“We Can Afford To Spend As Much Of Your Money As We Like.”

     Listen as a top Congressional Democrat tells you exactly that:

     On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-KY) said that $3.5 trillion in spending under the reconciliation bill “is pretty inconsequential when you consider all the benefits to the American people,” and “The federal government can afford anything that it feels it needs to do.”

     Yarmuth said Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) “has no understanding of how the federal government monetary system works. When he compared it yesterday to his household income, that has no relevance to what we can do. It’s not a question of what we can afford. The federal government can afford anything that it feels it needs to do. And right now, that’s what we ought to be focused on.”

     Really! His lips moved and everything!

     But why, then, have a budgetary process at all? Why not have the federal government purchase literally everything everyone in America needs or wants—and distribute it for free? Indeed, why have taxes?

     Please, please watch the video above. It’s only 33 seconds long, and it’s the most blatant attempt to deceive that any Congressman has ever dared to essay.

     Either John Yarmuth doesn’t understand the import of his words, in which case he might be the stupidest man ever elected to a federal position, or he does…in which case he’s purely evil, a deceiver who hopes to rob us and all our descendants, with our compliance. And here I am typing with my fists again.

     Yarmuth thought he was talking to a “friendly audience.” Perhaps he forgot that his performance would be recorded for others to marvel at. People whose jobs have been destroyed by the Usurpers’ policies. People whose towns and counties have been impoverished by the disappearance of employers. People who’ve been watching prices skyrocket and their savings dwindle.

     Spread this little video around, Gentle Reader. If enough people see it and grasp its significance, we might just reach the critical mass necessary to eject the Usurpers and their henchmen on Capitol Hill from their seats.


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  1. Disagreeing with the despots gets one labeled as a domestic terrorist. So there is no stupidity in the sense that they don’t know what they’re saying as false. They say such things to bait us, so as to notice which little pegs light up red.

    • SWVaguy on October 2, 2021 at 7:49 AM

    I’m thinking about trying that.  I want a Ferrari GTO, 1962 vintage.  They’re selling for a minimum of 20 million bucks.  Money, for lack of a better word, means nothing any more.

      • Hoagie on October 2, 2021 at 1:42 PM

      That’s not for you. That’s for Friends of the REICH only.

    • GenEarly on October 2, 2021 at 6:53 PM

    Light Me Up!!! Critical Mass. Forward and Print out as Thomas Paine did in 1775.


  2. Stupid, OR Evil?

    Embrace the power of BOTH!

    • SiG on October 3, 2021 at 11:23 AM

    Let me lift the money quote: (“When [Manchin] compared it yesterday to his household income, that has no relevance to what we can do. It’s not a question of what we can afford. The federal government can afford anything that it feels it needs to do.”)

    What Yarmoth is saying there is almost a word for word quote from Modern Monetary Theory.  That’s the system the Dems are running the country under.

    That Dr. Stephanie Kelton, who seems to be the public face behind MMT, really came up with a good racket.  There must be books out there, public appearances for her and the other MMT acolytes so they can rack in the wheelbarrows full of money from the Democrat apparatchiks.  There has always been profit in telling the king he can do whatever he wants; Dr. Kelton is simply this year’s royal advisor.

    The other hand is exactly like you say.  Then why do they collect taxes?  Why not just make up every penny they spend rather than 3/5 of what they spend?   Are they heretics who don’t really believe they can afford anything they feel like doing – they just need to tax that last 2/5?  Oh you of little faith, Yarmoth.  If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this bill that it is fully funded out of thin air and it will be.


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