Category: faith

Winter Wonderings

     No, not “winter wonders.” This will not be a rhapsody about the splendor of the white-mantled hills, the frosty sparkle of snow-covered dogs, or the power of frozen car batteries to awaken us to the glory of Nature. I have another subject in mind.      At this time of year, especially in the run-up …

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A Minor Insight That Could Inspire A Solution

I get a variety of emails. The headlines are often clickbait. This morning was I was offered this: America’s Top Enemy Suffers Devastating Blow – New Report Has Biden Weeping. It worked. I was curious who they meant. As I began reading I wasn’t impressed, so I began scanning. I didn’t see them actually name …

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Worthy As Few Are Worthy

     Does anyone here remember the old “You don’t have to be Jewish to love Levy’s” rye bread commercials? They had a good point. Similarly, you don’t have to be Catholic to love Anthony Esolen.      Dr. Esolen’s most recent column is a clarion call. While he reminds us to “expect no help” in our …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 24 Aug 23: Fomenting Toxicities [Updated]

The same city that tolerates homelessness and welcomes illegals who add to it, could not be clueless as to the public health degradation that had to come with it. The city of Los Angeles will issue a citation for washing one’s car in one’s driveway. The object was to penalize addition of untreated soap which …

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The Chronicle of the DC: 17Aug23 Maui

Please point out — to anyone who will listen — the Sustainability agenda of every major Western institution. It’s a religion with them. Their moral code is not that of decent human beings. To these neo-pagan Sustainability worshippers, sacrificed human life is what is sacred to them. The Progressive Movement — with its Sustainability priests …

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The Chronicle of the DC: 13Jul09 Archives

John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet At that link is strong evidence that the Biden regime is clearly following through on what the Obama regime started. Not only that, but the Trump interim didn’t seem to slow them one bit as the excesses we’ve witnessed …

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     As an adherent to a “mystery religion,” I am frequently challenged – sometimes by others; sometimes by my own restless intellect – to explain particular assertions of my faith, to make them comprehensible. There’s an obvious contradiction in this, which I’m sure any Gentle Reader will see at once. Religious mysteries aren’t on the …

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A Brief Announcement

     Someone who gave the name of “Mike Bizzaro,” along with a strange-looking email address, just wrote to inform me that “[my] soul has been removed from Christianity.” He also provided a link to one of the ugliest web pages I’ve had the dubious pleasure of visiting. It is extremely important that anyone who agrees …

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One of my favorite Catholic writers is the late Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen:      Venerable Fulton John Sheen (born Peter John Sheen, May 8, 1895 – December 9, 1979) was an American bishop (later archbishop) of the Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio. His cause for …

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Depressing Truths Dept.

     Shamelessly stolen from Mike Miles:      Seldom have so few words expressed so much truth. (Yes, it’s happened; “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” for one. I said “seldom,” not “never.”) For maximum impact, answer this question: Who is having babies today, and where?      Yes, I’m in one of those …

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What Drives A Megalomaniac?

The several pieces that Fran posted this week have prodded me to move forward with a conjecture that I have long felt needs to be shared. With the video featured below, Jordan Peterson spurred the bulk of what I will present to you today. I reacted favorably to his sudden realization that his predilection to …

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Evidence, Inference, and Faith

     What statement is aimed at you more often than any other?      For me, it’s “You must be crazy.” or some variation thereof. And more often than not, the stimulus is my religious beliefs. The person casting the aspersions on my sanity deems them “irrational,” the great majority of those who hold them as …

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     Just now…for some time, really…a number of my colleagues in this madness we call blogging have focused a great part of their efforts on preparing for the collapse of American society. They’ve been gathering the supplies and weapons they believe will be needed for the day when what remains of civil order disappears and …

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Faith, Hope, And Confidence

     As has been happening more and more frequently of late, I’ve got a large number of entries in my “Future Columns” folder, and absolutely no interest in writing about any of them. That the topics themselves might not go unnoticed or undiscussed, here are the links: Can a state law override your freedom of …

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     “Only one thing do I know, and that is that I know nothing,” – Socrates of Athens      “All this has the disadvantage of being clean contrary to the observed laws of Nature,” observed MacPhee. The Director smiled without speaking, as a man who refuses to be drawn.      “It is not contrary to …

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The Speculations Of Unbelievers

     Many persons who lack faith claim to be disturbed by those of us who have it. In some cases, this is because the unbeliever fails to understand the nature of a religious faith. In others, the unbeliever misunderstands or misconstrues an important characteristic of religious faith: inasmuch as it is unprovable by its nature, …

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Which Is To Be Master? (UPDATED)

     My most recent novel, In Vino, provides the culmination of several themes threaded through the Onteora Canon. One of the most important of them is expressed compactly in this passage:      [Ray] glanced around the table. All the glasses were empty. No cheese and only a few crackers remained on the tray he’d prepared. …

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Bent Brains

     Accepting a lie in place of the truth will do bad things to you.      I once advanced the thesis that if a man should accept even one fact as absolutely true, it would compel him to accept all the rest of objective reality. Herbert Spencer believed this as well:      I asked one …

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An Inherently Un-Titleable Piece

     Full Disclosure: There are people who think I’m crazy. They’re not a majority…yet. But I would be remiss were I not to mention their existence. “But why?” I hear you ask. Well, mostly because I’m a libertarian-conservative Catholic patriot, with emphasis on Catholic. “How,” they ask, “could anyone so devoted to freedom simultaneously embrace …

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Three Lives, Three Deaths

     She was young. Far too young, by most reckonings, to be equipped to cope with tragedy.      She’d been married only a short time when she discovered that she was pregnant…and only a short time later discovered that her baby daughter was anencephalic, incapable of living outside the womb.      Against medical advice and …

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