Category: Election 2024

Crazy couple of days

So, I have a new job. My retirement pays the bills, but I need fun money because motorcycles are expensive, and trips on motorcycles are even more expensive. Unfortunately, I got hired and they immediately needed me to work extra shifts to cover someone who was sick. What was supposed to be a part time …

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The Questions Being Asked Now

     Some of them are on my mind, too.      As usual, Sundance at The Last Refuge puts the crux of the matter clearly and concisely:      Now that we know the basic 2024 raw vote total, we are able to put a scale on the number of fraudulent mail-in ballots from the 2020 election. …

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It’s Time For A Rerun Of This

     Ahhh, the memories!

Who Will Learn From His Mistakes?

     There are quite a few citations on the Web of liberal pundits and editorial boards having “meltdowns” over the victory of Donald Trump and his favored legislative candidates. Those persons have made a lot of intemperate comments. I shan’t reproduce them here; they’re easy enough to find. And all schadenfreude aside, they tell a …

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It’s Over

     And thank a merciful God for that.      I have questions still, as I’m sure many Gentle Readers do. Foremost among them: Why did the Left’s vote-theft and vote-fraud efforts fail this time? Considering the Usurpers’ fears of Trumpian retaliation, they had to be as earnest as they were in 2020. At least the …

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Just In Case You’ve Forgotten

     Gentle Readers in the Right: the “gentlemen of the press” hate you. They will do anything to smear you, the politicians, you support, and the ideals you uphold. But woe to anyone who dares to say anything to wound their enormous egos!      Apparently, yesterday at President Trump’s campaign rally in Lancaster PA, he …

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A Day Without News

     Do you know what day of the year – well, of the years, actually – is most frustrating to a public-affairs commentator? Election Day. ***      The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the …

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“What Happened To Him?”

     Most of us prefer that our enemies be consistent. That is: we don’t want to discover that someone we thought an ally has turned into an enemy. It’s upsetting, among other things. When it happens, we grope about for an explanation. If we fail to find one, our distress is magnified.      Which brings …

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Quote Of The Day

     “The closing arguments have been made. It’s not really about persuasion now. It’s about turnout.” – GOP strategist David Kochel      Well, yes… if, under the umbrella term turnout, we remember to include fraud. There’s copious evidence that the Democrat vote-fraud machine is already humming furiously. No margin is safe from the ability of …

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     You’ve got ‘em; I’ve got ‘em. Everyone either of us knows has ‘em. But when a man ascends to public attention, those determined to bring him down will focus on his flaws – real or imagined, minimized or exaggerated – to the extent of everything else about him.      So it is and has …

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A Terrifying Scenario

     With all due respect for the American military, there’s been a lot going on in that institution that’s more than a little upsetting. At one time it could be relied upon to act in defense of the Constitution and the rights it enshrines. Today, the matter admits of some doubt.      Here’s Lee Smith’s …

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Looking Ahead

     Just five days to go. The campaign that’s seemed interminable is coming to an end… or is it? Do political campaigns ever end these days, or do they just take a different shape?      There are a lot of ugly possibilities ahead of us. It’s unclear which ones are the ugliest. It’s equally unclear …

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Coming To You Direct From The Landfill

     Voters are incensed about Biden’s “garbage” remark. It was a classic “Kinsley gaffe:” an occasion on which a politician fails to censor himself and lets slip the truth about what he thinks or feels. But it wasn’t Biden’s first. Remember this exchange with a Detroit auto worker? Biden has always regarded himself as above …

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     At the end of an observant article, Tristan Justice poses the key question:      After Democrats have gone all in to declare that their political opponents are synonymous with German Nazis, it remains to be seen whether a Vice President Harris will actually accept the election results and certify a so-called modern-day Hitler as …

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Favorite Son?

     It strains credulity, but if Elon Musk says it, I’m inclined to believe it: It was full to the rafters – every seat in the house – and there were over 70,000 people just standing in support in the streets around MSG. The movement is MASSIVE!! — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 28, 2024 …

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Who’s Silent?

     I’m likely to be away from the computer for most of the day, so I’ll post one more quick thought before I toddle off to my chores.      The 1968 Presidential campaign, in which Richard Nixon won a narrow victory over Hubert Humphrey, was the first such to feature statements from conservative-leaning activists about …

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If You Need More Reasons To Detest the Mainstream Media

     …you needn’t look far:      Thousands of Trump supporters packed the “World’s Most Famous Arena” to hear remarks by high-profile speakers, including an address from former first lady Melania Trump, before the former president took the stage. But instead of observing a Republican nominee drawing a massive crowd in the middle of a blue …

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The King Of The Establishmentarians

     …is none other than Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell:      Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a scathing assessment of the modern Republican Party in an upcoming biography, saying the “MAGA movement is completely wrong” and that Ronald Reagan “wouldn’t recognize” the party today.      “I think Trump was the biggest factor in changing the …

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To Knock Down A House (UPDATED)

     …you must knock down its supports, including its load-bearing walls. The same logic applies to the undermining of a movement, or a political campaign.      The Left is not steered by stupid people. Its strategists and tacticians know what they’re about. And they’ve recognized the immense value to the Trump / Vance presidential ticket …

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Every So Often, Someone Asks The Right Question

     And here he is:      Well, yes! Is there anything else you want to know?

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