Category: The Left

The Evil That Dare Not Speak Its Name

     The following is from my pick for the best thriller ever written in English:      When we landed we went directly to the office where Randall Wolfe was waiting for us. He was a very large, tall man with dark hair and a beard and wore old-fashioned thick black-rimmed glasses. He seemed pleased to …

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     I’d intended to let this wait for tomorrow, but the pressure inside me has built to an irresistible level. First, a brief vignette from about twenty years ago, when I hadn’t yet gained much confidence in my ability to tell a story.      I attended a critique group that met once a month. Most …

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Turning It To 11

     The Left is striated into several layers: The “base:” people who don’t think, but vote… sometimes. The “street workers:” some political activists, some looters and rioters. The “promulgators:” mostly they write snippy things on X / Twittter. The “top crowd:” mostly concerned with how to get the rest energized.      Ah, but it seems …

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The Elevators Of The “Rhetorical Temperature”

     Conveniently collected for your edification: Fact check: Democrats are the ones calling for violence or physical confrontations❗️❗️ — ͏͏͏𝐉𝐚𝐲 2.0 (@JayMaga47) September 3, 2022      Spread it around, Gentle Readers.

Insanity Or Deliberate Political Malfeasance?

     You really have to wonder:      After securing the majority of seats in Sunday’s election, the newly formed left-wing government in France has revealed plans to impose a ninety percent tax on its “wealthier” citizens.      The left-wing coalition known as the New Popular Front (NPF) shocked French politics this past weekend when it …

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Look East To Glimpse The West’s Future

     France has just held its “first round” parliamentary elections, and the results look very, very bad for the governing coalition headed by President Emanuel Macron. But my sympathies this morning aren’t for him and his ilk; rather, I’m worried for the common French citizen: Left wing protests have started in Paris following the National …

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Further Symptoms Of Butkeritis-Induced Psychosis

     I believe this is called “living in their heads rent-free:”      The Kansas City Star, a newspaper based in Kansas City, Missouri, ignited a fiery debate with its latest opinion piece, advocating for the Kansas City Chiefs to oust their star kicker, Harrison Butker, in favor of a female kicker.      This radical suggestion …

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When You Cannot Argue

     “The fascists cannot argue, so they kill.” – Victor Marguerite      The Left discovered some time ago that its ideas are incapable of prevailing against the evidence. Of course, an idea that requires us to dismiss or deny the evidence is always going to have a few little problems in debate. But that doesn’t …

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Profiles In Unconsciousness

     Now and then, something will come down the pike that’s both puzzling and fascinating. I have such a phenomenon at hand today: a series of tweets from former CNN contributor Michelle Kosinski. Here it is:      Now, I know better than to expect a leftist to entertain a suggestion that she might be under-informed. …

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If You Have 8.5 Minutes…

     …please watch this video: Pastor Doug Wilson is the Christian nationalist they warned you about. — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 15, 2024      Pastor Doug Wilson articulates an almost satisfactory vision of “Christian nationalism.” The adverb is the most important word in that sentence. For what questions will be asked of his vision …

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Evidence That Demands A Verdict

     That’s the title of a famous book by a notable Christian apologist. It’s also suitable for labeling this obscenity:      Protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza interrupted a Saturday night Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, chanting “Free, free Palestine” before being removed from the service.      Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators gathered in …

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Fears And What Lies Behind Them

     If a man should tell you that he’s “extremely fearful” of some possibility, it immediately has you inquiring for his reasons. In some cases, some of those reasons will be (damn it all) “obvious.” You might have known about them before he expressed his fear. But in others, the more important of his reasons …

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Concerning NBC And Ronna McDaniel

     I sometimes wonder if my function in this life is simply to remember things others have forgotten.      The recent hiring-then-firing of former RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel has widely been treated as an unprecedented event…which it isn’t. Hearken to Ann Coulter’s narration of the media “career” of one Susan Molinari, former Congresswoman from …

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Argument, Rhetoric, And Ethics

     [The following comprises two pieces that first appeared at the old Palace Of Reason in early 2004. They’re relevant to our current national discourse…such as it is. Sorry, the embedded links no longer work.      Something to bear in mind as you read: a judge in Hawaii recently ruled that “the spirit of aloha” …

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Shamelessness As A Political Weapon (UPDATED)

     The key political asset of our time is the ability to tell any lie, however outrageous or absurd, with a perfectly straight face: eyes straight and flat, no lifting of either corner of the mouth, and no tightening of either nostril. Moreover, the liar must be able to maintain that solemn-as-a-judge expression through a …

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A Modern Political Wonder

     While it’s true that we prefer to associate with people who are much like us, the great majority of Americans are acquainted with at least some persons who differ with them in substantial ways, including in their political preferences. Despite those differences, we know, even if only subconsciously, that those “others” are not monsters. …

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Oh, The Irony!

     Mostly I’m pissed off that nothing is off limits. Everything is political. Yes, Breitbart was correct, “politics is downstream from culture,” but sometimes I just want to listen to music or watch a movie and not be punched in the nose by somebody else’s politics. — Charlie Brown’s Dildo      Politicizing everything inescapably is …

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Don’t Imagine For A Moment…

     …that they don’t really mean it. They do:      God bless Mike Miles for finding this stuff. I haven’t the stomach for it.      It’s time to take this bit of advice equally seriously:      “Take your choice—there is no other—and your time is running out.”

If You’re Still In Any Doubt

     All reason for doubt has been erased: they want your children to be ignorant and bigoted:      A parent has shared a distrubing worksheet provided to students in a Seattle Public School high school English class as part of Black Lives Matter at School Week with KTTH radio host Jason Rantz.      Rantz reports …

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Blinding Flashes Of the Obvious Dept.

     “The more you look, the more you see.” — Robert M. Pirsig      “Not necessarily, Bob ol’ buddy.” – Me.      Dennis Prager is a reasonably bright man. He’s made a number of pithy observations over the years. Yet it’s taken him a lot of those years to realize something that I’ve been harping …

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