Category: military matters

In my mind

My first duty station was the 2nd Infantry Division, 2nd MP Company, 3rd Platoon. FRONTLINE! We were an “outlying” platoon, meaning that while the Company and most of the Soldiers were stationed at Camp Casey, my platoon was in charge of the Western Corridor and we were stationed at Camp Howze. The Western Corridor was …

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Falling on his sword

The head of CENTCOM, General Kurilla, is doing what good leaders do, and telling the truth to the Perfumed Princes of the Puzzle Palace. However, given that Lloyd “Fuck the troops” Austin and his hand-picked coterie of jockstrap-sniffing DEI cockgoblins don’t want to hear the truth since the truth interrupts the narrative, I fear the …

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Continuing the theme of failed military leadership

CDR Salamander takes down the Navy leadership’s use of Hopium. I suspect they’re smoking more than just Hopium out of their pipe. How many times will Charlie Brown let Lucy hold the football for him to kick? How long will we allow military professionals to benchmark marketing over sound military planning? How many times will …

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Leadership, and its effects

Kurt Schlichter has a piece up about the possibility of a draft coming up, and a few of his opinions on it. Now, the reasons for why the military in incapable of recruiting enough abled bodied people are large in number, not the least of which is that our own government considers military members to …

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Another reason I support Public Execution

Anyone who’s read me for a while knows that my contempt for Mark Milley, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, is only exceeded by my contempt for Lloyd Austin. However, he might have just moved up to be shoulder-to-shoulder with Blue-Falcon Austin. These Democrats grew anxious as over 140 House Republicans planned to contest …

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The complete opposite of leaders leading

Joe Biden shits himself and has to be dragged away by DOCTOR Jill Biden during a D-Day ceremony in France. Yes, I know that the caption reads that Drooling Joe the Chinese hand puppet “nearly collapsed”. Yeah, he shit himself. Just like when he met with anti-pope Jorge Bergoglio. And so his hander/wife, DOCTOR Jill …

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When leaders actually led

The speech of General Patton before D-Day. Just read it, and realize that there’s not a single person with stars on their shoulders who would give such a speech today. If the US military is to be reclaimed, there needs to be a purge of leadership that essentially decapitates the US military. A fish rots …

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Memorial Day is Monday

I’m going to be busy today. This is my post.

Let me tell you about Tom

I was fortunate enough to spend tonight with a good group of people, and I met a guy named Tom. Tom was drafted in the 60’s. When they gave him a list of jobs, he said “But I want to go to medical school after this. I don’t want these jobs.” So they said “Well, …

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Crap, he’s still alive

You might think me harsh and wrong for wanting Lloyd Austin to shuffle off this mortal coil, but keep in mind that I truly believe that for his crimes he should be publicly hung, and his body left to feed the crows. That’s if the crows would even touch his rancid carcass. But instead, he …

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Relating to the Narrative Engineering

That our Humble Host mentioned yesterday, I add this report regarding the recruitment woes of the US military. The mention of “partisan scrutiny of the service” is closer to the mark, but that framing blames the response and not the actual problems that exist. It’s the military equivalent of “Republicans pounce.” Why are white people …

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SecDef hospitalized for days?

Apparently from a complication after a “minor elective surgery”. I’d like to know what the surgery was. Was he trying to get a spine implanted? Or a set of balls to cover his lack thereof? Or maybe he was getting some liposuction. Who knows? Nobody’s talking, which means that whatever we might think, it’s probably …

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I have another funeral tomorrow.

This one is going to be a hard one, since I know the family. The deceased and my father were friends. They lived relatively close to us. I went to school with his kids. I can’t say I stayed in touch with any of them after I graduated, but still, there’s a personal connection there. …

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A fish rots from the head down

And the US military is rotting. U.S. Military Lt. General says she will replace qualifications for queerness in her hiring processes. She then suggests passing laws banning se* change surgeries for minors puts servicemembers in danger. — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 25, 2023 This so-called “leader” a FLAG OFFICER IN THE MILITARY OF …

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Pearl Harbor Day

My father was born in early 1940. My grandfather was a gunner’s mate on a US Navy destroyer. Time at home was scarce, and well apprciated. And then the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on this day in 1941. And my father didn’t see his father for four years. Can anyone reading this imagine that? Even …

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Open Tabs

Amongst the various open ta bs that I currently have on my browser are two various recipes for chaurice (the Creole version of Chorizo), the Syracuse Casing Company website, Banana Ink stickers, various school websites for my return to the classroom, and then these two articles that have given me a bit of indigestion after …

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Been a little busy around the homestead lately

And quite frankly, I haven’t felt the urge to write. Hell, I haven’t felt the urge to do much except crawl into a hole and pull it in after me, but here we are. On the topic of “things that make me scream at my computer” is this headline from the garbage bird-cage liner, “Americans …

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And now to shave

So just a little side note, I haven’t shaved since the day after my father’s funeral. At this point I have a goodly amount of facial hair and I was enjoying it, but today that comes to an end. There are multiple agencies that work with veterans here in the hinterlands where I live. Vets …

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The military is screwed in ways we haven’t seen since the 70’s under Jimmeh Carter

And it’s going to get worse. The Army is cutting about 3,000 troops, or about 10% from its special-operations ranks, which could include so-called trigger-pullers from the Green Beret commando units who have conducted some of the nation’s most dangerous and sensitive missions around the world, from the jungles of Vietnam to the back alleys …

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The Sharpest Questions

     [T]he best tool the radical skeptic has is the sharp question—“Why?” “What for?” “When?” “What do you mean?” “Who?” These are terrifying questions, in a way, considering how seldom they are answered.      [Arthur Herzog, The B.S. Factor]      Are you confused by recent developments? Do you have a problem with the use of …

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