Category: feminism

“You Know You’re Over The Target”

     …when the flak is heaviest. This has special application to the public statements of popular figures who dare to go against the Official Line. In our time, Official Lines are everywhere. One differs with them at one’s personal peril. No Official Line is more heavily defended than this one: “Women, You Can Have It …

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     Of course, one can’t be sure, given the tendency of hawkers and partisans of all sorts to claim unsubstantiable things, but it certainly seems possible:      A quick search on Google Trends shows that the term “tradwife” gained popularity in 2018 but peaked in 2020 as the pandemic accelerated women’s return to the home. …

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This Is Too Uplifting Not To Post

     It’s been quite a few years since I last dated…thirty-two years, to be exact. So the vicissitudes of the dating-and-mating dance are no longer among my regular concerns. But every now and then I encounter a story that makes me think.      “Think what?” I hear you ask. Well, it might be something along …

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Marital Matters

     This might become an occasional feature at Liberty’s Torch. There are few things that interest me more than the pressures on marriage and families today. The rise of militant feminism has exacerbated the natural tensions that will always exist between men and women. Yea verily, even when he’s an actual man and she’s an …

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Sexual Disjunctions

     Sarah Dawn Moore, with whose oeuvre I’m largely unfamiliar, has posited five major reasons for the trend of “men going their own way:” Marriage: An Unattractive Proposition for Men      Men are questioning the value of traditional marriage, given the increasing divorce rates and financial risks they face. With no guarantee of stability and …

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The Way It Was And The Way It Is

     One of my differences with the Church is about the acceptability of sex between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman. It doesn’t violate the Sixth Commandment as God handed it to Moses and as Jesus of Nazareth reaffirmed it. But that doesn’t mean “anything goes,” morally, ethically, or practically.      While I’m sincere …

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Feminist Tactics

     Beware, Gentle Reader. There’s one set of rules for men, and another for women:      A Google executive claims he was booted by the tech giant for rejecting a high-ranking female colleague’s grabby advances at a posh company dinner.      Ryan Olohan, 48, accuses Google of firing him after one its top executives, Tiffany …

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One In The Eye For The Feminists

     If you’re a “feminist,” it would logically follow that you favor the protection of women, wouldn’t it? If so, the information in this article “should” upset you:      100 Percent Fed Up reports – Did you know that between 1970 and 2017, there were 45 million “missing” female births due to prenatal sex selection? …

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Trends In The Sociopsychology Of The Fairer Sex

     I have no idea whether that’s a recognized field of study. Well, perhaps it is now, as I’m a scholar of sorts, and I’ve been studying it. And I have found a “red thread” that runs among the angriest female voices in American life:      They have nothing to offer us but their anger. …

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The Gods Of The Not Quite Copybook Headings

     You know the old Kipling poem, don’t you? You should, really. Like many of his poems, it speaks of something beyond our preferences: laws that no amount of human effort or ingenuity can repeal. That there are such laws is a reflection of what Clarence Carson called “the moral order of the universe.” That …

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The Devolution Of The American Female

     Among the truly stupendous lies of the decades behind us, this one is near the top: Ladies: You Can Have It All.      It’s shorthand, of course. “All” is an abbreviation for “all the fulfillments and satisfactions known to Mankind, without limit and without cost.” It was one of the inducements for young American …

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Everything Put Together…

     When the news gets just too absurd, and for whatever reason I’m disinclined to work on fiction, I tend to return to old familiar theses and themes. This morning I got a nudge toward one of them from Ragin’ Dave at Peace or Freedom:      I think that if women were ever forced to …

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Six Foot Women And Five Foot Men

     Gentle Readers with long memories might recall the romance between the late Dudley Moore, star of Bedazzled, 10, Arthur, and other comedy gems, and the gloriously beautiful – and much taller – Susan Anton. Many remarked upon this inversion of the regular “rule” that “he should be taller than she is.” Mind you, that’s …

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On Making The Best Of Things…Including Yourself

     [It’s become clear that creating an insuperable condition of distrust and hostility between the sexes is a principal objective of gender-war feminism. At one time I thought the disease had reached its peak and would thereafter recede. Given recent events, I am no longer of that opinion. The following piece first appeared at Liberty’s …

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