Category: Election 2024

But Will It Matter?

     By now you’ve heard: Joe Biden has announced that he will end his campaign for a second term as president. He’s also endorsed Kamala Harris as his choice to assume the nomination… but that will require the consent of the Democrat National Convention. Whatever the Convention may decide, the scramble for money and endorsements …

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Sanity Tests

     They can be just as important as cognition tests.      The political scene is agog (“No, really?” “Shut up, you.”) over two things: the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the prospect of Joe Biden resigning from the Democrat ticket. Of course, the former of those things is an actual fact, despite the attempts …

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Concerning Vice Presidential Selections

     Time was, it was understood that the function of the vice president – his Constitutional job definition – was simple:      Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 6: In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, …

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Further Thoughts On The Assassination Attempt And Its Sequels

     It could not have been otherwise: the news coverage yesterday, whether “mainstream” or “alternative,” was all about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. So was the commentary, of course; how could commentators talk about anything else? And now, in the aftermath of this “hinge event,” there will be other consequences and developments that will …

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The Insanity Is Not Yet Complete

     The following is from the New York Post:      Local police encountered attempted-assassin Thomas Crooks just moments before he tried to kill former president Donald Trump — but failed to stop the gunman despite the clear threat, according to a report.      After rallygoers spotted Crooks on the roof of a manufacturing plant just …

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The Elevators Of The “Rhetorical Temperature”

     Conveniently collected for your edification: Fact check: Democrats are the ones calling for violence or physical confrontations❗️❗️ — ͏͏͏𝐉𝐚𝐲 2.0 (@JayMaga47) September 3, 2022      Spread it around, Gentle Readers.

On Sacrifice And Self (UPDATED)

     Happy Bastille Day, to those Gentle Readers who celebrate such things. It wasn’t a genuinely great occasion, mind you, but it deserves recognition as the heralding event to the more significant French Revolution. Then again, that wasn’t exactly something to celebrate, either, was it?      Gentle Readers with some knowledge of the philosophy of …

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Big Brass Ones

     Stephen Green relates a striking tale:      As President, Donald Trump’s ballsiest moment might have come as he was negotiating an end to our two-decade presence in Afghanistan. Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-Tex.) told the story to Shelby Steele on a recent video podcast.      “I want to leave Afghanistan,” Trump is supposed to have …

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Have The Rules Changed Or Haven’t They?

     Back when certain Y-chromosome bearers decided it was time to take the thirteen colonies-become-states and make them into a nation – a decision some think they regretted afterward – they had certain rules in mind about governments and how they were supposed to be formed. The most important of those rules was no violence. …

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Look East To Glimpse The West’s Future

     France has just held its “first round” parliamentary elections, and the results look very, very bad for the governing coalition headed by President Emanuel Macron. But my sympathies this morning aren’t for him and his ilk; rather, I’m worried for the common French citizen: Left wing protests have started in Paris following the National …

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You can replace Drooling Joe, but with who?

It’s not like any of the Democrats waiting in the wings are any more likeable or relatable than Drooling Joe. In many cases, they’re worse. Among alternative candidates, no candidate performs significantly better than Biden against Trump in a head-to-head race, though more voters indicate they are “not sure” compared to the most well-known candidates. …

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The Unanswerable Weapon

     Alinsky told us:      Tucker Carlson is a national treasure.

What Now, Democrats? Part 3

     The hole is getting deeper:      “I know I’m not a young man, to the state the obvious. Well, I know I don’t walk as easy as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do …

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What Now, Democrats? Part 2

     When a supposedly astute political commentator suggests that the Democrats should strip Joe Biden of the nomination and give it to Gretchen Whitmer or Gina Raimondo, you know that political Armageddon has arrived. I wish Biden would reflect on this debate performance and then announce his decision to withdraw from the race, throwing the …

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What Now, Democrats?

     “The news is all bad, but it’s good for a laugh.” — Tom Paxton      Well, it appears that the Democrats’ sub-threshold panic about their Maximum Leader has finally erupted in the public eye. All the debate conditions were slanted toward Biden. Every provision but one – the requirement that the debaters stand rather …

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Some Unsolicited Advice

     Advice is easy to give, hard to take, and seldom followed even when it’s plainly correct. Yet I’ll try it, even though the probability of it being heard by its intended recipient is close to zero.      To President Trump concerning tonight’s debate:      Trust in God and fear no man. You are the …

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The Newest Federal Holiday

     Perhaps you’re already aware that the word holiday is actually a contracted equivalent for holy day. And perhaps it troubles you just as much as it does me that the federal BLEEP!ing government takes it upon itself to declare new ones, entirely to placate noisy interest groups. We dodged one a few years back, …

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To Prevent November Surprise

     Read the following two articles. They’ll provide you with all you need to know: Biden’s “campaign.” The federal government and “voter turnout.”      Joseph R. Biden could not win an honest election for dogcatcher. (Watch for “revelations” that he was elected dogcatcher in his hometown at a record early age, and with the highest …

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Betrayal By Ballot

     Kurt Schlichter’s column of today makes a couple of penetrating observations, some of them rather sad. Here’s the bit that’s uppermost in my thoughts:      Some groups vote as a bloc. Black Americans almost always vote Democrat – something like 90%, though this time Donald Trump seems to be earning a better percentage. Similarly, …

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“Getting Close To Post Time”

     Ever heard that phrase? It may not be used commonly anymore. It originated in the years when most betting on horse races was done at betting sites remote from the race track. If you wanted to bet on a race, you had to get your bet in by “post time:” the moment at which …

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