Category: COVID-19


     The evil of the State can be summed up in one brief sentence: The State does all things by force.      Whether it wields its weapons openly or merely brandishes them, force is the State’s standard and its only tool.      It’s typical of men that we strive, unconsciously, to blot out our more …

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Subtlety Is Often Wasted

     Especially on the Left. They often need to be hit between the eyes with a two-by-four to get their attention. But then, the Left is so monomaniacal, and so blind to unintended consequences, that they often willfully ignore even blatant evidence that their maneuvers are rebounding against them. Consider this “little” story from the …

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We were right, and they were lying

Why yes, the National Institute of Health, led by Little Fascist Fauci, did fund gain of function research in Wuhan. At this point, nobody should be shocked by this. I mean, after finding out that the US had upwards of 28 bio-labs in Ukraine? Oops, not 28 biolabs, it’s FORTY SIX. In a just world, …

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Pouring Cement Into The Wound

     The COVID-19 affair was arguably the worst thing to happen to the United States since the Civil War. The disease aside, the “remedy:” Closure of schools; Closure of businesses; Closure of places of worship; Nationwide lockdowns of healthy Americans; Suppression of dissent from the official narrative; Coerced administration of experimental, untested vaccines;      …did …

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We were right, they were wrong

And there’s still not even a hint of an apology coming our way, so they can fuck right off and die screaming. Ironically, the CDC’s new guidance from March 1 not only recommends good hygiene and vaccination (despite evidence of the COVID vaccine’s serious risks), it recommends “cleaner air” and “gathering outdoors.” Do you remember how many people obediently stayed locked …

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“Have You Been Vaccinated?”

     Then keep well away from me:      The topic of COVID-19 vaccine shedding has long been controversial, but now, some doctors say it is real.      “Shedding is unfortunately real,” said Dr. Pierre Kory at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in early February. “The FDA (U.S. Food …

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Oh to dream

This isn’t a long post. It’s late, I’ve been doing schoolwork, and I found something that made me nod and think “Yes, that is what the world needs.” But it’s still a true statement that every politician, either federal, state or local, who locked down their population because of something with a 99.97% survival rate, …

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We all knew it

It didn’t matter how much Little Fascist Fauci tried to deny it, it doesn’t matter how much Francis Collins lied about it until he was put under oath, we all knew that Covid 19 came from a lab. And here’s your confirmation, just in case you still weren’t convinced. It’s a Chinese-made virus. Paid for …

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Lies, damned lies, and statistics

The Kung Flu Plandemic by the numbers. A.K.A. you were lied to, repeatedly. As we can see, Covid-19 presented no more threat of death than flu to those aged under 75. In point of fact, there is a greater risk to the young in falling over and breaking their necks than dying from Covid-19. Conclusion: …

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Second Attempt

     If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. – old maxim      Oh sure. We know the importance of perseverance in the pursuit of what one seeks. It “should” be equally “obvious” that the more imperative is a particular goal, the greater must be the perseverance with which one pursues it. This is …

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     Some recent stories are enough to enrage a saint: Working out at the gym this morning and a follower came up to say hi He served in the Navy, is now 24 years old, and a very fit guy Told me they forced him to take Moderna – he resisted but didn’t want to …

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And once again, we were right

Not the Royal “we” but the thousands and thousands of people who have been telling anyone who would listen that the jab is worse than the Kung Flu. The Vaccine is the Virus.

Never forget that this was MANDATED

Boosted people more likely to be infected than unvaccinated people. The Role of Spike Protein in Myocarditis. So people who got the jab are MORE likely to catch the Kung Flu when it comes around again. And there is obviously a link between the jab and myocarditis and a whole host of other problems. People …

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Speaking of warping things….

If any of the Mask Covidiots try to tell you that you have to wear a mask otherwise people will die, please ask them to follow the actual science. We have well over 100 years of proof, scientific proof, that masks do not prevent the spread of an aerosolized virus. The fact that so many …

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Are you ready to shoot them yet?

If you have kids, and if the government/medical quacks/petty tyrants are demanding that your kids get the jab, what are you going to do? Especially given what we know from the past, and what we’re constantly learning? Berenson’s report is based on a peer-reviewed study of the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on the …

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The Last Stand

     Apparently, what’s been widely rumored is true:      I listened to Sid Rosenberg on WOR radio [CBS NY], and he said he’s hearing that the masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions are returning. They are coming back. You must resist. They are changing America, and that includes taking your freedoms away.      […]      This …

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When Your Lie Is Found Out…

     …shout it even more loudly:      FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf has spent the last year warning that growing “distortions and half-truths” surrounding vaccines and other medical products are now “a leading cause of death in America.”      “Almost no one should be dying of COVID in the U.S. today,” Califf told The Associated …

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Day From Hell Alert

     The C.S.O. has another procedure scheduled for later this morning. Once again it will involve a long drive, a lot of cutting (for her) and a lot of waiting (for me), a long drive back, and then postoperative care most of which will fall on my shoulders. When we get back there will be …

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What Was The Left’s Old Mantra?

     Oh yes, here it is: Always Advance As If Under Threat Of Attack      Two articles bring this to mind: It’s Time The Scientific Community Admit We Were Wrong About COVID-19. The Unvaccinated Owe The Vaccinated An Apology      The former weak mea culpa pleads for forgiveness. “We thought we were doing the right …

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It’s Plain And Open Now…

     By now you’ve heard about the Project Veritas capture of a Director of Pfizer, Jordon Walker, talking about how his employer might perform a “directed evolution of the COVID-19 virus so it can devise new vaccines for the variants. Here’s the video:      Here’s James O’Keefe himself to tell you why YouTube is suppressing …

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