Category: Usurper Regime


     Mike Hendrix has the story:      I shouldn’t find this all that shocking at this stage of the game, I know.      And yet.      Severely Abused in D.C. Jail, Jan. 6 Prisoners Ask for Transfer to Guantanamo      I shan’t excerpt it here. If even 10% of the claims made in the prisoners’ …

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When Tyranny Is No Longer In Dispute

     …it can still surprise onlookers with its boldness:      Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.      According to his wife Ryan-Marie, who spoke with LifeSiteNews, he also drives two …

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An Interesting Assertion

     And from a really interesting source:      “Putting people’s lives at risk,” eh? Which people? The illegal aliens, or the residents of the areas to which Abbott and DeSantis are sending them? Who is in danger from whom? Would you care to expand along those lines, Miss Black Lesbian Immigrant White House Press Secretary? …

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What The Usurpers Want Most Of All

     This morning, Julie Kelly writes:      After nearly two years of lies related to the events of January 6, 2021, the regime finally has admitted the truth: The widening legal dragnet to scoop up Donald Trump, his associates, and his voters has nothing to do with the four-hour disturbance on Capitol Hill that afternoon. …

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The Run-Up

     Scene-setting, stage-dressing, “battlespace preparation,” call it what you will.      It didn’t begin with Biden’s fatuous and inflammatory “soul of the nation” speech. It’s been going on for years. It can be traced back at least as far as the November 2000 election of George W. Bush as president. My fear is that it’s …

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“That Can’t Be True!”

     The title phrase is a reaction, elicited from some, to the most “extreme” news. It’s the verbal equivalent of putting hands over eyes and screaming “Make it go away!” And sane Americans are having it ever more frequently.      However, it’s dangerous. What makes it dangerous is the word can’t, which is always a …

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The Speech

     No, I didn’t watch or listen to it. I have a very low tolerance for political blather from anyone…well, other than myself, of course. But from the snippets I’ve been reading, it was at least as bad as We the Normals® expected it to be:      America, ladies and gentlemen, is under attack and …

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Still Not Convinced We’re At War?

     If you don’t believe me, believe him:      Joe Biden made a bizarre and passive aggressive comment targeting “brave right-wing Americans” Tuesday, during an political rally in Pennsylvania touting his latest gun grab….      Rather than attack Republicans in Congress who might oppose the initiative, Biden mocked all conservative Americans who support the Second …

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They Who Make War…

     …shouldn’t be surprised if they get war in return. Consider the implications of Usurper figurehead Joe Biden’s declaration of war on American conservatives:      Here’s what the president told a Democratic Party fundraiser near the White House on Thursday.      “What we’re seeing now is either the beginning of the death knell of the …

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Third-Party Forgiveness

     Joseph Sobran once composed an instructive parable that went something like this: Davis is listening to Jones speak of some injustice done to him by Smith. Davis waits until Jones runs down, and then says, “Oh, that’s all right. I forgive Smith for what he did to you.”      How do you suppose Jones …

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Torch Song Elegy

     I’m on an “Internet retreat” at the moment, in case you’ve been wondering where the interminable essays have gone. But I want to post a quick word before returning to my fiction labors. Perhaps it will serve to explain why I’ve absented myself.      You don’t need me to read the news to you. …

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And Now For Something Completely The Same

     (Apologies to the greats of Monty Python.)      It is a terrible mistake ever to trust a government agency that has a medical or “public health” ambit. Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy applies to such agencies with lethal force:      Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be …

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The Pacification

     My thoughts are more scattered than usual this morning, for a bevy of reasons my Gentle Readers would probably find uninteresting, excessively personal, or both. But when I sense that the floor of our national handbasket is being ripped away by flesh-eating zombies, such that the lake of bubbling lava below is plainly visible, …

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The Rulers

     To learn who rules over you, simply look to those you are not allowed to criticize. [Multiply attributed, most often to Voltaire.]      The above seems sound. Certainly many aristocracies treated the criticism of the rulers — lese majeste — as a serious offense. In some such lands it was treated more harshly than …

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Are The Usurpers Planning To Complete The Coup of 2020?

     I try to restrict myself to only one fit of screaming fury per day, but the Usurper Regime has been evoking more outrage than I can vent with just one. The Imbecile-In-Chief has a gift that way:      President Biden in an interview broadcast late Wednesday predicted a “mini revolution” in November’s midterm elections …

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“We Are The Ultimate Power”

     If you still don’t believe that the U.S. has a ruling class, have a few pointed words from Washington Commanders’ defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio:      “I can look at images on the TV, people’s livelihoods are being destroyed, businesses are being burned down, no problem. And then we have a dust-up at the …

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Decline And Fall

     At each election we vote in a new set of politicians, insanely assuming that they are better than the set turned out. And at each election we are, as they say in Motherland, done in. – H. L. Mencken      Among the things I’ve been missing lately are the penetrating and erudite essays of …

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The Normalization Of Fear

     Are you afraid?      You’re meant to be. Influential people in many high places have decreed that you shall be. And they’re putting a lot of effort into getting you there.      One of the most important enduring features of the American milieu – for virtually the whole of our history – has been …

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Perhaps Nothing Could Have Prevented It…

     …but whatever the case, actual government censorship has arrived:      The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a new board designed to counter misinformation related to homeland security, with a focus specifically on Russia and irregular migration. The board will be called the “Disinformation Governance Board, and will be headed by executive director …

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A Prediction That Drips Blood

     If you haven’t yet viewed last night’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, the first fifteen minutes of it, at least, are very much worth your time. Carlson is forthright in predicting the imminent removal of “President” Joseph R. Biden – by his own party. His analysis of the reasons for foreseeing this unprecedented event are simple …

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