Category: short stories

The Weapon

     [Now and then, I stumble over an entirely original, brilliant idea that another writer has tossed off as if it’s merely a trivial component of his tale, without bothering to explore its wider implications. For me, that’s a head-shaker. There aren’t all that many original, brilliant ideas around at any moment; they shouldn’t be …

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     [A short story for you today. In light of the advancing Christmas season, and in recognition of the acceleration of Islamic imperialism in the West, I thought it might be an appropriate time to post this old Onteora tale. — FWP]      Kevin Conway noticed Hajj al-Siddiqui’s entrance to the Onteora Aviation Christmas party …

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Light, Sweet, Crude

     [A short story for you today. This one is for all the men in overalls and hardhats. The ones with dirt under their fingernails. The guys who actually make things work. If they were ever to down tools and mean it, we prissy white-collar types wouldn’t survive a single winter. – FWP]      I’m …

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Land For Peace

     [A short story for you today, as I’m rather tired and need to spend some time recharging my batteries. The subject matter of this one may disturb or displease some readers. Please remember that it’s fiction. And remember this as well: no matter what the war is about, or who did what to whom …

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Minnesota Nice

     [A short story for you. The corruption of the 2020 presidential balloting has had me thinking about what the Right might do to counter further attempts in that direction. Perhaps the idea encapsulated in this story would suffice, though I’m sure there would be the most vigorous of protests from the Left. – FWP …

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The Bear

     [A short story for you today. New residents in an old, well-established neighborhood must observe the customs of the place. If they want to be accepted, that is. — FWP]      Andrew stepped out of the dense thicket of trees and into a clearing of sorts. About ten yards ahead stood a row of …

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At Last

     [A short story for you today, from my friend F. James Dagg. James has a gift I lack: the ability to grab you by the heart and squeeze with a bare few hundred words. The following is a fine example of his prowess. — FWP]      His heart shivered when he saw the return …

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     Standards, and our attempts – sincere or not – to meet them, have lately been much on my mind.      Just a little while ago, an itinerant preacher proclaimed a standard that’s made him moderately famous:      And behold one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I …

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It Creeps In Everywhere

     Pascal, Dave, and I have written quite a lot that falls under the death cults category. There are plenty of reasons; a perusal of the essays in this book and of the essays here under that heading would convince anyone not determined to ignore the evidence. I’m certain that it will remain an important, …

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Small Lives

     [A short story for you this evening. Not everyone aspires to greatness. Quite a lot of us have no ambitions of that magnitude. But think about the children of a family of great wealth and power. Think about the pressures that might be put on them. Not all of them will respond the way …

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The Outrider

     [A short story for you today. Some “great events” are, in point of fact, merely resultants. They’re preceded by much smaller and less visible events that made them, if not inevitable, at least overwhelmingly likely. If there’s a great event to come, where should we look for the seemingly insignificant precursors that will precipitate …

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     [A short story for you today. This one will be rather pointed, I fear. It was inspired by an essay I read about an hour ago. That piece, which I’ll link at the end of this one, harmonized so perfectly with my own convictions and the process by which I reached them that I …

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“How Did He Know?”

     This piece has evoked some amazing reactions, the majority of them imparted to me privately. Yes, all of them were from men. Quite frankly, what I thought I knew about my Gentle Readers falls short of the actuality. It seems that even among our sort, there’s a lot of romantic and para-romantic misery out …

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For Virginia With Hope

     [An old friend asked about this short story, and if I would please repost it. It first appeared at Liberty’s Torch V1.0 on December 18, 2019. I’ve made some slight edits since then. – FWP]      They had disdained the courtrooms, even though cleared of the pestilential scum that had roosted there. The aroma …

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The Bearer

     [I’d vacillated among subjects for a tirade much of the morning, when I realized that I’ve been drained of the verve required for the pursuit. So instead, have a short story from F. J. Dagg. It first appeared at Liberty’s Torch V1.0 in November of 2020.      James’s imagination seems to admit to no …

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The Third Decree

     [A very short story for you today. It has been said – by me, among others – that if you must have a government, the ideal would be a monarch absolutely committed to justice. For the only legitimate use of force against others is to effect the maintenance or restoration of justice. That’s why …

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Compare And Contrast

     The mysteries of the Future Columns folder continue to ramify. When there are a lot of entries in it, I have trouble selecting one to write about. But when there are only a few…I still have trouble selecting one to write about. Probably incipient Alzheimer’s Disease or something. What did you say my name …

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At The Djinn Mill

     [A short story for you today. I once asked a college class whether any of the students there had ever been interested in magic. One young woman raised her hand, somewhat timidly. I reassured her that there was no need to be embarrassed about it, for magic, if it really worked, would be a …

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The Strike

     [A short story for you, inspired by an observation from retired World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov. — FWP] ***      “We’re not getting anywhere,” Percy growled.      “Did you expect to?” I said. “I’d say that was rather the point.”      “But why? “Don’t they have as much to lose from this as the …

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A Change Of Scene

     [A short story for you today. A dear friend recently told me something I hadn’t expected to hear from her. It was a sad disclosure of a variety I’ve heard before, about a form of abuse the proudly pious often inflict upon those who haven’t yet received the gift of faith. I consider it …

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