Category: medicine

Pouring Cement Into The Wound

     The COVID-19 affair was arguably the worst thing to happen to the United States since the Civil War. The disease aside, the “remedy:” Closure of schools; Closure of businesses; Closure of places of worship; Nationwide lockdowns of healthy Americans; Suppression of dissent from the official narrative; Coerced administration of experimental, untested vaccines;      …did …

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Politically Disapproved Treatments

     We’ve all heard the horror stories about persons with conditions no approved therapy could cure or palliate, who were denied the right to try experimental treatments because… well, because the FDA hadn’t approved them. The excellent movie Dallas Buyers Club, starring Matthew McConaughey, depicts one such case. The logic behind giving the FDA the …

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The CDC stirs up the panic porn once again

“Tripledemic”? Really? I never got the Covid jab, although there was a period of time where I was going to lose my retirement for that. I’m done getting the flu shot. It doesn’t work, and what evidence is out there regarding the flu shot seems to point to the shot actually making things worse. At …

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Medicine Today

      What need be said about this story?      Man Has Wrong Organ Removed By Surgeons Who ‘Couldn’t Find’ His Appendix      A Washington state man is suing the University of Washington (UW), after two UW surgeons failed to locate his appendix and instead removed part of his colon – leaving the man with a …

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To all the people who think the flu shot actually works….

I have some bad news for you. We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against …

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And a pox on the flu shot as well

First off, can we all just laugh at this sanctimonious bag of egomaniacal bullshit? Comedian Jimmy Kimmel has canceled his upcoming live Strike Force Three show after contracting Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). I would say that it couldn’t happen to a more deserving piece of shit, but we all know people who deserve what’s happening to …

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How Much Evidence Is Enough?

     So you don’t think things are that bad? You think dialogue between Left and Right is still possible? You think when the consequences of their insane policies become sufficiently obvious, our political opponents will come to their senses?      No, Gentle Reader. It cannot be, for a simple reason: The Left is now a …

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Speaking of warping things….

If any of the Mask Covidiots try to tell you that you have to wear a mask otherwise people will die, please ask them to follow the actual science. We have well over 100 years of proof, scientific proof, that masks do not prevent the spread of an aerosolized virus. The fact that so many …

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There Are Days The Satires Write Themselves

     They seem to be particularly rife on Mondays. Consider this bit of nonsense:      Anti-chippers are the latest group of awful people we now have to worry about      They’re paranoid, don’t believe in science, many have white supremacist tendencies, and most importantly they want you to know that microchip implants are super duper …

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Further Intrusions Into Medical Privacy

     The doctor-patient relationship is deemed legally immune to demands for information from agents of the State. That immunity is considered so important that it extends beyond the death of either party. It covers diagnoses, the results of lab tests, decisions to treat or not to treat, and details of both treatment and results. And …

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Day From Hell Alert

     The C.S.O. has another procedure scheduled for later this morning. Once again it will involve a long drive, a lot of cutting (for her) and a lot of waiting (for me), a long drive back, and then postoperative care most of which will fall on my shoulders. When we get back there will be …

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Dead Giveaways Dept.

     Sometimes laughter isn’t just the best medicine, it’s the only medicine:      Bringing cake into the office should be seen as harmful to your colleagues in the same way as passive smoking, the chairwoman of Britain’s top food watchdog has said.      Professor Susan Jebb, of the Food Standards Agency, speaking personally and not …

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“But Then They Might Not Get The Shot!”

     Everyone on Earth – certainly, everyone with a minor child – should read this incredible conversation between a distraught father and a pharmacist: Father: Are you a pharmacist? Pharmacist: Yes, how can I help? Father: Yeah. Hey, I’ve got a question. My wife, against my wishes, brought my seven-year-old son a few days ago …

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Wanting And Not Getting

     (No, this won’t be about sex.)      It’s easy to talk fliply about “predilections” and “mindsets” and what they impel their holders to do. I’ve done it many times. Yet it often provides plausible explanations for the behavior common to certain categories of persons. While there are always exceptions and there always will be, …

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And Now For Something Completely The Same

     (Apologies to the greats of Monty Python.)      It is a terrible mistake ever to trust a government agency that has a medical or “public health” ambit. Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy applies to such agencies with lethal force:      Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be …

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Socialism: A Reminder

     Canadian poet and commentator David Solway has the story:      A few days ago my wife and I brought her mother, who was suffering from a serious leg infection, to the local ER. We were worried about the possibility of gangrene, which an acquaintance some years back had contracted under similar circumstances, resulting in …

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Your Papers, “Please” Part 2

     I know most Gentle Readers disdain to watch videos – and the longer the video, the less likely you’ll watch it. I can’t criticize that; I’m that way myself. But I hope you’ll make an exception for this one:      If you don’t have the time or the patience, here’s the whole thing in …

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Fear Alone Provides Insufficient Test Subjects

What Felix Rex implies is that the forced vax campaigns provided billionaires’ scientists billions of non-consenting human guinea pigs upon which to test potential life-extending technology. They must’ve anticipated that fear alone wouldn’t turn all of humanity into Howard Hughes type germaphobes, hence the gradual forced campaigns were already planned for when fear no longer …

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The Proof Is Here

     This whole pandemic nonsense was planned:      The time to resist is now.


     Most people who study physics at any level know the Inclined Plane as the first machine of their acquaintance. It’s the simplest machine I know of. It serves admirably to illustrate the fundamental nature and purpose of a machine: to make some human undertaking easier than it would otherwise be. The illustration commonly presented …

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