted death — Congress has prevented federal funding such as Medicare from being used by patients to pay for the practice. A bill proposed by Democratic lawmakers seeks to change that.      In 1997, Congress …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 7May24: Reverse Envy Hatred

First, the recent, frequent mention of envy/covetousness and the last commandment in posts and comments suggests that readers of Liberty’s Torch would want to see this. Certainly the commandment lists only material things, but it also says “not anything that is thy neighbors.” Often overlooked but no less a possession, is love, ability, power, etc. …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 6May24: Compelled Wastefulness

That one was on a dam in India. This one, on the plains in Nebraska, was destroyed by hail. Only in Utopia (no place) there are no storms.

Cicero Saw Clearly

Everything about this post is short. Something simple should not require a great deal of words. The enemy outside the gates are far less to be feared. That is the shortened version of Cicero’s famous observation. I have begun to see it as eventually universally true. Certainly in light of Fran’s latest screeds noting past …

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A Minor Insight That Could Inspire A Solution

I get a variety of emails. The headlines are often clickbait. This morning was I was offered this: America’s Top Enemy Suffers Devastating Blow – New Report Has Biden Weeping. It worked. I was curious who they meant. As I began reading I wasn’t impressed, so I began scanning. I didn’t see them actually name …

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Have We Given Up On Ourselves?

     First, a brief Tucker Carlson video:      Carlson is asking a critical question here. It pays to spend a few moments over it.      There are three polar attitudes toward time that a man can have: Past-oriented: He can spend his conscious hours reminiscing, recalling past experiences and achievements, and grousing over past failures …

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Is It Really That Bad Out There, Guys?

     I’ve been “out of the game” for more than thirty years, so I don’t really know what it’s like to be unwillingly unmated. I do know that there are a lot of men, from young adults all the way up to my age and beyond, who are either in that category or in an …

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A cult, you say? Of Death?

Why, I wonder what actions a satanic death cult would take to show that it’s a satanic death cult. I mean, they don’t often parade around in pentagrams and occult clothing, although that’s certainly happening in Hollywood. Still, if one were a member of a satanic death cult, how would we know? New documents obtained …

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