Category: political combat

They’re At It Again

     Some of the Establishment’s dance steps are fresh. Others are well rehearsed and easy to recognize:      Jim Messina, a former top aide to former President Obama, claimed that a “third-party candidate can’t win in 2024” and might guarantee former President Trump does.      “With a rematch between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump …

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Apostate Glimpses A Critical Truth

     It cannot be said too often: Leftism, whether it goes by “liberalism,” “progressivism,” “socialism,” or outright “communism,” is a religious faith. As with most faiths, believers regard apostates as the worst of evils:      The reasons are several, but paramount among them is this one: the Leftist regards his faith as a badge of …

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Shoot Down This Trial Balloon Fast

This headline, House chaos forces Senate to take the wheel on spending , suggests further defacto trampling of our constitution. All spending bills are to start in the House of Representatives. Calling the failure to keep the Continuing Resolution afloat a crisis is just one more assault on our freedom. Forces the Senate to violate …

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Adding on to Mr. Porretto’s post below

Joe Mannix at Ace of Spades is pleasantly surprised. So it is not surprising that McCarthy failed to uphold his agreement. The only surprising thing is that he was punished for it. Whatever comes next – and it probably won’t be some meaningful improvement – this action stands as one of the extremely rare examples …

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The Vilest Slanders

     He who dares to tell the exact truth about some popular fraud will always be reviled: as a hysteric, a liar, a troublemaker, perhaps as a fraudster himself. The reason is simple: people prefer comforting lies to upsetting truths. They don’t want their illusions shattered. They will cling to those illusions even as the …

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No Courage In Politics

     Just in case you’ve spent the last five years in a coma, the federal government of these United States, currently under occupation by the Ukraine-China-Democrat combine, is doing its damnedest to persuade Us the People that to question its legitimacy is against the law. Every now and then one of its boughten allies in …

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The Political Correlation Of Forces, 2023

     The little man who works in the lumber-room of my memory will occasionally toss a tidbit to my supposedly conscious forebrain with a muttered “Remember this?” And of course I do; he’s remembered it for me. But such ejecta from the recesses of my mind can have interesting consequences, one of which (of course) …

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This Morning’s Illumination

     From T. L. Davis:      The crisis of conscience is what kills the right every time. They want to win, but they don’t want to do anything dishonorable in the process. They won’t take a stint in jail to win. They won’t intentionally inflict emotional or psychiatric pain on another person, even if that …

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The Imperative Question

     Toward the end of Atlas Shrugged, Hank Rearden has a final meeting with the “looter elite” in which they propose a “Steel Unification Plan.” That “plan” is plainly just as vampiric as every other that emerged from the looter-ruled economy described in the novel. Yet the elite are solidly behind it…which causes Rearden to …

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Disingenuous Or Merely Sarcastic?

     John Hinderaker, one of Web commentary’s brightest lights, penned this:      For reasons I can’t explain, the Left, including the Democratic Party, has made sex change operations on minors its signature issue. It has become a litmus test: in order to be considered progressive, one must now advocate the mutilation of children’s genitals. If …

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Perhaps Things Are Turning Around

     One hopeful sign of a rising consciousness of what’s really going on – the sign that the public’s eyes are turning from the distraction to what the prestidigitator is actually doing – is when “respectable” sources begin to cop to it:      Christianity Today published a curious piece by Paul Miller on Thursday calling …

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Who Worries About Backlash?

     Kurt Schlichter doesn’t:      The Democrat cities are urine-soaked hellholes that reek of pot where criminals stalk unmolested while the full fury of what is supposed to be the law hangs over the head of any citizen who dares do something about it, and that’s good. The idiots who live there voted for turning …

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The Washington Monument Defense, Federal Edition

     Our favorite Graybeard has the story:      In the last few weeks, there has been almost a constant replay of a topic I’ve written about almost since the first year of this blog: the recurring disappointment of the “debt ceiling”. This wasn’t a topic every year because the debt ceiling isn’t approached every year. …

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This Is Who They Are And What They Do

     …and why activist has become a dirty word:      Perhaps activists on the Right behave better…but present trends continuing, I wouldn’t expect it to last.

Symmetries And Balances

     In the realm of physics (a.k.a. “the world” or “reality”) a great many symmetries and equilibria are observable by anyone who cares enough to pay attention. Among the most interesting and educational things one can do, though not necessarily safely, is to disturb such a symmetry and watch what happens thereafter. Sometimes the consequences …

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The Indictment

     People have been emailing me all day, asking my opinion of the indictment of Donald Trump for…what? The indictment itself is sealed. The charges have not yet been specified. How can anyone allow himself an opinion on something about which he knows nothing?      So I’ve decided to delegate the task to Paul Joseph …

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The Long Game: How It’s Played

     If you’ve ever been a baseball fan – I was, before the tide of “woke” overtook it – you’ve probably wondered why, given that umpires never, ever reverse a call, managers persist in leaping out of the dugout, racing to confront the ump, and arguing about it, often resulting with their ejection from the …

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Deprogramming: The First Step

     Dio of the Workshop reminds us what it must be:      Saw a few commercials recently, and      PROGRAMMING      thats all it is these days. boy kids celebrating by dancing down school hallways while sporting a skirt… NOT A KILT- a damnable skirt,,, If he had been wearing a kilt with a set …

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The Weapon

     Eric Frank Russell, one of the most talented writers of his day, left as his legacy to the developing field of science fiction a magnificent novella titled “And Then There Were None.” (Yes, I’ve commended it here before this.) This novella is so powerful, and so memorable, that it was awarded a place in …

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The Longest Long Con

     I ran across this graphic only a few minutes ago:      It’s at the center of my thoughts for a reason upon which I’ll rant a bit later in this piece. For now, I’d like to remind you about an old song, and an old practice far too many of us followed in our …

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