David Mangan

Grumpy retired Army guy. I was grumpy before I retired, I just am old enough now for it to be in character.

Author's posts

I’ve had two tabs open for a while

I didn’t quite know how to comment on them, because the topic generally makes me devolve into a seething lump of rage that does nothing but utter expletives. First up, here’s a report about how the Biden administration has been trafficking children. The Biden administration is facing serious allegations of mishandling human trafficking issues after …

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The Democrat-Media Complex is hard at work

Now that Drooling Joe is not running, and Heels-Up Harris is crowned as the new American Communist Party savior, the media is hard at work trying to wash her clean, and gaslighting the American people. Luckily for us, the internet is forever. For example, even though we all heard it with our own ears and …

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So the Prime Minister of Israel is visiting the USA

And neither the pResident nor the VP can take time to meet him? I’d say the Democrats are fully in the thrall of their jihadi element. But we knew this from the protests all over college campuses this summer. Hell, the Left has been all in for the terrorists for decades. It was only the …

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Sheila Jackson Lee is dead

CNN writes her hagiography. Unlike 99% of the congress critters out there, SJL is one of the congress critters I have actually met in person. She was as racist and stupid as she seemed. It wasn’t a matter of the cameras making her appear that dumb, She really was that dumb. I hate to say …

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OK, it’s been a while

I think I can talk about the Trump assassination attempt now. Number one – if the Secret Service actually was trying to get Trump killed, rather than just total and complete incompetency, exactly what would they have done differently? Number two – we all know the diversity hire in charge of the Secret Service isn’t …

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And now for something completely non-political

Teoscar Hernandez, who played for the Mariners last year was let go in the off season and signed with the Dodgers. Apparently he struck out too much. Tonight he just won the home-run derby at the All Star game. This is about as Mariners as you can get. Would you like to guess how many …

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On the road again

I get back from a funeral, and now I am driving to a wedding. I should be back after the weekend. I don’t know whether to apologize for being gone, or for returning.

Saying it out loud

Quoted from The Morning Briefing at PJ Media, so you don’t have to get yourself dirty by clicking on a Politico link. “Elected officials, union leaders, and political consultants are panicking over polls showing a steady erosion of Biden’s support in a state he won by 23 points four years ago,” reports Politico. “They’re so worried they’ve …

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When they tell you who they are, believe them.

There’s a post up on Twitter/X/Twix from Libs of TicToc, detailing how LGBTOSTFU people in California are railing against a bill that would make it a felony to purchase children for sex. These people claim the bill will effect LGBTOSTFU people more. Let me restate that, because I had to read it a couple of …

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Off for a few days

I have a funeral to attend, and friends to comfort. I might post if I have the time. Probably not. See you when I get back.

Not so modern problems require not so modern solutions

Yesterday, our host remarked on the sheer number of non-French flags that were flying at the riots in France over the election results. Note that the riots were in Paris, which of course is kind of like the Scat Fransicko of France, being full of freaks, communists and illegal aliens. Today, Kim du Toit remarks …

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You can replace Drooling Joe, but with who?

It’s not like any of the Democrats waiting in the wings are any more likeable or relatable than Drooling Joe. In many cases, they’re worse. Among alternative candidates, no candidate performs significantly better than Biden against Trump in a head-to-head race, though more voters indicate they are “not sure” compared to the most well-known candidates. …

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The call has gone out

Bathhouse Barry O’Bumblefuck has put forth the narrative, and the media lapdogs, being the worthless propaganda whores that they are, are falling in line. Once again, the Democrat-Media Complex is going to start telling you to ignore your lying eyes, Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet is fine, there’s no cognitive decline, he didn’t really …

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Continuing the theme of failed military leadership

CDR Salamander takes down the Navy leadership’s use of Hopium. I suspect they’re smoking more than just Hopium out of their pipe. How many times will Charlie Brown let Lucy hold the football for him to kick? How long will we allow military professionals to benchmark marketing over sound military planning? How many times will …

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This is not what honest people do.

So the Felonious Bureau of Instigation, when they raided Mar-a-Lago, not only turned off the security cameras so they couldn’t be filmed, but they were just forced to admit that they doctored evidence. In short, they took documents out of the boxes they were in, put “classified” cover sheets on them, and then photographed them …

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Leadership, and its effects

Kurt Schlichter has a piece up about the possibility of a draft coming up, and a few of his opinions on it. Now, the reasons for why the military in incapable of recruiting enough abled bodied people are large in number, not the least of which is that our own government considers military members to …

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Greetings, my fellow domestic terrorists!

Oh, if you read any kind of anti-Marxist blogs, you know you’re on a list somewhere. And if your Catholic, or in the military (it’s a two-fer for me!) then the government is going to label you as a domestic terrorist. According to documents obtained by American First Legal (AFL), the DHS board called  “Homeland …

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Putting my money where my mouth is

No, this is not a rebuttal to Mr. Porretto’s post below. I think my response to that needs to be carefully considered, especially as he mentioned that these sorts of discussions tend to turn into arguments. I don’t need jot down a hasty response to a thought provoking post. Instead, this is literally about money. …

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So some of you might now that I was stationed in Lost Angeles for a number of years. Recruiting. Oh the joy. I have PTSD from that tour. While I was there, I found a church that held The Latin Mass. That was my introduction to it, and I was hooked. About three-four months of …

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Doing the crime that Americans won’t do

So, what illegal gangs are in your state courtesy of Drooling Joe and his open borders policies? Idaho has the Mexican cartels, and I can tell you that I see plenty of Mexicans running around my town in Northern Idaho. I’m not talking guys who speak English with a Hispanic accent, I’m talking no English …

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