Category: “woke”

A Small Victory — Numbers of Warriors Matter

How would you like your purchasing rights restricted by unseen forces putting pressure on your financial institutions? Well, I didn’t. And for now I’ve put a stop to one of mine. It’s a dead certainty I could not be the only customer who complained. I have no idea who or how many, but I am …

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Providing The Decent Reason To Speak Up — Continued

My attempts to embed the one minute clip (31-32 minutes of the embedded video at the bottom) would not take. I suggest clicking the link below this paragraph so you don’t need to search for it. What Eric Kaufmann, a rare conservative social scientist, concludes at the end of that minute provides readers who …

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Lunatics Have Taken Over No. 2

Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit Against Oklahoma’s Ban on Changing Sex on Birth Certificates. This series originated with the thought that lunatics were being given permission to take over. However, there appears to be quite a few people in black robes who any decent person would rather not have to engage even in casual conversation. Given …

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Lunatics Have Taken Over No. 1

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Middle School Student Who Wore ‘Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt So far it’s affirmed that the title of this post is correct regarding The school The district The local court Some on the First Circuit Court of Appeals There is still hope that the infestation has gone no higher.

Yes, Christians are being attacked by our government

Here’s exhibition one thousand and something. It’s too many to really keep count. The Daily Caller reports that Harlow is 75 years old. She is wheelchair-bound and suffers from Hashimoto’s disease and back pain that requires her to use a wheelchair. She is hardly the picture of a fiery, dangerous activist. Her attorney asked the judge for …

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The Status Nightmare

Sometimes I stare at the computer, listening to some meditative music, and wonder why things are so difficult, why it feels like every day is a Herculean battle against all odds, when the real story is just “I’m designing and building some UI for my boring corporate employer.” That’s something I’ve been doing for 25 …

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“Give The People What They Want!”

     The title is a watchword – the supreme watchword – in the television industry. Or perhaps I should say that it was, once upon a time. Things have definitely changed.      You’d think that giving the prospective consumer what he wants would be a maxim for all of commerce. How can you sell something …

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The Culture War: Dispatches From The Front Lines

     Two years ago, Matt Walsh was still near the beginning of his What Is A Woman? campaign. He wasn’t yet widely regarded as a vanguard combatant in the conflict over transgenderism. Today his name is closely associated with that conflict, and for good reason: he’s absolutely forthright about his position:      Note the shocked …

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“Let The Bodies Hit The Floor!”

     Nothin’ wrong with me…      Nothin’ wrong with me…      Nothin’ wrong with me…      Nothin’ wrong with me…      Oh fudge…who do I think I’m kidding? ***      Courtesy of Ace’s long and detailed piece of yesterday, I’ve only just become aware of what he’s styled “GamerGate 2.0.” You may recall the original …

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What Must Be Said

     If we can’t bring back the idea of personal agency and responsibility for one’s actions, along with a societal moral code of right and wrong, we are doomed. — Weird Dave at AoSHQ      Bravo. It cannot be said too often or too loudly. But note that the Left, principally through its “DEI” and …

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Sports Illustrated is done

The entire staff is getting laid off. I used to read SI on a regular basis, both in print and online. But way back in the first Bush administration I noticed the Leftism creeping in. Reporters are notoriously Leftist, and sports reporters are the worst of the lot. There’s a reason that ESPN is so …

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Closing The Escapes, Defiling the Heroes

     The Totalitarian Prime Directive is simple: Permit no escape. After all, the evidence is copious that oppressed and subjugated people will flee if they can. Therefore, the totalitarian must block all escape routes, station men with guns at each of them, and shoot those who attempt to breach them as an example to others. …

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Omission Statement

     There are many in the right who feel we’re not making progress. Given that the political milieu hasn’t budged since the inauguration of the Usurper-in-Chief, I can understand the feeling. But in point of fact, we’re advancing “upstream,” in the battle over the culture:      “Entertain first, not messages,” Iger said at something called …

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Speaking of transitions

I’m old enough to remember when almost everybody thought that grooming young children for sex was a bad idea. A University professor has claimed kids should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for the possibility of seeing a naked trans person, in a shocking jab at swimmer Riley Gaines. Of course it’s a …

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The Chronicle of the DC: 13Jul09 Archives

John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet At that link is strong evidence that the Biden regime is clearly following through on what the Obama regime started. Not only that, but the Trump interim didn’t seem to slow them one bit as the excesses we’ve witnessed …

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Every time I open the local rag, I’m treated to some insinuation that the earth and all its inhabitants are going to die from global cooling climate warming change. Many people today actually believe that. Let me add some context, compliments of Borepatch. The plain truth is that the earth has been far warmer on …

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Visions Of Sugarplums

     People respond to incentives and disincentives. Sticks and carrots work. – Charles Murray      Ordinary people are massively baffled by the weird recent behavior of several major corporations. They look at the behavior of Anheuser-Busch, or Jack Daniels, or Nike, or Disney, and scratch their heads. “What could they have been thinking?” is the …

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More On “Pride”

     The reaction against the coerced endorsement of this madness has begun to swell:      This season, several NHL players have opted to remain silent in protest against the league’s LGBTQ+ Pride Night celebrations. Players like Ivan Provorov, James Reimer, Marc Staal, Eric Staal, and Ilya Lyubushkin have refused to wear the Pride Night-themed warmup …

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     I’ve ranted more than once about the usefulness of a steadily centralizing economy to those who desire total power over us. I trust the point was not lost on my Gentle Readers. However, it remains easy to miss the indications of political control over one’s workplace, so here’s a nice fresh one:      A …

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Differences Small And Large

     You may have seen this before. It’s a brief clip from Cate Blanchett’s movie Tar:      If you dislike videos, here’s the transcript, as best I can render it from the error-prone YouTube attempt: Max: You play really well, but nowadays white male CIS composers…just not my thing Lydia Tar: Don’t be so eager …

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