Category: rants and raves

Your Curmudgeon Emeritus Needs Your Help!

Beloved Gentle Readers of Liberty’s Torch, you few whose patronage have sustained us lo, these many moons, your Curmudgeon has a problem. It’s one he cannot solve alone. Yes! It’s true! I, Fran Porretto, international superstar, hero to screaming millions, the fantasy of would-be love slaves on every continent of the world, am at an …

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The absolute evil of open borders

Anyone NOT living under a rock (or only watching MSNBC for their information) will know that a violent gang from Venezuela is operating within the USA’s borders. Tren de Aragua was first noticed kicking in doors in Colorado. Since that time, we’ve found them in pretty much every major city in America, and a few …

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A Day Without News

     Do you know what day of the year – well, of the years, actually – is most frustrating to a public-affairs commentator? Election Day. ***      The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the …

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A Suggestion For Paywalled Sites In The Right

     There are a number of worthy news and op-ed sites that are either paywalled or partially paywalled. I regularly visit several of the partially paywalled ones, but not being a paid subscriber, ai have no access to the material behind the paywall. However, I do get regular solicitations from them to pony up, so …

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Damnation With Faint Praise

     Applause to Diogenes Sarcastica for catching and posting this:      He really is a Kennedy, isn’t he? That crap about “darker shadows,” “injustice in its past and present,” and “inconsistently applied” ideals gives the game away. I’m sick to death of it – and for the record, and at the top of my voice: …

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The Status Nightmare

Sometimes I stare at the computer, listening to some meditative music, and wonder why things are so difficult, why it feels like every day is a Herculean battle against all odds, when the real story is just “I’m designing and building some UI for my boring corporate employer.” That’s something I’ve been doing for 25 …

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I went back to the gym on Monday. I’ve been away from the gym for several months, although I can’t say that I haven’t been working out. Anyone who processes trees into firewood knows that it’s a full-body workout. After all, he who heats his house with wood is warmed twice, right? Once when you …

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Muh Democracy

If I have to listen to another Democrat hue and cry about “our democracy”, I’m going to puke. There’s a reason we’re not a democracy. We are a Republic, although at this point I would say we’re post republic and post-constitution based on how the government acts. Democracy is mob rule. Our founding fathers knew …

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The New Year

If I could give you a graphic representation of my farewell to 2023, it would be me, middle fingers upraised, mouth foaming as I spit curses at the passing year and telling it to go straight to hell and spend eternity choking on the barbed cock of Satan. Sadly, I don’t think that 2024 is …

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It’s going to get worse, before it gets worse

Someone points out that we’re already in a recession, even if nobody wants to admit it. Let’s take a look at three key areas. If honest numbers were being used, they would show that GDP growth has been negative for almost the entire time that Joe Biden has been in the White House. That would indicate that …

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Open Tabs

Amongst the various open ta bs that I currently have on my browser are two various recipes for chaurice (the Creole version of Chorizo), the Syracuse Casing Company website, Banana Ink stickers, various school websites for my return to the classroom, and then these two articles that have given me a bit of indigestion after …

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Horse sense

I was over at Ace of Spades when I saw this graphic: Horses have incredible vision. They can almost see in 360 degrees. But that comes at a price. Their vison at that field is almost two-dimensional. So they can have an incredible field of vision, but it’s rather flat. So young Dave, living in …

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I hate to add to the heaviness

But this has been weighing on my mind for two days now, and I have to get this off my chest. 85,000 children. Does that number not look scary enough? EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND CHILDREN have been passed off by the Biden regime to unvetted, unknown adults. Some of those went into labor. Unpaid, dirty, unsafe labor, …

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Lessons Not Learned

One might think that after Kevin McCarthy worked a deal with the National Socialist Democrat Workers Party, and then was promptly bit in the ass by said National Socialist Democrat Workers Party, people in the GOP might step back from further deals with the National Socialist Democrat Workers Party. Sadly, the GOP establishment has far …

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Ah, the joys of country living

So, my sainted mother had some work done to the barn. That work necessitated the removal of a portion of the fence line, and so now I get to rebuild a new fence line to replace the one that came down. In order to support the end of the fenceline, as well as add a …

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Vacation over

And how to spot a passive-aggressive soy-boy bitch. As to the vacation, well…. it was awesome. I did a total of about 3,500 miles, hitting up the Tour of Honor sites in Idaho and Oregon. I had to change my rear tire in Boise. I needed to replace my battery in Brookings, OR. I got …

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Why are Americans so unhealthy?

Rather than rail against those silly Americans and their horrible diets, let’s ask why their diets are so poor? Tim Pool has mentioned more than once on his broadcast that he and many of his friends, when traveling in Europe, eat the same things they eat here in the states, and they lose weight. When …

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I Should Speak Like This Guy

The following would be more effective had the ranter not singled out the Democratic Party for their continued twisted support for Brandon. The GOP is little better in that I’ve heard none of them come close to the justifiable outrage this man exhibits. Citizen SNAPS at Joe Biden HOURS after he insulted victims of Maui …

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An Unmet Need

     These days, I am perpetually weary. I know I’m not alone in that. A great many Americans feel more beleaguered than they’ll openly admit. We’re supposed to be the “Can Do” nation, ready for anything and fully prepared to cope with the worst. (“We walk around with hardons and guns blazing all the time.” …

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Boiling Over

     Links? Who needs links? Not me, not today. You’ve probably already read about all this stuff, anyway. ***      Yes, the Left is filled with liars, hypocrites, and criminals of several kinds. Remember that conviction of intellectual and moral superiority? It’s their “Get Away With Anything” card, and they use it freely. Most commentators …

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