Oh, The Irony!

     Mostly I’m pissed off that nothing is off limits. Everything is political. Yes, Breitbart was correct, “politics is downstream from culture,” but sometimes I just want to listen to music or watch a movie and not be punched in the nose by somebody else’s politics. — Charlie Brown’s Dildo

     Politicizing everything inescapably is the Left’s supreme goal, CBD. Surely you’ve noticed before this? But I digress.

     Freedom in the political sense – i.e., the sense we call liberty — is the absence of power politics from human life and action. If you want to be free, this is the goal. There is no alternative – and it must be enforced a outrance. “Entertainers” of every sort have been seduced into venting on politics. Nothing will dissuade them but the loss of their fame and fortune.

     The conclusion of this excursion in logic is left as an exercise for my Gentle Readers.

1 comment

    • Abbe Faria on February 18, 2024 at 8:57 PM

    Here’s an excerpt from a Wendell Berry piece I saw recently :


    “After Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago was published in the West and Pasternak received the Nobel Prize in 1958, thus earning the Soviet government’s reprisal, Thomas Merton wrote:

    “Communism is not at home with nonpolitical categories, and it cannot deal with a phenomenon which is not in some way political. It is characteristic of the singular logic of Stalinist-Marxism that when it incorrectly diagnoses some phenomenon as “political,” it corrects the error by forcing the thing to become political.” (Disputed Questions)

    Now, after many decades of anticommunism, Merton’s sentences have come remarkably to be descriptive of our own politics. Maybe people who focus their minds for a long time upon enmity finally begin to resemble their enemies. This has happened before. It is deeply embedded in the logic of warfare.”


    Here’s a link to the essay as presented :



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