Category: Usurper Regime

How It’s Done

     I’ve been thinking about the attempts by the Usurpers to dismiss all the videos of Biden stumbling, freezing, “losing time,” and wandering around as if lost as “cheap fakes.” That’s the wrong approach. Aristotle would have told them.      The best approach is to start with what Aristotle called encomium. The dictionary defines encomium …

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Stating It Clearly Edition

     The Biden Regime is now openly blackmailing the nation:      As Republican governors circle the wagon around Texas, President Biden on Saturday doubled down on a reluctant agreement to secure the southern US border – but only if Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would also allocate funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and …

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Alea Iacta Est

     Apparently, the Border Patrol doesn’t plan to cut through the razor wire.      Twenty-five states are backing Texas’s toughening of its border.      And a conspiracy to keep Donald Trump out of office has formed and is operating.      Are there any classics scholars among our Gentle Readers? ***      Once you demonstrate yourself …

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The Method Remains Unspecified

     This recent column from Victor Davis Hanson nicely sets out the major indicators of impending national collapse. He’s also candid about the absence of an evenhanded rule of law when political questions or prominent politicians are involved in a controversy. He leaves no question about the international consequences of such a collapse. I read …

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They Want You To Notice

     It’s been a while since the term studied insult was common in American discourse. Yet the thing itself has been much with us these past few years, so it’s well to understand what the term signifies: studied insult: An insult carefully designed to pertain to a particular person or group, such that the insulted …

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Abomination (UPDATED)

     I could write about many things this morning. The “Future Columns” folder has six entries in it, and alongside those items there’s a lot of commentary possible about the Synod taking place in Rome just now. But one item that might strike my Gentle Readers as essentially trivial has lit my boiler, and I …

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A Lost Battle

     Once power-worshippers get into power, they will bend their fullest efforts to remaining there. And with command of the engines of state, they have a pretty good chance of getting their way.      You don’t think so? You believe a “democracy” will correct for such things? That “the people,” bless their shriveled little hearts, …

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Mask Droppings Dept 2023-09-13

     I never expected anything this brazen, even from the Usurper Regime:      The White House sent a letter to top US news executives on Wednesday, urging them to intensify their scrutiny of House Republicans after Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, despite having found no evidence of a crime. …

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A Must-Watch

     Tucker Carlson has distinguished himself as one of the bravest media figures of our time. Perhaps in times past he was inhibited against speaking his mind by the attitudes and dictates of his employers at FOX news. No longer. The two-minute video below is an example of what he’s willing to say now:      …

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The death of America (Long live America!)

Back on the ye oldde Goolag blog, I had a tag that I used quite a bit called “The Death of America”, highlighting all the various ways that this country was dead and gone. A zombie, shambling around with no brain, no heart and no soul. Yesterday, our host asked if we were awake yet. …

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More SOF News

     This is greatly disturbing:      The comments to the video, and the tweets sent in response to it, strongly suggest that this is a national pattern undertaken to suppress viewership of The Sound Of Freedom. I find that more than plausible: The theaters’ great challenge since the COVID-19 pandemic has been getting people back …

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They’ve Discarded All Pretense

     Donald Trump is today the most popular political figure in the United States, and one of the most popular this century past. The Usurpers are aware that unless they put him behind bars, come November next year he’ll wipe the floor with whoever they nominate. So they’re denying him a fair trial:      Joe …

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Tucker And The Regime

     If there’s anyone in the Commentariat who should feel the crosshairs settling on his forehead, it’s Tucker Carlson.      After Carlson’s inexplicable dismissal from FOX News, many of his regular viewers were worried about what would become of him. He was highly valued. He went as far as anyone in commercial media could in …

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Authoritarians Have Sped Up Their Agenda

A pattern has developed that few who frequent here would dispute. Aside from deadly jabs, what else can readers see on the near or far horizen?

The Wheel

     First, a little “inspirational” music: The wheel is turning and you can’t slow downYou can’t let go and you can’t hold onYou can’t go back and you can’t stand stillIf the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will Won’t you try just a little bit harderCouldn’t you try just a little bit more?Won’t …

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A Gloomy Afternoon

     I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, dark, damp weather is the occasion for my gloomiest thoughts.      It’s that sort of day on eastern Long Island. I’ve spent most of the day dealing with household chores and minor necessities, basically trying to keep from thinking about “big stuff.” While the “big …

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The Coverups Have Failed

     …and the attempts to silence those who know the truth have become supremely frenzied.      Good morning, Gentle Reader. I have a slew of things to deal with today, and must soon turn back to them, but the following three stories strike me as imperative to publicize, despite Liberty’s Torch’s modest readership: The wholesale …

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Frontiers In Incredulity

     I’ve written before about the Usurpers’ employment of cognitive dissonance as a tactic for inducing paralysis in the populace. It appears that the powers behind the throne have decided that no lie is too extreme for their purposes:      During a visit to California yesterday, President Biden gave a speech in which he made …

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This Was Supposed To Be A Day Off…

     …and it will return to that status after I get this off my chest.      I just paid $5.18 per gallon for a tankful of home heating oil. That’s roughly $1.00 per gallon more than the gasoline that fuels my car.      New York winters aren’t the worst in the country by a long …

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     Many preclassical religions employed the notion of a “scapegoat:” an animal to whom the sins of a penitent could be mystically transferred, securing forgiveness for the penitent at the cost of the animal’s life. This practice was in deference to the old maxim that “there can be no remission without the shedding of blood.” …

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