Category: evil

The Plunderers Hunger Part 3: The Root Of It All

     Do you reject Satan and all his works, and all his empty promises? – Rite of Confirmation      If you undergo Confirmation as a Catholic, you’re asked that question, and you’d better answer it correctly. Yet Catholics are usually Confirmed around thirteen years of age. The young Catholic is seldom much acquainted with Satan, …

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Apropos Of “Homelands”

     The following comes from The Man With the Miraculous Hands, the story of super-masseur Dr. Felix Kersten and his experiences in ministering to Heinrich Himmler during the years of the Third Reich:      “Listen, listen to how brilliant it is,” [Himmler] cried. “We have taken Poland, but the Poles hate us. We need real …

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The Critical Questions: What Is Art?

     This might prove to be the start of a series of essays. Beneath every argument about anything whatsoever, there will lie a question that must be answered for the argument to be soluble: “What the hell are we talking about?”      That question, of course, must become specific for it to be relevant and …

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Rising Voices

     Most of the time they whisper, inaudibly but clearly all the same. But now and then their whispers become sounds. Sometimes they’re louder than anything else in your world, even your four decade-long tinnitus. If you’re alert to them, you know you’re in danger. If you’re not, the danger is incalculably amplified.      My …

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Open War Is Upon Us

     Whether we like it or not. Please click through and watch the video: An Irish literary archive treat for #StPatricksDay Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney encounters an ancient and mysterious pagan statue on Boa Island in Lough Erne and imagines what the old gods in Ireland were like, before the arrival of St Patrick. …

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If You’re Not Fuming Before 12 Minutes Has Passed….

I’ve warned that this was inevitable for decades. I refuse to comment further. We have passive readers and more bold ones. Rather than I go into a predictable rant, I much rather hear from readers their thoughts. Why is this happening? What would you wish were done next? What do you expect will be done …

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Two New Icons

     There aren’t many people in the entertainment world who possess visible courage. Such courage is critical in the confrontation with “woke” culture:      Until I played that speech, I knew nothing about Konstantin Kisin. I intend to look more deeply into him. I doubt he’ll go forward from here without being savagely attacked by …

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Yeah, Right

     Are we really expected to believe this?      A former Las Vegas Judge committed suicide a year after she resigned from her position after facing an ethics investigation.      Per the Clark County coroner’s office, Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.      Here’s what happened, in chronological sequence: Andress-Tobiasson’s sixteen-year-old daughter …

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Charles Manson Might Have Called It Accurately

     You have to be fairly old, and have an unusually good memory for atrocities involving celebrities, to remember the details of the Manson Family murders. One that tends to slip recall is the prophecy Charles Manson laid upon his followers:      Manson believed in what he called “Helter Skelter”, a term he took from …

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A New Time For Choosing

     Jim Caviezel, of The Passion of the Christ and Person of Interest, has sounded the clarion:      I can’t add a single syllable to that.

What Drives A Megalomaniac?

The several pieces that Fran posted this week have prodded me to move forward with a conjecture that I have long felt needs to be shared. With the video featured below, Jordan Peterson spurred the bulk of what I will present to you today. I reacted favorably to his sudden realization that his predilection to …

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Hatred Of Children

     If you think for a living – I do – you’re constantly on the lookout for unities: themes that make comprehensive logical sense of what’s happening around you. You desperately want to find such themes, because without them, there’s little chance of making sense of the balls of chaos we call society and politics. …

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Western Values Too Easily Undermined. How? Why?

The retired Kiwi physician and regular contributor at Crusader Rabbit (CR) who identifies as mawm, brought to our attention the following observation made by Joel Smalley: “and it’s everywhere. can you seriously tell me you have not noticed the astonishing lack of not just competence, but even of the basic knowledge of how literally anything …

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A Little Death

     [The following essay first appeared at the Palace of Reason on July 19, 2004. It’s also included in my volume The Death Cults: The Drive for Human Extinction. Given what I’ve been reading, and its implications for the perversion of federal law to “protect” the “right” to abortion even in the third trimester of …

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It’s Fun To Swim At The…

     YMCA? Perhaps not for Julie Jaman:      Julie Jaman, an 80-year-old woman from Port Townsend, Washington, expressed her discomfort and fear when she encountered a male in the women’s shower area at the local YMCA.      The YMCA’s reaction? Jaman was permanently banned from the facility, according to the Port Townsend Free Press.      …

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A Quick Saturday Morning Observation

     Courtesy of The Feral Irishman:      Is there a Gentle Reader disposed to argue the point?

No, It Wasn’t A Hoax

     Some just couldn’t believe it. They were sure it’s some kind of put-on. But it’s really happening, Gentle Reader. “They” are doing their damnedest to normalize pedophilia. If you need more evidence, here it is:      Johns Hopkins University has hired a female-to-male transgender academic who has called for pedophilia to be “destigmatized.” Despite …

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Another Episode In The Polarization Chronicles

     Yes, yes: Twitter’s board of directors has approved the sale of the company to Elon Musk and his partners. Though it wasn’t exactly foreordained, it was much more likely than not that a sale would occur at some price. Otherwise the Twitter board would have had to defend the decision to deny its stockholders …

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Rejecting The Evidence…(UPDATED)

     …doesn’t make it dissolve into the mists and float away.      We’ve had a rather substantial amount of evidence to the effect that organized pedophilia is rampant among the higher-ups in government, entertainment, and the media. Jeffrey Epstein was incarcerated for suspicion of it, and died while awaiting trial. Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of …

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Concerning Grooming

     As a follow-on to yesterday’s rant, ponder well this article by Thomas Lifson. It and the other items it links will reinforce your fears.      Yes, it is happening.      Yes, there’s a lot of it.      Yes, it’s across the nation.      If your children are in a government school, they are not …

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