Category: Republican Party

Early Morning Thoughts

     Quoth Stephen Kruiser:      Donald Trump is going to places where, according to traditional wisdom, he doesn’t have a chance. It’s the kind of fight we never see from most Republicans.      Trump’s desire to fight where it matters is the reason that people who have delicate feelings about him should just shut the …

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“All Together Now” — ?

     I know a great number of faithful Republican voters. That is to say: they’re faithful to the Republican Party, they uncritically accept the statements of Republican politicians, and they vote the straight Republican ticket at every opportunity. And I would say, strictly from my acquaintance with them and their past behavior (I know, I …

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     Two weeks ago journalist Emerald Robinson published a startling article about How The GOP Committed Suicide Trying to Stop Trump. Much of it is about Mitch McConnell (R, KY), whom Robinson accuses of doing his damnedest to prevent Donald Trump from functioning as president, and of subsequently aiding the anti-Trump forces in their attempt …

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Partisanry Is Idiocy

     Have I not said this before? Have I not screamed “Don’t be a joiner” loudly or frequently enough? Well, looky here:      Ed Cox must resign.      He is a donkey in Elephant’s clothing.      It has been discovered that Cox, chairman of the New York Republican State Committee, sits on the board of …

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Some Monitory Words From Stephen Kruiser

     He’s very targeted this morning, and commendably so:      Election fraud is one of those quintessential hot button 21st century issues where no nuance or real discussion is allowed. You either believe that all Republican hopes of victory going forward are doomed or, according to the doomsayers, you’re in denial. I would love to …

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Illegal Immigration And Legislation

     Everyone wants to believe that he’s important – that what he does matters to others. If there are exceptions, I have yet to encounter them. It follows that a man will prefer an occupation that appears to provide things of genuine value to others over a trade that, whatever it pays, does little or …

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Embarrassing For The GOP

     It’s not that long ago that a revolt against then Speaker-Of-The-House Kevin McCarthy, led by Matt Gaetz, barely succeeded in ousting McCarthy from that post. The vote to expel garnered the support of the Democrat caucus, plus a paltry five Republicans’ votes. What I didn’t know at the time was that some highly prominent …

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Sharp Questions Dept.

     The right question to the right person at the right time can puncture a huge balloon of hypocrisy. Interestingly, a stimulus to such questions arrived only a few minutes ago.      The stimulus is a campaign fundraising email from Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida. Here is what I hold to be the critical portion: …

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So You Think The Republicans Represent You?

     You think the GOP is the party of “limited government?” That it’s the one and only counterforce to the Left’s determination to make the Omnipotent State supreme over everything? That unless we elect Republican majorities, the Left will steamroll us into a new Soviet Union?      Think again:      For those of us who …

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When Smart People Say Foolish Things

     Folly, the late Barbara Tuchman has told us, is “knowing better but doing worse.” The power of wishful thinking is so great that even demonstrably highly intelligent people can fall into this zone. I say this with a certain authority.      Today, we have an example from a generally smart commentator:      The GOP …

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“Give Me A Ho! Give Me A Hum!”

     It’s time to exercise our arithmetic skills:      A group of two dozen Senate Republicans have signed a letter vowing to oppose any increase in the nation’s debt limit unless Congress agrees to spending cuts to help pay down the national debt.      “We, the undersigned members of the Senate Republican Conference, write to …

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One Trait Of An (“R”) Stalinist

Doug Mastriano was never a super candidate. I think he’s now sustained the voters’ impression that prevented him from ever igniting a following. His run wasn’t real. He was and is loyal opposition. Today he’s come out and fully endorsed the old party line of “just vote more, like the Democrats do, and we’ll win.” …

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This news item “Adam Kinzinger, House Republican Who Served on Jan. 6 Committee, Lands Job at CNN After Retiring” reminded me why I could never abide the easier to recognize but poor choice for a pejorative that is Republican In Name Only. For one thing, a RINO is still a republican, just not a constitutional …

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When Another Writer Hits the Bull’s-Eye

     …he deserves to be acknowledged and applauded:      The RNC is not focused on winning elections. The RNC corporation is focused on retaining control.      The RNC want to give the illusion of support for MAGA conservatism because they need the base voter, and they need to maintain the illusion of choice. However, every …

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Club Membership Uber Alles!

     If you have any memory of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee a few years back, you might remember this:      To me, the most important snippet of Senator Graham’s tirade is when he points to the Democrats on the committee and says “These have been my friends.” It’s a massively …

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