Category: Usurper Regime

The Politicization Of Justice Is Now Complete

     Unless you’re more sensible than I am you’ve ceased to pay attention to the news, you’re already aware of the “Hunter Biden laptop” controversy and the way the Usurper Regime, and its Big Tech and media allies have striven to prevent any public discussion of it. The evidence on that laptop, combined with other …

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The Eternal Exculpation Effort

     I am frequently bemused by the extent to which the bien-pensants will go in their determination to avert their eyes – and ours – from verifiable facts. Some of them seem sincerely to believe that their wishes can remake reality. Others, of course, are simply practicing the tactics of obfuscation and deflection that have …

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Scientism, Democratism, And Statism

     The ism suffix particle most often indicates a faith, or a similarly faith-based system of beliefs. There are a few exceptions – bruxism, for instance, is dentists’ term for habitual grinding of the teeth, and a neologism is just a newly coined word – but the rule is usually reliable.      Recently, we’ve had …

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This Piece Needs No Title…

     …except possibly “Holy shit!” They’re not even trying to hide it any longer:      The owner of a New York City supermarket chain predicted the food prices will increase sharply in the coming months, with some increasing 10 percent in the next two months.      John Catsimatidis, the billionaire supermarket owner of Gristedes and …

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“We Can Afford To Spend As Much Of Your Money As We Like.”

     Listen as a top Congressional Democrat tells you exactly that:      On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-KY) said that $3.5 trillion in spending under the reconciliation bill “is pretty inconsequential when you consider all the benefits to the American people,” and “The federal government can afford anything …

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     Why does anyone, anywhere and at any time, erect a fence?      I have one around my backyard. It’s to keep my dogs in: that is, to lessen my fear that my dogs will run away, possibly to their deaths.      When the patricians of other places erect fences, it’s usually to keep other …

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You Have Been Told

     You have been told that you, Mr. Unvaccinated American, are by your stubbornness endangering your own life and the lives of others, including the already vaccinated. You have been told that your conduct is unpatriotic, in violation of the “social contract.” You have been told that this is a crisis, the moral equivalent of …

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The Mind-Bogglings Continue

     I have learned an important lesson: Never imagine that it can’t get worse.      As a corollary, never imagine that it can’t get more absurd. There’s no limit apparent to the clownishness of American politicians. They’re beginning to make their colleagues in Italy and France look like sober-minded statesmen. Consider this bit of nonsense, …

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Chronicles Of The Collapse

     It is characteristic of collapsing regimes that as they feel their subjects turning against them, possibly preparing to rise, they strive to tighten their grip to the maximum. This is happening in the United States as we speak:      Policymakers in Washington have proposed requiring banks to report virtually all their customers’ bank account …

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Bluster Means Nothing When The Enemy Holds All The Trumps

     I’ve long encouraged Americans to present their “leaders” with a healthy spirit of defiance. It’s as American as apple pie – considerably more so than any of the “woke” pro sports leagues. But it’s not enough to be verbally defiant when the Schutzstaffel is at the door, armed and ready to drag you to …

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State Of Fear

     I apologize to the ghost of Michael Crichton for appropriating the title of one of his best novels for this piece. Sorry, Mike, but it just fits our milieu too well to pass up.      The theme for a Liberty’s Torch piece often comes to me in the middle of reading something from another …

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The Gap

     The days have acquired an eerie regularity.      I rise early – typically between 4:00 and 4:30 – get my (cardiac starter fluid) coffee, and settle at my computer to read through my list of news sources. As I read I make a handful of notes about topics for future essays, though on some …

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Defiance Or Gloom?

     Your Curmudgeon isn’t sure what he’s hearing.      Some voices are elevated in anger, furious about events in Afghanistan and seemingly resolved to expel the villains and incompetents in Washington who are responsible for the debacle. Many of these are persons who’ve expressed similar intentions for some time. But other voices speak in the …

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War Has Been Declared

     …and there’s no such thing as a one-sided war:      The United States Department of Homeland Security made a quiet and alarming announcement yesterday, creating the official position of the United States Government under the Joe Biden regime. [SEE DHS STATEMENT HERE] According to the statement, if you question the orthodoxy, mandates, or COVID-19 …

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The Fallen Republic: A Summing-Up

     I found this at IOTW Report. I hope that site’s proprietors won’t mind that I’m reproducing it here. It deserves the widest possible audience:      I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all …

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Your Decision Tree And What It Means For You

     You’ve probably seen the phrase decision tree before. It’s become a frequent element in op-ed columns such as this one. While it looks forbiddingly formal and technical, it refers to one of the most pedestrian things in human life: our priorities and how we use them to make choices.      Everyone has priorities. However, …

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One Of These Days

     “One of these days, I’m going to cut you into little pieces” – Pink Floyd, “One Of These Days”      One of these days, we will reckon the fall of the Republic from a point that’s already in our past.      The Constitutional bounds of the federal government are violated daily. Thus it should …

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The Paramount Social Principle

     Way back when the world was, if not new, still only gently used, I wrote a rather melancholic piece about the loss of trust. It evoked a range of reactions from “C’mon!” all the way to “It’s even worse than you think, Fran.” But I was mostly right. Where I failed was in noting …

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Ch-Ch-Changes 2021

     The attempt to subjugate Americans has run out of new ideas. The giveaway is the Establishment’s propagandization of the “Delta variant” to frighten us back into face masks and isolation. The bad news is that some people are buying the scare propaganda. The good news is that they’re greatly outnumbered by those who aren’t. …

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Corporate Misbehavior

     “A corporation has neither a body to be kicked nor a soul to be damned.” – Isabel Paterson      There’s quite a lot of it, these days. It’s damnably difficult for ordinary citizens to do anything about, too. But then, that’s what the corporate form was intended to facilitate.      The corporation, you see, …

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