Category: Uncategorized

They are Not DUMB, Merely Ignorant

If you have the stomach for it, read this article about college students, and how little they know about our form of government, who runs which parts of it, and compare it to their OUTSTANDING knowledge of celebrity trivia. OK. I really don’t expect kids to know the names of Supreme Court Justices (even if …

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Time to Replace FL Man with…

…OH Man? I just saw this on the news (we have been REALLY busy this week, and haven’t watched much in the news). He had a HATCHET, at least one knife, and several weapons – at the Cleveland Hopkins airport! Now, I’ve been in places with NICER people (heck, in much of the South, even …

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Stop Using the Terms “Right” or “Far-Right”

Instead, use the more appropriate term: NON-Leftist. Why is that so important? WE need to define our own classification. We, in fact, do range from Near-Libertarian to Constitutionalist to Populist to Old-Fashioned GOP of the 1950s (which did cooperate with Big Business to an unhealthy extent). Allowing them to use THEIR terms means that they …

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On the road again

I get back from a funeral, and now I am driving to a wedding. I should be back after the weekend. I don’t know whether to apologize for being gone, or for returning.

When they tell you who they are, believe them.

There’s a post up on Twitter/X/Twix from Libs of TicToc, detailing how LGBTOSTFU people in California are railing against a bill that would make it a felony to purchase children for sex. These people claim the bill will effect LGBTOSTFU people more. Let me restate that, because I had to read it a couple of …

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The Multiparty Model Versus The American Model

     Events in Britain and France these past few days have emphasized one of the critical differences between the European, “parliamentary” scheme for forming a government and that which prevails in the United States. In Britain and France, the aggregated Left may rise to power over the parties of the Right, despite the Rightist parties …

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The Left Always Preferred The French Revolution To The American — UPDATED

I always knew world history better than American History. I was misled on what I did know. I bet I’m not alone. It’s a fair bet this interview will provide all of you with startling new material. It appears “evil never gives up” still holds water. Our Friend Ed Bonderenka interviewed Daniel Greenfield on his …

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Off for a few days

I have a funeral to attend, and friends to comfort. I might post if I have the time. Probably not. See you when I get back.

Happy Birthday, America

     It’s number 248, if we don’t count the very first one.      Time was, I would print the core section of the Declaration of Independence here, as my commemoration of the original event. It’s one of the greatest passages of prose ever set down, and it deserves to be proclaimed all over the world. …

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Life is Good

I just returned from the doctor’s office this afternoon. I had seen my rheumatologist, because I had been experiencing pain and instability in my left knee. The bad news: Other than steroids, gel injection, or surgery, not much could be done at this time The good news: Although I have essentially no cartilage left, I’m …

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True Enough Picture of The Working Man

I found this on Substack, on Tom Knighton’s site. It encapsulates the core reason the Blue Collar Worker cannot get excited about the prospect of Socialism. Blue Collar Workers (BCWs) aren’t stupid. Their work may not require a college education, but the better-paid members of that economic class have – generally – learned MORE than …

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Expect Dirty Tricks

Assisted with a compliant media’s efforts. In fact, expect strenuous work to ‘catch’ Trump in a blooper/mistake/bad photo moment. While completely ignoring and whitewashing the ALZ Patient-in-Chief’s inability to function, either physically or mentally. People say, “Don’t bother about the Election. It’s all been planned, staged, and pre-arranged.” True enough. However, in the modern world, …

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Surviving the Heat Wave and Other Disasters

It’s been brutal here in Ohio. Okay, not Iraq or other hellhole brutal – I’m not maneuvering around suspected IEDs – but terribly uncomfortable nonetheless. Keep in mind, most of us do NOT have homes or cars that are heat-tolerant (both are likelier to be dark in color, to absorb heat energy in the winter …

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So some of you might now that I was stationed in Lost Angeles for a number of years. Recruiting. Oh the joy. I have PTSD from that tour. While I was there, I found a church that held The Latin Mass. That was my introduction to it, and I was hooked. About three-four months of …

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I Notice an Omission in This List

In this Discourse piece, much of it is admirable and reasonable. “All frameworks and ideologies should be open to criticism—true of the old creeds like Christianity and Judaism but also of progressive faiths like sexual identity and climate change. And it goes without saying—but must be said nonetheless—that we should begin by criticizing our own …

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Those Who Forget History…

…will fall for the same old, tired tactics. Up early, as usual. Did NOT walk the dog, just let him out in the backyard. Between the heat, and the poor air quality (likely related), I will not be outdoors much today. It’s just as well, I have a lot of office filing and tossing paper …

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Happy Father’s Day

If your father is still alive, go spend some time with him. Trust me. Do it.

That’s Right, It’s Not the ILLEGAL MEETING That’s the Problem…

…it’s how the attorney found out about it. Unbelievable. The attorney found out that he was not informed about a meeting between the judge, the star witness, and the prosecutor – which is not only illegal, but grounds for a mistrial AND both the judge and the prosecutor being brought up on charges and potential …

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The Fears of the Karens – Exaggerated?

Well, Yah! See HERE for context. Look, it’s no secret that Rachel Maddow is an hysterical, self-important conspiracy theorist of The Left. But, she is not alone. All social media contains a plethora of such women (and more than a few fem-men). They LIVE on social media, thriving on the toadying affirmations their every posting …

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That Seasonal Perennial

Immigration, that is. And it’s not just election season, although that IS when the rhetoric is dialed up to the highest level. Now – obligatory disclosure – I have little problem with the entrance of immigrants into this country, assuming they can both support themselves and have proper paperwork. I DO have problems with charities …

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