Category: evil

I’ve had two tabs open for a while

I didn’t quite know how to comment on them, because the topic generally makes me devolve into a seething lump of rage that does nothing but utter expletives. First up, here’s a report about how the Biden administration has been trafficking children. The Biden administration is facing serious allegations of mishandling human trafficking issues after …

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Greetings, my fellow domestic terrorists!

Oh, if you read any kind of anti-Marxist blogs, you know you’re on a list somewhere. And if your Catholic, or in the military (it’s a two-fer for me!) then the government is going to label you as a domestic terrorist. According to documents obtained by American First Legal (AFL), the DHS board called  “Homeland …

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Doing the crime that Americans won’t do

So, what illegal gangs are in your state courtesy of Drooling Joe and his open borders policies? Idaho has the Mexican cartels, and I can tell you that I see plenty of Mexicans running around my town in Northern Idaho. I’m not talking guys who speak English with a Hispanic accent, I’m talking no English …

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Babies For Sale?

     There are no coincidences.      Last night, our beloved Margaret Ball, with whom I often exchange ideas for and about books, sent me this incredible bit of news:      On June 12, the Massachusetts House is expected to vote on a bill that would allow mothers to exchange their children for money—that is, engage …

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I just love seeing it

And I’m not the only one. “Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff,” Washington Post publisher and CEO William Lewis told the crybully staffers who run around under the mistaken belief they are “journalists.” The Washington Post is going broke. I love it. No, I mean that I really really love it. The …

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It’s all in what they don’t do

So Donald Trump is “guilty” of 34 felonies? But we haven’t seen a single person from Epstein’s client list even get arrested. Despite the FBI having all the evidence for years. We are ruled by corrupt, demonic pedophiles.

The Chinese Just Love Playing With Deadly Diseases

     A story I wasn’t happy – or surprised – to read:      Chinese scientists have engineered a virus with parts of Ebola in a lab that killed a group of hamsters.      A team of researchers at Hebei Medical University used a contagious disease of livestock and added a protein found in Ebola, which …

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When someone tells you who they are,

Believe them. If you thought March 31 was Easter Sunday, think again, heretic. And no, I’m not referring to the fact that for, Orthodox Christians, Easter falls this year on May 5. Those who celebrate Easter on March 31 are heretics from the standpoint of the Biden regime’s favored religion, which is worlds away from …

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If You Remember Paul Harvey…

     He once composed a piercing piece called “If I Were The Devil.” The following video, a Trump campaign ad, borrows its structure from that piece: Video created by the Dilley Team for Trump. Do not skip this one. If I were the Deep — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 8, 2024      Pass …

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Evil: The Frontier

     I’ve been exploring evil as an abstract, categorizable phenomenon for decades. It’s one half of the most important question in all of human life. I sketched the edges of the other half of that question in this brief piece. To save you a mouse click:      Primary authority is the sort possessed by him …

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They want you weak and dependent

The World Economic Forum is telling governments to stop people from growing their own food because of Climate Change. Yeah. Of course they are. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments to ban the general public from growing their own food at home by arguing that they are causing “climate change.” According to …

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Adding To Our List of Evils

Hat tip to Darin at Crusader Rabbit. Look at these women feeling sorry for pedophiles. They say pedophilia is a sexuality. One even says babies are born with it. We’re told to “overcome our negative feelings about pedophiles.” This is the cult of queer theory. This same trance-like ‘compassion’ they feel for… — Billboard …

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Blinding Flashes Of the Obvious Dept.

     “The more you look, the more you see.” — Robert M. Pirsig      “Not necessarily, Bob ol’ buddy.” – Me.      Dennis Prager is a reasonably bright man. He’s made a number of pithy observations over the years. Yet it’s taken him a lot of those years to realize something that I’ve been harping …

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Evil, Decrees, And Authority

     If there’s a more misunderstood sociopolitical concept than authority, I’m not aware of it. Most people can’t even answer the key questions: “Are there varieties of authority? If so, what are they? How do they differ?”      For today, let’s omit the uses of the word authority to denote high expertise in some subject. …

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Evil: The Relevance Of Decrees

     The Gentle Readers of Liberty’s Torch have a spread of opinions and convictions about God, the supernatural, and religion. That’s to the good: it makes for a variegated background for subjects such as this one. One of the critical issues that arise from that spread is this one, which I’ll touch on briefly for …

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Evil As An Abstract Category

     Yesterday, I posted a snippet of my fiction as a stimulator to a discussion I hope to pursue today. The scene therein is one that has never been commonplace, neither among adults or children. (Include teenagers in either category, as you prefer.) Yet what could be more important? Assuming, that is, that evil is …

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A Snippet For Discussion Purposes

     The following is a segment from my novel-in-progress, working title Ex Nihilo (yeah, yeah, again with the Latin):      “Father,” Sarah Lydell said, “why is there evil?”      It was the question toward which Father Raymond Altomare, pastor of Onteora Parish, had been building for five weeks. The group of seniors from Foxwood High …

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It’s amazing what happens when you enforce the law

Texas shows how it’s done .It shouldn’t be a shock that when you enforce the laws and shut down the border, illegal criminals stop coming through. And we all know this, even the National Socialist Democrat Worker’s Party, who is now being stymied in their goal of flooding the country through mass illegal entry. Of …

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If you’ve ever wondered

“Hey, maybe the reason these politicians vote this way is because they’re all a bunch of corrupt perverts who are being blackmailed.” The answer is yes. No matter how corrupt and disgusting you think D.C. is, it’s far far worse than that. Titus Warren: Yeah. It’s like an in-house thing. If you know, you know, and …

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Stating It Clearly

     It’s impossible to misconstrue what this man, death-and-aging-phobe multimillionaire Brian Johnson, is saying:      The estimable Paul Joseph Watson makes it even plainer:      “An absolute blank slate.” A posthuman nihilistic atomizing recipe for utter misery, that’s what that is. Rootless soulless vapid anti-natalist oblivion at its heart. This is pure Red Terror Maoism. …

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