Category: victimism

Desecrating A ‘Sacred Space?’

     Happy Feast of the Epiphany / Theophany / “Little Christmas,” Gentle Reader. It’s a big day for Christians worldwide, on which we commemorate the visit of the Magi to the newborn Christ Child. I’ve written at length about it, if you’d like a detailed rumination over it. However, for this morning I have something …

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Victims Are Multiplying

WARNING:      What follows contains explicit, vulgar language. I’ve decided that it’s time to “take the gloves off.” Good people being restrained and proper is part of why America has descended to its current state. Quite a few people need a very painful comeuppance. Until they get it, no improvement in our current degeneracy is …

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Yet Another Marker For Racism

     Apparently, getting up early is a giveaway:      Enslaved Africans were forced to work tirelessly from sunrise to sunset, and their white oppressors often used the rhetoric of hard work and discipline to justify their inhumane treatment. This created a false narrative that Africans were inherently lazy and needed the “civilizing” influence of their …

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The Process Observed

     Every now and then, a case of the Left’s victimism-power tactic is played out where we can see it. You know the sequence: An “oppressed group” pleads for tolerance. Once tolerance has been obtained, the plea changes to social acceptance. Once acceptance is in hand, the group presses for mandatory inclusion. Inclusion having been …

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Charles Manson Might Have Called It Accurately

     You have to be fairly old, and have an unusually good memory for atrocities involving celebrities, to remember the details of the Manson Family murders. One that tends to slip recall is the prophecy Charles Manson laid upon his followers:      Manson believed in what he called “Helter Skelter”, a term he took from …

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Don’t Push It, Friends

     Though I’m a Catholic Christian, I have often been extremely vocal in support and defense of our Jewish cousins. They are demonstrably the most persecuted identifiable demographic cohort over the two millennia behind us. When I encounter anti-Semitism on the Web, I slap it down hard.      But then, every so often, I encounter …

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