Category: Random Thoughts

The malfeasance of the Left, or quick thoughts randomly written down

The Army Corps of Engineers is rolling into North Carolina, four months after the hurricane hit. Why did it take four months? We all know. Because the Biden regime, controlled by the jug-eared communist, hates white Americans, hates the GOP voters, hates anything and anyone that interferes with their glorious Marxist dreams, and Western North …

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Ripley: Hey, I feel like kind of a fifth wheel around here. Is there anything I can do? Sergeant Apone: I don’t know, is there anything you can do? [From Aliens]      In all candor, I had no idea what to expect from my retirement years. Many of my colleagues counseled me against retirement. They …

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Winter Apocalypse

Now that Florida has had snowfall, this year marks a point where every state has had snowfall in the winter. Yes, Hawai’i gets snow every year on the mountains of the Big Island. They even have a ski resort. Having been stationed in the South multiple times in my career, I can only wince in …

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The times they are a changin’

Back when I purchased my very first M1911A1, you couldn’t walk into a gun store without seeing a plethora of parts for that platform. Slide locks, triggers, grip safeties in various configurations, backstraps, more triggers, the list goes on. However, when I have to purchase a new slide lock for that very same pistol, now …

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Jimmy Carter is dead

Look, I’m not going to attack the man’s character at this juncture. However, I can say that he’s the fourth worst US President, behind Woodrow Wilson, Joe Biden and Barry O’Bath-house. His fecklessness gave us the radical Iranian theocracy, chaos across the globe, and ended up giving China the Panama Canal. I can recall during …

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Clean up

About five years ago, my father and I spent a week pulling downed trees out of the woods and cutting them into rounds for firewood. We then stacked them in a field, and left the to season. I figured that mom and dad would grab the wood as they needed it. Well, that didn’t happen. …

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Every. Single. Time.

Were I to give bits and pieces of information and opinions to someone who has come from afar and wants to visit multiple places in the USA, one thing I would say is if there’s a Martin Luther King boulevard/avenue/road, stay away from it. Memphis police are investigating a shooting that left a woman injured outside …

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I’m part of a men’s group here in town, and we’re all wrestling with our lives. I’d say my age is average for the group, although we have men as young as 21 and some that are 55+. It’s a group that holds each other accountable. We challenge each other. We don’t accept bullshit, and …

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Happy Columbus Day

And I refuse to ever call it “Indigenous People’s Day”. Why would I want to celebrate groups of people who murdered, raped, kidnapped and ate their enemies? Does that seem harsh? Maybe it is. But it’s also true. Would you like to know the last group of people in the USA who gave up their …

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Why do Leftists hate Native Americans?

I’m currently sitting in a hotel, with the patio door open, listening to the waves of the Pacific Ocean crash against the rocky shore. I’ve hit all the points in Oregon and Washington, and I think that’ll be my Tour of Honor for this year. I’m going to turn my bike towards home and take …

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Not a shock

The various weight loss drugs that people are using to drop pounds also shows a decrease in the severity of the Kung Flu. Honestly, this shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone. One of the leading co-morbidities that lead to death from the Beijing Barf was obesity. When you’re obese, and I do mean obese, …

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And now for something completely non-political

Teoscar Hernandez, who played for the Mariners last year was let go in the off season and signed with the Dodgers. Apparently he struck out too much. Tonight he just won the home-run derby at the All Star game. This is about as Mariners as you can get. Would you like to guess how many …

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Today I Found Out

That Hamish from Braveheart is Mad-Eye Moony from Harry Potter. I feel rather old right now.


My father died a year ago. I still haven’t walked into the woods to cry yet. I did visit his grave on Memorial Day. Smoked a cigar, looked around the cemetery. A lot of flags. Lots of vets. I wonder what it’ll look like when I’m buried there. I’m ready for a break. Ain’t gonna …

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Screaming into the void

At least, I think that’s the metaphor I’m going for here. One screams into the void, and stares into the abyss, correct? I think that screaming into the abyss and staring into the void would be rather counter-productive. While I was blessed to have sane parents who taught me good solid moral and ethical values, …

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Man vs. Bear

So, unless you have been living under a rock lately, there’s yet another stupid trend on TicToc (the birthplace of stupid trends, thanks to the ChiComs running the algorithm to make American kids dumber) where women are asked if they would rather meet a man or a bear if they were in the woods alone. …

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People today are too far removed from the realities of life

So there’s this kerfluffle over Kristi Noem killing a dog. As usual, the headline is designed to make a Republican look bad, and you have to read down into the story before you get to the real meat of the matter. “Kristi Noem kills dog after bad hunting trip!” That is a lie by omission. …

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Just remember, this is being done on purpose

Hezbollah member caught entering USA, claims he wants to build a bomb. A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he’s a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New York, The Post can reveal. Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by border patrol on March …

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The state of the union

Yeah, I didn’t watch the speech. I didn’t need to listen to Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet slur/shout for an hour. The clips of it that I did see were just as bad as I expected him to be – lying, mean-spirited, demented. Mush-brained. And doped up to his bulging eyeballs on so many …

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Under the knife

So, yesterday I went to the eye doc and had a cataract removed. I’ll be undergoing the same procedure on my other eye in two weeks. Reading and typing aren’t the easiest things to do right now, but at least I can see clearly out of my right eye again. I have a follow-up appointment …

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