Category: political combat

The Credibility Is No Longer There

     Via AoSHQ, we have this from the Washington Post:      In retrospect, Mr. Biden should not have sought reelection. The June 27 debate was worse than just a bad night, as the president maintained afterward. The 81-year-old had shown signs of slipping for a long time, but his inner circle worked to conceal his …

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His Mistake Was In Pleading Guilty

Here is what he allegedly gained from his admission of guilt. The judge arbitrarily decided to reduce his sentence from 30 months to 20 months “because you pleaded guilty to this serious crime.” Three Facebook posts criticizing UK policy is now viewed as a serious crime in a country where voter awareness of the consequences …

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Tim Walz? Seriously?

The dude who let Minneapolis burn to the ground after George Floyd did his drug overdose on camera? The dude who has successfully turned Minnesota into Somalia? This is where my brain kicks into hyperdrive? Tim Walz is such a failure that without the outright voter fraud (and the votes of the Somalis who want …

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How much are you willing to do?

So, does anyone know what the term “scraping” is in the context of physical therapy? It’s when they take a metal “scraper”, a metal tool, and literally scrap the tissue that they’re trying to work on. With me, it’s my Achilles tendon. Also, a cortisone shot into the ankle is not something that I recommend. …

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I’ve had two tabs open for a while

I didn’t quite know how to comment on them, because the topic generally makes me devolve into a seething lump of rage that does nothing but utter expletives. First up, here’s a report about how the Biden administration has been trafficking children. The Biden administration is facing serious allegations of mishandling human trafficking issues after …

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The Evil That Dare Not Speak Its Name

     The following is from my pick for the best thriller ever written in English:      When we landed we went directly to the office where Randall Wolfe was waiting for us. He was a very large, tall man with dark hair and a beard and wore old-fashioned thick black-rimmed glasses. He seemed pleased to …

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Turning It To 11

     The Left is striated into several layers: The “base:” people who don’t think, but vote… sometimes. The “street workers:” some political activists, some looters and rioters. The “promulgators:” mostly they write snippy things on X / Twittter. The “top crowd:” mostly concerned with how to get the rest energized.      Ah, but it seems …

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OK, it’s been a while

I think I can talk about the Trump assassination attempt now. Number one – if the Secret Service actually was trying to get Trump killed, rather than just total and complete incompetency, exactly what would they have done differently? Number two – we all know the diversity hire in charge of the Secret Service isn’t …

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Further Thoughts On The Assassination Attempt And Its Sequels

     It could not have been otherwise: the news coverage yesterday, whether “mainstream” or “alternative,” was all about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. So was the commentary, of course; how could commentators talk about anything else? And now, in the aftermath of this “hinge event,” there will be other consequences and developments that will …

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The Insanity Is Not Yet Complete

     The following is from the New York Post:      Local police encountered attempted-assassin Thomas Crooks just moments before he tried to kill former president Donald Trump — but failed to stop the gunman despite the clear threat, according to a report.      After rallygoers spotted Crooks on the roof of a manufacturing plant just …

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The Elevators Of The “Rhetorical Temperature”

     Conveniently collected for your edification: Fact check: Democrats are the ones calling for violence or physical confrontations❗️❗️ — ͏͏͏𝐉𝐚𝐲 2.0 (@JayMaga47) September 3, 2022      Spread it around, Gentle Readers.

On Sacrifice And Self (UPDATED)

     Happy Bastille Day, to those Gentle Readers who celebrate such things. It wasn’t a genuinely great occasion, mind you, but it deserves recognition as the heralding event to the more significant French Revolution. Then again, that wasn’t exactly something to celebrate, either, was it?      Gentle Readers with some knowledge of the philosophy of …

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The Assassination Attempt

     You know all about it by now. The coverage will be wall-to-wall for days. It will probably dominate at least the opening day of the GOP convention. Public figures are either outraged or pretending to be outraged wherever there are cameras to see it. And that will be the sum and substance of it …

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The call has gone out

Bathhouse Barry O’Bumblefuck has put forth the narrative, and the media lapdogs, being the worthless propaganda whores that they are, are falling in line. Once again, the Democrat-Media Complex is going to start telling you to ignore your lying eyes, Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet is fine, there’s no cognitive decline, he didn’t really …

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This is why Republicans always lose

Because they refuse to stop simping for the Democrats. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Thursday called a special session for the state’s Legislature to get President Joe Biden on the ballot this November, saying his patience has “run out” with his fellow Republicans who appear less than inclined to offer a legislative fix for a timing problem with the …

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Shamelessness As A Political Weapon (UPDATED)

     The key political asset of our time is the ability to tell any lie, however outrageous or absurd, with a perfectly straight face: eyes straight and flat, no lifting of either corner of the mouth, and no tightening of either nostril. Moreover, the liar must be able to maintain that solemn-as-a-judge expression through a …

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A Modern Political Wonder

     While it’s true that we prefer to associate with people who are much like us, the great majority of Americans are acquainted with at least some persons who differ with them in substantial ways, including in their political preferences. Despite those differences, we know, even if only subconsciously, that those “others” are not monsters. …

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Scare Talk Often Means Only That The Talker Is Scared

     Good morning, Gentle Reader. The “Future Columns” folder is bulging, as usual, but of all the subjects addressed therein, only one piques my interest today:      From the White House to think tanks, and even mainstream media outlets like CNN, White Christian nationalists have been vilified, being labeled as the greatest threat to national …

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Oh, The Irony!

     Mostly I’m pissed off that nothing is off limits. Everything is political. Yes, Breitbart was correct, “politics is downstream from culture,” but sometimes I just want to listen to music or watch a movie and not be punched in the nose by somebody else’s politics. — Charlie Brown’s Dildo      Politicizing everything inescapably is …

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Much Driving Ahead So I Must Be Quick

     Yes, it’s another of those days, so have a quickie:      New polling data show Biden’s support in our state plummeting. With an approval rating of just 41% and a disapproval rating of 57%, Biden finds himself 16 points underwater. This decline is particularly worrying for the President, given that he won New Mexico …

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