Category: conservatism


     I spend very little time with other people – the C.S.O. excepted – and none in groups larger than four persons. (Willingly, that is.) So I tend to be late-to-press with social trends. In the main, that doesn’t trouble me. What use has an isolate for social trends? He’s not terribly likely to adopt …

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The Unreasonable

     Clever title, eh? Gets the brain churning, doesn’t it? “The unreasonable who?” “The unreasonable what?” “Porretto’s playing games again, isn’t he?”      (“Again,” you say? When did I stop?)      Well, it’s all in a day’s work here at the Fortress of Crankitude, Long Island’s premier shrine to self-indulgent snark over too many glasses …

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Apostate Glimpses A Critical Truth

     It cannot be said too often: Leftism, whether it goes by “liberalism,” “progressivism,” “socialism,” or outright “communism,” is a religious faith. As with most faiths, believers regard apostates as the worst of evils:      The reasons are several, but paramount among them is this one: the Leftist regards his faith as a badge of …

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A Good And Worthy Metamorphosis

     Tucker Carlson, since leaving Fox News, has become one of American conservatism’s brightest lights. Consider his recent statement on abortion:      Carlson noted that human sacrifice, ritual child sacrifice in particular, “rears its head about every four chapters. … Of all the sins the ancients committed, that sin, every single time it’s described, is …

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Errors Eternally Embarrass Everyone Erroneous Everywhere

     Yes, I enjoy alliterations. What of it?      The thing public figures least like to do is admit to error. They regard being compelled to say “I was wrong” about as warmly as a public bowel movement. Thus it doesn’t happen often. The best known occasion in history – Anwar Sadat’s admission that the …

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Conservatism And The Present Age

     Among the things that are absolutely essential to progress – regardless of what sort of progress we’re talking about — the recognition and correction of mistakes is paramount. Human knowledge is like a single vector in a disordered field. To arrive at it involves eliminating all the alternatives to that one true magnitude and …

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What Endures?

     A different sort of reflection today. Current events combine horror and mind-numbing sameness in equal measure. If I were somehow confined to talking about politics, policy, and current events today, I’d give up talking. I’d rather cut my lawn with a cuticle scissors.      In his essay of this morning, Roger Kimball announces a …

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