Category: abortion

Free Exercise?

     Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. [Amendment I to the Constitution of the United States] …

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All The Left Cares About

     …is the “right” to kill their babies:      When you have a platform, use it. That’s one thing both Kamala Harris and Julia Roberts understand.      This Wednesday (October 9), the Oscar-winning actor made a bold move in support of the Democratic presidential nominee and her running mate, Tim Walz. Julia attended a Cherokee …

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Cleverness In Support Of Evil

     Now and then, the morons of the world will latch onto a clever phrase and put it to use:      “I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe,” Harris said in an interview that aired Tuesday morning. “And get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually …

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A Litmus Test For Death Cult Membership

Despite its lead in, the following video, tweeted to X, appears to be the recording of a Caesarean section live birth. Because of the words of the tweet preceding the video, I was sickened by what I thought I saw. The upside: there may be wisdom to be extracted from my reaction. And, believe it …

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Maintain The Tension!

     There are a lot of people out there hawking ways to reduce the stress in our lives. “Are you stressed? Are you tense?” the self-help gurus ask in unctuous tones. (Or in unctuous font, when their pitch comes in a printed form.) The relief they offer has immense appeal… though in practice it’s seldom …

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Viciouser And Viciouser

     This has been a hot topic these last two days: Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear punctuates a DNC speech singularly focused on protecting abortion/child sacrifice with…”love your neighbor as yourself.” Loving neighbors don’t k*ll each other with drugs or dismemberment. — Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) August 20, 2024      That’s the Left for you. …

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     I’d intended to let this wait for tomorrow, but the pressure inside me has built to an irresistible level. First, a brief vignette from about twenty years ago, when I hadn’t yet gained much confidence in my ability to tell a story.      I attended a critique group that met once a month. Most …

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For Those Who Think There’s Been No Progress

     Today, September 28, Catholics commemorate the life of Saint Wenceslaus:      St. Wenceslaus (907–935 A.D.) was the son of the Duke of Bohemia. His grandfather was converted to Christianity by the missionaries Sts. Cyril and Methodius. His mother, Dragomir, was the daughter of a pagan tribal chief who was baptized at her marriage. After …

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A Good And Worthy Metamorphosis

     Tucker Carlson, since leaving Fox News, has become one of American conservatism’s brightest lights. Consider his recent statement on abortion:      Carlson noted that human sacrifice, ritual child sacrifice in particular, “rears its head about every four chapters. … Of all the sins the ancients committed, that sin, every single time it’s described, is …

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The Giveaway Headline

     Sometimes, you really don’t need to read any further: Late-Term Abortion: A Complex Moral Debate in America      Among the most regular of motifs one can find in the contest over abortion is the contention that it’s “complex.” “A complex subject.” “A complex debate.” “Legally complex.” And each of those formulations has at least …

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Compare And Contrast

     This graphic is so penetrating that I’ll let it stand alone:      Pass it around.

Horse Latitudes

     [The following was first posted in September of 2003, at the old Palace of Reason. It appears as it did then, with one correction. Back then the subject of abortion was as contentious as it is today, owing to the election of a sincerely pro-life president. That always upsets the pro-abortion forces. The overturning …

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The Follies Of Experts

     Your Curmudgeon is coming to believe that “experts” and the relentless promotion thereof exist solely to reinforce “official” BS and intimidate those who see through it. Perhaps he’s even a bit late to the party, as that seems to be a burgeoning recognition among Americans generally. Nevertheless, it’s a notion that deserves some exploration, …

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Death Cult Chronicles: The Cleverness Front

     In a recent exchange of views with a cleverer-than-usual pro-abortion person, I posited that abortion is morally wrong because a human embryo is human. It contains human DNA distinct from that of its mother and, if not interfered with, in the normal course of events will become so recognizably human that no one would …

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South Park Scores!

In one minute and 25 seconds, @SouthPark said all the things we aren’t allowed to say about trans “women” and abortions.#trans #abortion #women #biologicalwomen #SouthPark — Natalie Argyle (@NatalieArgyle) February 2, 2023      And it’s from 2005!      ‘Nuff said.

This Is Mind-Boggling

     How are American Catholics under attack? Let me count the ways:      The FBI’s Richmond Division would like to protect Virginians from the threat of “white supremacy,” which it believes has found a home within Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass. An intelligence analyst within the Richmond Field Office of the FBI released in …

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As Long As The Subject Is Abortion

     There has been some good news:      Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck on Monday was found NOT GUILTY on both counts of federal charges.      Mark Houck was charged with two counts of violating the federal FACE Act for shoving a pro-abortion volunteer who threatened his son outside of Planned Parenthood in Philadelphia in …

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One In The Eye For The Feminists

     If you’re a “feminist,” it would logically follow that you favor the protection of women, wouldn’t it? If so, the information in this article “should” upset you:      100 Percent Fed Up reports – Did you know that between 1970 and 2017, there were 45 million “missing” female births due to prenatal sex selection? …

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There Are Days I Wish I Were A Journalist

     …especially one who conducts interviews with politicians:      U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) blamed the overturning of Roe v. Wade for the Republican party’s lackluster midterm showing during a recent appearance on Meet the Press. “It’s the reason we didn’t get more of a majority. We could have had a two dozen seat majority, …

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A Giant Mound Of Infant Corpses

     I know of no way to verify this, but I tend to trust the source:      [T]hough all such numbers are a bit uncertain, roughly 55 million people die, globally, every year. And numerous public health organizations intensely scrutinize the slightest increase or decrease in mortality, in a laudable effort to identify what factors …

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