Category: property rights

Visions Of Sugarplums

     Let’s talk about money:      Well! If the subject is money, is there really more to say than that? Frankly, yes.      Relax, Gentle Reader. I’m not about to quote Francisco D’Anconia at you. But he did have a point or two, especially this one: the first thing looters and totalitarians go after, when …

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A Small Victory — Numbers of Warriors Matter

How would you like your purchasing rights restricted by unseen forces putting pressure on your financial institutions? Well, I didn’t. And for now I’ve put a stop to one of mine. It’s a dead certainty I could not be the only customer who complained. I have no idea who or how many, but I am …

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Property And Security

     First, I found this at Moonbattery:      …and then I was reminded of this bit of insight, courtesy of WRSA:      What if the Federal Government grossly violated the Constitution? Could states withdraw from the Union? Lincoln said no. The Union was “indissoluble” unless all the states agreed to dissolve it. As a practical …

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Simple Contexts, Simple Logic

     It doesn’t take long for the observant student of economics to realize that the whole field is about incentives, disincentives, and human decision-making within their grip. There’s the Law of Supply and Demand, the Law of Diminishing Marginal Value, and Coase’s Theorem. All else is about particular cases and exceptions that, largely, prove not …

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Adverse Possession And Easements

     This story out of England, which from the headline might appear an unconscionable travesty of justice, reveals facets that raise uncomfortable questions:      The property originally belonged to Doris Curtis, who died in the 1980s and left her house to her son, Colin. Mr. Curtis moved out in 1996 to live in another inherited …

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The Plunderers Hunger

     I remember quite clearly being taught that greed is one of the seven capital sins. It seems those bits of Christian teaching have been “redacted” for left-wing politicians. For them “greed” is something other people feel…for wanting to keep their earnings. Thus it comes as no surprise when an avowed socialist demands that some …

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Gee, Where Did This Idea Come From?

     I can’t help but wonder:      VANCOUVER, British Columbia (LifeSiteNews) — A civil liberty group is sounding the alarm after British Columbia’s New Democratic Party (NDP) Premier David Eby announced a forthcoming new law that would permit the government to take away one’s property or goods prior to being charged with a crime.      …

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Conditional Property

     Have you ever seen the phrase above? I’ve encountered it only once, and that was in a fictional context:      “What made you think that I’d accept a gift of this kind?”      “It is not a gift, Mr. Rearden. It is your own money. But I have one favor to ask of you. …

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