Category: money and currency

How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Hyperbola?

     Here’s one, just in case you’ve forgotten:      All right, it’s a little glitchy. However, it illustrates a critical relationship: the one between the size of the money supply and the value of the dollar.      What’s that you say? The chart doesn’t graph those things? Ah, but it does! The size of the …

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Unanswered Questions Dept.

     Nasty habits usually come with their own punishments. My nasty habit is talking about money. Not how to make oodles of it; that’s an arcane art. At any rate, I haven’t mastered it. No, I talk about the nature of money, and why it’s no longer with us.      I shan’t repeat the litany …

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Visions Of Sugarplums

     Let’s talk about money:      Well! If the subject is money, is there really more to say than that? Frankly, yes.      Relax, Gentle Reader. I’m not about to quote Francisco D’Anconia at you. But he did have a point or two, especially this one: the first thing looters and totalitarians go after, when …

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Watching The Gold Market

     Gold is tearing through every threshold anyone has proposed for it.      Americans smart enough to hold some physical gold should not take this as a reason to sell their holdings. Speaking for myself alone, if I had any unemployed cash just now, I’d be buying. But more to the point, the steady increase …

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A Useful How-To

     Courtesy of David DeGerolamo, we have this: Gold… Today, another NEW record high in US dollar terms. In other words, The dollar is getting debased rapidly vs. gold. — Gold Telegraph ⚡ (@GoldTelegraph_) September 23, 2024      And it is so. The awareness of that debasement (which is a synonym for inflation) has driven …

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Brace For Impact

     Gold is flying: $2577.80 / Troy oz.      Silver is as well: $30.58 / Troy oz.      Platinum, palladium, and rhodium are all up sharply.      Copper’s moving, too, albeit more gently.      Would you like to know why? Just go here.      The aggregate federal debt is now $35.3 trillion. That seriously exceeds …

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Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh

     …and I did:      A conservative estimate holds that there are 240 billion pennies lying around the United States — about 724 ($7.24) for every man, woman and child there residing, and enough to hand two pennies to every bewildered human born since the dawn of man. (To distribute them all, in fact, we’d …

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     Save only real wealth. — John A. Pugsley      Pugsley’s book The Alpha Strategy is one of the wisest pieces of financial advice ever penned. It’s also entertaining and hilariously funny, by turns. And now you can read it for free, at the link above.      Since I retired, I’ve been unable to afford …

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The Unchanging Nature Of Wealth

     I know, I know: the title “gives the game away.” And it does. But perhaps not in its entirety, Gentle Reader. I restrained myself from applying the title I really wanted to use.      Breck Dumas of Fox News tells us:      It takes more to be viewed as rich in the U.S. this …

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A Proper Response To Ignorance

     Three years back, Elon Musk was briefly in the news for this statement:      “Goods & services are the real economy, any form of money is simply the accounting thereof.”      That tweet was absolutely correct…but it displeased a lot of less savvy types, including a few who argued that Musk’s statement was tantamount …

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This Is The Nation’s Top Economic Advisor

     And you won’t believe the crap he spouts, or how he stammers and misdirects:      Time was, even a schoolchild knew what money is: money n: a medium of exchange and a store of value.      I was taught that before I could write a check. Note the and in the definition. Money must …

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Cash And Chaos

     This bit of news rang a bell for me:      LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – A Senate bill introduced on Tuesday would prohibit businesses from refusing cash-only payments.      […]      Senate Bill 306 has not been assigned to a committee yet. [Steve] McClain said the Kentucky Retail Federation will be closely monitoring it.      …

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For Those Who Still Use The Phrase “Sound As A Dollar”

This is a very astute observation. It’s a major milestone in the death of a fiat currency when its issuers need to get bribed in a harder money. — Saifedean Ammous (@saifedean) September 27, 2023      Ponder that! Remember that when the corruptocrats of other countries solicit bribes, they usually demand that they be …

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Invidious Comparisons Dept.

     This story provoked quite a range of reactions from readers. Mine was “Why did ‘they’ wait so long when the danger to ‘them’ is so obvious?” Bank Shuts Down ‘Silver Stackers and Gold Stackers’ Shop’s Business and Personal Accounts      An Ohio-based coin shop owner recently took to YouTube to share alarming news: His …

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Money And The Processes At Work

     Bustednuckles deposeth and sayeth:      One of the things that is amazing to me is the gamble the people in charge of the money supply system are taking. They are deliberately killing the dollar as they have run it as far as it will go before it becomes completely worthless, while thinking that they …

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Things Predators Like

     Predators of all sorts will concentrate where the prey is fattest. — Arne Stromberg, Gallatin University      Robert A. Heinlein promoted this concept of a human trichotomy:      …and no third category. What follows from that partition is an even simpler dichotomy: You’re either a Maker or a Predator.      Anyone who doesn’t get …

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Illegal Tender

     With all the worrying going on over the ominous prospect of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), it’s just occurred to me to wonder: What is the state of the legal tender law?      We know – hey, it’s printed on every BLEEP!ing Federal Reserve Note – that federally approved physical currency is “legal …

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Cash And Stubborn Humankind

     Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. – James Garfield      “Control the coinage and the courts — let the rabble have the rest.” – Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV      There’s a monitory article at Maura Dowling’s place this morning about the World Economic …

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The Washington Monument Defense, Federal Edition

     Our favorite Graybeard has the story:      In the last few weeks, there has been almost a constant replay of a topic I’ve written about almost since the first year of this blog: the recurring disappointment of the “debt ceiling”. This wasn’t a topic every year because the debt ceiling isn’t approached every year. …

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The Quietest Insurrection

     From Kenny “Wirecutter” Lane:      Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill into law that creates a process for the state to buy, sell, and hold gold and silver. This sets a foundation for Tennessee to achieve more financial independence with gold and silver reserves, and could help undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on …

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