Category: rhetoric

The Evil That Dare Not Speak Its Name

     The following is from my pick for the best thriller ever written in English:      When we landed we went directly to the office where Randall Wolfe was waiting for us. He was a very large, tall man with dark hair and a beard and wore old-fashioned thick black-rimmed glasses. He seemed pleased to …

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Further Thoughts On The Assassination Attempt And Its Sequels

     It could not have been otherwise: the news coverage yesterday, whether “mainstream” or “alternative,” was all about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. So was the commentary, of course; how could commentators talk about anything else? And now, in the aftermath of this “hinge event,” there will be other consequences and developments that will …

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Questions Not Asked Frequently Enough

     I just stumbled over this at Mike Miles’s place, and it got me thinking about such questions generally:      Yes, why? The majority of Muslim immigrants to the United States and other First World countries are from places where Islam is dominant – in most cases, it’s the law. Other religions are either discouraged, …

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If You Have 8.5 Minutes…

     …please watch this video: Pastor Doug Wilson is the Christian nationalist they warned you about. — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 15, 2024      Pastor Doug Wilson articulates an almost satisfactory vision of “Christian nationalism.” The adverb is the most important word in that sentence. For what questions will be asked of his vision …

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Argument, Rhetoric, And Ethics

     [The following comprises two pieces that first appeared at the old Palace Of Reason in early 2004. They’re relevant to our current national discourse…such as it is. Sorry, the embedded links no longer work.      Something to bear in mind as you read: a judge in Hawaii recently ruled that “the spirit of aloha” …

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Even Judges Do PolSpeak

     The following is a transcript of this interview by Senator John Kennedy (R, LA) of Judge Robin Meriwether, a judicial nominee to the Court of Federal Claims: Senator John Kennedy: Judge Meriwether you’ve been nominated to the Court of Federal Claims is that right? Robin Meriwether: Yes Senator SJK: How many motions have you …

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Every time I open the local rag, I’m treated to some insinuation that the earth and all its inhabitants are going to die from global cooling climate warming change. Many people today actually believe that. Let me add some context, compliments of Borepatch. The plain truth is that the earth has been far warmer on …

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Weasel Wordings

     “A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.” — Frank Herbert      When I see certain rhetorical formulations, I’m immediately alert to sententiousness that wishes to go unrecognized. One of those formulas is “no reasonable person.” What follows …

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The Weapon

     Eric Frank Russell, one of the most talented writers of his day, left as his legacy to the developing field of science fiction a magnificent novella titled “And Then There Were None.” (Yes, I’ve commended it here before this.) This novella is so powerful, and so memorable, that it was awarded a place in …

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This news item “Adam Kinzinger, House Republican Who Served on Jan. 6 Committee, Lands Job at CNN After Retiring” reminded me why I could never abide the easier to recognize but poor choice for a pejorative that is Republican In Name Only. For one thing, a RINO is still a republican, just not a constitutional …

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On The Reason Progs Favor Border Invaders

“…as the wetback problem was never about humanitarian concerns but about the accumulation of power via the fraudulent votes of the invaders….” — AoS coblogger CBD The reason I’m calling attention to this is I am hoping to prevent others from also carelessly parroting what I consider a red-herring. Heck, some of those migrants are …

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Identity, Attribution, And Affiliation: Some Thoughts

     Apologies, Gentle Reader, but the immortal words of Becker and Fagin,in I’m about to do it again:      My self-imposed exile wasn’t for any particular purpose. Maybe it served one even so.      —No maybes about it, Al. You are not who or what you were. You’re far more. Some of it is invisible …

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A Digital Transformation, Or Merely More Of The Same?

     Yesterday’s closing of the deal, whereby Elon Musk became the owner of Twitter, was announced to its user base thus:      I wanted to reach out personally to share my motivation in acquiring Twitter. There has been much speculation about why I bought Twitter and what I think about advertising. Most of it has …

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Is it Safe? Part 1

The wannabe despot is a coward. Before he acts he needs to feel the environment has been well prepared before he makes the next move. The title of this series comes from the line endlessly repeated by the Lawrence Olivier character as he tortured the one portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man. Well, in …

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Postmodern Energy Strategy Revealed

Macron: France, Germany to provide each other with gas, electricity, to weather crisis appears to be remarkably similar to

A Deficit Of Rationality

A man said to the universe:      “Sir, I exist!” “However,” replied the universe,      “That fact has not created in me      A sense of obligation.” — Stephen Crane —      I’m in one of those moods this morning. I could slather you with the reasons, but as I’m also feeling charitable, I’ll spare …

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Settled Outrage

     The word of the day is settled. As in “The metal shavings have settled out of the engine oil,” or “The fruit has settled to the bottom of the Jell-O®,” or “He settled his fat ass in his high-backed leather desk chair, grinned mockingly, and said ‘no comment.’” But most emphatically not as in …

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Distortions And Evasions

     My responsibilities to my Gentle Readers are more extensive than you might imagine. Yes, I’m here to provide analysis and commentary. Yes, I’m here to dissect the statements of others who don’t always express themselves clearly. But alongside those duties, I’m also here to pull the wool off your eyes – to tell you, …

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There Are Days…

     …when I want to pick up the entire political class by its lapels and shake it until its brains start to work. Like today:      ‘I have news for the embarrassment that claims to be our President — try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was written in the …

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The War Of The Words

     Yes, the title has been used by others. But the motif is critical to political combat in our time.      Words are weapons. Words are tools. Define or be defined! — Michael Emerling      I read in this morning’s news sweep that a Republican Congresswoman, Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), has introduced a “Women’s Rights” …

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