Apparently, what’s been widely rumored is true:
I listened to Sid Rosenberg on WOR radio [CBS NY], and he said he’s hearing that the masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions are returning. They are coming back. You must resist. They are changing America, and that includes taking your freedoms away.
This past week, Hollywood studio Lionsgate announced it was reinstating a COVID mask mandate for its employees. As we reported, Morris Brown College in Atlanta is reinstating its mandates for staff and students. Other colleges are following suit. Rutgers and Georgetown require indoor masking despite the evidence masks had no effect. Over 100 schools still require vaccination despite the myocarditis/pericarditis side effect.
The Usurpers were so buoyed by their success the first time around that they’re betting they can get away with doing it again. Should they succeed, it will mean the end of all remaining individual freedom in these United States, including the freedom to assemble and the freedom to travel. Would anyone care to argue the point? Do you sincerely believe that a government that requires that you get its permission to leave your own home will respect any of your other rights?
Convince me if you can. I stand with Scott Adams:

Remember that your oppressors are willing to kill you for daring to defy them. If they’re willing to do that, how could they possibly be sincerely concerned about your health?
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Exactly! Give whatever the first corporation turns out to be the Bud Light treatment times a thousand. The future FYVM will have some use of that corporation’s name in it. “A curse shall your name be forevermore.”
I didn’t pay attention the first time except to appease my wife, my she rest in peace, at the doctors office. I certainly won’t now and in the future.
Evil Franklin
United Airlines. Wokeness writ large and undoubtedly figuring a repeat of the mask up to ride with us power trip. A week with no ridership will fix that. Forever. All you have to do is reschedule that meeting or delay the trip, or if worse comes to worse, drive…….
Any of the other airlines would work too of course. This public/private partnership conspiracy has to end.
Masks are harmful, not merely useless, particularly for children…Scott is right on the money…
Sid is on WABC not WOR radio
Never complied the first time. If a business hassled me about a mask I told them to call the cops. Not one did. If they wouldnt serve me I left and told the manager or owner I would never return. Same with businesses with no guns signs. I am outta there never to return.
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