Category: death cults

Liberals Are Conservative In The Worst Way

I’ve on many occasions observed that the conservative view is naturally fractured by two forces inherent in the aphorism: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. One of these is the desire to leave to our legacy a world at least as well-off as that with which we were blessed. The other is “don’t rock …

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Death Cult Rationales

     If you spend enough time researching a horror, it transforms into something else… something more like a living thing than an evil deed or practice. It acquires a personality of its own. In your times spent delving into it, you can hear it whispering to you. Now and then, I’ve felt a temptation to …

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Chronicle of the DC, 2Jan25: Carter’s role in subjugation and food scarcity

Tim Hunter provides us the following recap of Carter’s role in destroying Rhodesia and in guaranteeing the long marxist rule by Mugabe over that devastated breadbasket. In a sane world, it [American aid] would have been given. Rhodesia was free, with personal and property rights generally protected and respected for white and black alike. It …

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Chronicle of the DC, 23Dec24: Preserving Agents of Murder

The puppet of the 3rd term of the Obama Regime just commuted the death sentences of some of the country’s most notorious murderers. It makes sense for a regime that is totally committed to reducing human lives. Being criminal themselves, perhaps they expect they’ll never be held account either to the level they deserve. It’s …

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Chronicle of the DC, 21Dec24: Inviting In Lethal “Viruses”

Richard Fernandez posted the following short pair of observations on FB. While he did not specifically call this out as a Death Cult operation, the effects of multicultural policy adopted throughout the Western World have been unmistakable. For added insight, Wretchard speculated on the Catch 22 that legitimate refugees face after escaping to the West.

Free Exercise?

     Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. [Amendment I to the Constitution of the United States] …

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That Damnable Conscience!

     Quite a lot of the First World has legalized euthanasia. Some nations that haven’t done so de jure permit it de facto. And some “health care providers” are discovering that they don’t really approve of it:      A homeless man refusing long-term care, a woman with severe obesity, an injured worker given meager government …

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Docs Allied To Aid Human Population Reduction

Hey, TPTB have managed to convince a seeming majority of therapists into scaring men from even considering initiating a relationship with any women. Not only won’t they treat men who’ve been injured, but without any knowledge of the circumstances, they readily increase the injury . Thus, it seems, Conquest’s 2nd Law has transpired to practically …

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All The Left Cares About

     …is the “right” to kill their babies:      When you have a platform, use it. That’s one thing both Kamala Harris and Julia Roberts understand.      This Wednesday (October 9), the Oscar-winning actor made a bold move in support of the Democratic presidential nominee and her running mate, Tim Walz. Julia attended a Cherokee …

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It’s In The Title, 2

Today’s title is explained at part 1. It may be found at It’s Right There In The Title. Let what follows stiffen your resolve about what needs be achieved. The readers of Liberty’s Torch are all so familiar with history that each will view the following as a string of clichés. And that adds to …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 2Sep24: Cannibalism

An Under-Observed Front

     For decades we were exhorted to show compassion toward the less fortunate among us. That compassion was particularly for those whose bodies were not up to the normal standard of function or appearance: the crippled, the malformed, those deprived of one or more senses, and so on. And indeed, empathy for such sufferers is …

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A Litmus Test For Death Cult Membership

Despite its lead in, the following video, tweeted to X, appears to be the recording of a Caesarean section live birth. Because of the words of the tweet preceding the video, I was sickened by what I thought I saw. The upside: there may be wisdom to be extracted from my reaction. And, believe it …

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The Anti-Children Crusade

     Depending on which sources you choose to believe, on or around the year 1212 A.D. there was a “crusade” made up largely of children. Supposedly it was a peace-minded movement to travel to the Holy Land and convert the Muslims there to Christianity. No, it didn’t work. Indeed, a great many of the participants …

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Viciouser And Viciouser

     This has been a hot topic these last two days: Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear punctuates a DNC speech singularly focused on protecting abortion/child sacrifice with…”love your neighbor as yourself.” Loving neighbors don’t k*ll each other with drugs or dismemberment. — Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) August 20, 2024      That’s the Left for you. …

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If You Thought Kevorkian Was A “One-Off”

     There’s a new “Dr. Death,” and he has an invention for us:      A suicide pod dubbed the “Tesla of euthanasia” will be used for the first time next week.      Sarco, a 3D-printed capsule, was unveiled at the Venice Design Festival in 2019 and reportedly offers a painless death within 10 minutes of …

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Have You Finalized Your Vacation Plans?

     Because if not:      Scientists have identified an exoplanet that may possess an Earth-like atmosphere and the potential to support life, and in space terms it’s really not that far away.      But how are the accommodations and the nightlife?      Located just 48 light-years from Earth, LHS 1140 b orbits within its red …

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It Creeps In Everywhere

     Pascal, Dave, and I have written quite a lot that falls under the death cults category. There are plenty of reasons; a perusal of the essays in this book and of the essays here under that heading would convince anyone not determined to ignore the evidence. I’m certain that it will remain an important, …

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Mothers’ Warning, Dimmed

From the beginnings of our race, mothers would warn children of hidden dangers. Sure, they were concerned about the obvious ones. But nature provided us with instincts that propelled us away from the lion’s roar or the steep cliff. It was the disguised dangers, such as the hidden slime pit or the attractive but poisonous …

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Lunatics Have Taken Over No. 2

Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit Against Oklahoma’s Ban on Changing Sex on Birth Certificates. This series originated with the thought that lunatics were being given permission to take over. However, there appears to be quite a few people in black robes who any decent person would rather not have to engage even in casual conversation. Given …

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