Category: evil

It’s not ignorance, it’s malice

The lying liars who talk about climate change know that they’re spouting bullshit. More than 90 percent of NOAA’s temperature monitoring stations have a heat bias, according to Anthony Watts, a meteorologist, senior fellow for environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, author of climate website Watts Up With That, and director of a study …

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Declining Temperatures

     No, this isn’t about “climate change.” The temperatures I have in mind measure the warmth of other countries’ regimes toward Americans.      Apparently, Americans who dare to leave the increasingly questionable security of these United States to pursue activities in other nations are in danger of being kidnapped – by those nations’ governments:      …

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Evil does exist

Ahem. So far the Biden Administration has lost over 85,000 unaccompanied minors–they take them in at the border, process them, fly them around the country, and they are never seen or heard from again. If you or I did this, it would be human trafficking. Federal contractors do it every day. Not all of them …

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The fact that this even has to be said astounds me

Cold weather and batteries DO NOT MIX. EAU CLAIRE, Wis.—Here in Wisconsin, where fewer than one-tenth of 1% of vehicles are fully electric, it’s rare to see an EV outside the city. That’s why the latest international climate conference, Conference of the Parties (COP28), which advocated widespread adoption of electric vehicles, should have Wisconsinites concerned. When the temperature …

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Sorry, my give-a-damn is busted

So for those who don’t know, I spent three and a half years in Los Angeles courtesy of Uncle Sam and USAREC. Three and a half years drowning in one of the most “progressive” cities/counties in the country, with all the joyful accoutrements that one would expect from such a place, i.e. public defecation in …

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No Americans Were Released

     John Hinderaker comments pithily:      On October 7, Gaza murdered 31 Americans and is believed to have kidnapped 13 more, including a three-year-old child. Yesterday an initial exchange of hostages for prisoners was carried out. Ten Thais and one Filipino were let go, but no Americans were released….      […]      If our president …

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Perhaps You’ve Wondered

     Why are there so many total nutcases infesting our world? How can there be so many terrorists, so many mass murderers, so many loonies gluing themselves to stuff to “protest” fossil fuels, or “cisgender heteronormativity,” or whatever? Omitting the ones driven by Islam, that is.      A short while ago, it occurred to me …

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The Needs Of The Times

     “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” – C. S. Lewis      If you’ve seen the delightful movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you’ll surely remember Toula’s father, played by Michael Constantine, touting Windex as the panacea of all …

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On Israel

If you haven’t seen the news by now, then I’m sorry, but go back to sleep. For those who HAVE seen the news, we all know that this is the continuation of the genocidal war that Islam constantly wages against Judaism. Mark Steyn put up a good number of links, including videos. If you want …

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Once In A Great While…

     …the true battleground of our time is made plain. Consider the following snatch of dialogue from a recent, brilliant movie:      “Do you believe I’m evil, James?”      “Evil isn’t a clinical diagnosis….good and evil are societal constructs, effectively subjective value statements.”      “I think I love you.”      Ponder that for a moment. …

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The Need For Clarity, Part 1

     As attached as I am to it, I must nevertheless allow that Curmudgeonry is not enough. There must be clarity. We must say what we mean distinctly, openly, and fearlessly. I try to be as clear as possible…but others devote their efforts to muddying the waters, and it’s unclear which way the battle is …

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Crime And The Individual Perspective

     John Hinderaker asks in a plaintive tone: Is Crime Still Illegal?      All of these descriptions are somewhat sanitized. We have seen the videos: gangs of twenty or more criminals will descend on a store, often blocking the street in front of the store with their vehicles, and rampage through the establishment stealing whatever …

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An Ugly Open Secret

     We know from interminable experience that the overwhelming majority of men who go into politics are utterly vile. The professional politician – and these days, for all practical purposes there is no other kind – is the lowest sort of man allowed to walk the streets today. Persons we wouldn’t be willing to have …

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The Chronicle of the DC: 17Aug23 Maui

Please point out — to anyone who will listen — the Sustainability agenda of every major Western institution. It’s a religion with them. Their moral code is not that of decent human beings. To these neo-pagan Sustainability worshippers, sacrificed human life is what is sacred to them. The Progressive Movement — with its Sustainability priests …

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Clown World and Death Cults

There are times when I wonder if the people put into administrative and bureaucratic roles in our government are either evil, or simply incompetent. I’m going to have to go with “Evil” on this one. Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal …

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Yes, they really are coming for your children

This is deliberate enemy action. Just when you think the world cannot get any wackier, Disney says, “Hold my Bud Light” and totally proves you wrong. According to a new report from Breitbart News, the Walt Disney Company has followed in the footsteps of what was once the most popular beer brand in the world by …

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Speaking of transitions

I’m old enough to remember when almost everybody thought that grooming young children for sex was a bad idea. A University professor has claimed kids should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for the possibility of seeing a naked trans person, in a shocking jab at swimmer Riley Gaines. Of course it’s a …

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I’m tired of being right

We told you this would happen. Lots of people, not just myself, said that women were going to be forced to deal with male genitalia in the showers under the guise of “Trans rights”. Lo and behold…. An 18-year-old military recruit forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration’s transgender policies …

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Gosh, what are the odds?

I mean, I’m totally sure that the people attacking a movie that exposes child sex trafficking and pedophelia are doing it for the noblest of reasons, right? *cough* What IS IT with these Leftist rags trying to tie ‘Sound of Freedom’ to Q? Guys, gals, whatever you call yourselves, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING is sadly very …

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An Irrational Exclusion

     The original Constitution included a couple of things that should have been left out…but today, I have in mind a provision that should have been put in:      Three Christian organizations will host a prayer vigil on the west steps of the California state Capitol in Sacramento on Monday as a member of the …

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