Category: war

Missing The Point

     I try to retain respect for other commentators, even when they write things I completely reject. But I do expect people who take a hand in guiding popular opinion to ask the right questions and demand that they be fully and honestly answered. Intelligent people must not allow themselves to be spoon-fed an erroneous …

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Is Serenity Even Possible Just Now?

     “I feel that if any songs are gonna come out of World War III, we’d better start writing them now.” – Tom Lehrer      The tag end of the Usurper Regime appears determined to trigger World War III:      President Biden has authorized Ukraine’s military to use U.S.-provided long-range missiles on targets inside Russian …

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For Armistice Day

     “Weapons of mass destruction” go back further than 1945. Even in World War I, there were flamethrowers… and gas. Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs, And towards our distant rest began to trudge. Men marched asleep. …

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A Day To Remember

     No, this won’t be about the sinking of the Titanic.      The British call it Remembrance Day, and commemorate it with red poppy badges on the left of the chest. Americans call it Veterans’ Day, recite John McCrae’s poem to one another, and that’s about it. But it was originally called Armistice Day, in …

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A Questionable Strategy

     In days long gone by, the recognized and acknowledged path to victory in war was the capture of the opponent’s sovereign. Indeed, that was the main reason kings led their own armies into battle: to give the enemy a fair shot at him, under the assumption that the enemy would reciprocate. It was also …

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Never-Ending Wars

     War has been part of the human condition for millennia. That’s not an endorsement, just an observation of the historical facts. You’d think, after so many centuries of bloody strife, we’d have learned something about how to avert it. After all, it takes lives, destroys wealth, and leaves giant messes for the survivors to …

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Whose Side Are We On

     I can’t help but wonder:      The Biden administration’s intensive public and private campaign to forestall Israel’s assault on Rafah has become its toughest test to date with its Middle East ally.      Hours after President Biden on Monday warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against a full-scale assault on Rafah, Israel’s military conducted …

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Unspeakable Or Unthinkable Part 2: An Amoral Calculus

     As my Gentle Readers might have expected, I received quite a lot of feedback on the previous piece. I wasn’t surprised by the tone of it. Disappointed, perhaps, but not surprised.      The mass warfare of World War II, in which many thousands of noncombatants died, should have taught us something. The atomic bombings, …

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Unspeakable Or Unthinkable?

     There are things that must be said. Some of those things are terrible to contemplate. Fortunately, there are a few people, at least, who are willing to say them. I aspire to be numbered among them.      Just now, the premier speaker of the unspeakable is Tucker Carlson:      For those who don’t watch …

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Good Guys And Bad Guys

     “The first casualty when war comes is truth and whenever an individual nation seeks to coerce by force of arms another, it always acts, and insists that it acts in self-defense” – Locomotive Engineers Journal, February 1929      In high school, I had an American History teacher who opened his class on the subject …

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Realism In War

     I hope the shade of the late, great Ursula Le Guin won’t mind the following longish excerpt from her short novel The Word For World Is Forest:      “In Rieshwel, New Java. Fourteen days ago. A town was burned and its people killed by yumens of the Camp in Rieshwel.”      “It’s a lie. …

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A Question With An Unpleasant Answer

     Now that I’m caught up on my obligations, let’s address a painful question. It’s often been asked over the years. It’s painful because the most accurate answer to it is unpleasant. It just cropped up at Gab: Do the PEOPLE – of ANY Country – Really WANT WAR?      And the answer is: Yes, …

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Agreements Between Nations

     John Mills at Gateway Pundit has posted a piece on treaties and their utility, with particular emphasis on the post-Cold War world. It’s a good piece well worth reading, which reminds us that treaties themselves cannot and will not guarantee peaceful relations between nation-states. It got me to thinking about a subject that’s been …

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To Those Who Think The UN Is Worth Something

     Ponder this:      United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres invoked Article 99 of the U.N. charter on Wednesday for the first time. He cited a “severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system in Gaza” as the war rages on between Israel and the militant group Hamas….      Guterres has called for a ceasefire.      …

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The Biggest Picture

     The exchanges of rhetoric over the IDF invasion of Gaza have already breached the ludicrousness threshold and are rocketing toward utter insanity. The tweet embedded here lays the matter out plainly. And as I said immediately below that, wars of extermination have no rules.      No amount of hand-wringing will change the fundamentals here. …

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Give No Quarter To Those Who Seek Your Blood (UPDATED)

     I was pleased to read this, from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:      While Israel is doing everything to get Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way, Hamas is doing everything to keep Palestinian civilians in harm’s way. Israel urges Palestinian civilians to leave the areas of armed conflict, while Hamas prevents those civilians from …

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What’s Coming

     A few nights ago, some friends asked for my predictions about what’s going on in the Middle East. Specifically, they wanted to know “How big will it get?” I led off with the old mutual-fund disclaimer: “Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.” A prognostication must stand independently of its prognosticator. No matter …

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The Sovietization of the USSA continues

Maybe if Hunter Biden had posted memes instead of snorting rails of coke off a Russian hooker’s ass, the DOJ would have been interested in him. HA! I kid, we all know the DOJ is just the Democrat Party’s new Gestapo. The humorless hacks at the misnamed Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) just sentenced a …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 22Sep23: Spurring Cancers

When you, dear readers, feel the urge to wave off my efforts as “there he goes again,” imagine what it was like for my kids. OTOH, they appeared to take my warnings seriously. I sincerely hope you do too.


You don’t really need to find out What’s going on You don’t really want to know Just how far it’s gone Just leave well enough alone Keep your dirty laundry [Don Henley]      I don’t generally watch long videos, and the one below is over 25 minutes. But I watched it from end to end. …

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