Category: responsibility

Compare And Contrast

     It seems that for many years, whenever an identifiable member of a Democrat mascot group was deemed the perpetrator of some heinous crime, Leftists would leap to their typewriters and microphones to proclaim that “Society is to blame! Oppression! Victimization! Deprivation! Marginalization!” and so forth. It was vital for Democrat control of those voting …

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Apply The Logical-Ethical Cement

     Pascal passed the following video along to me for my contemplation:      Jordan Peterson has become a hugely important voice in the ideological war. There’s no question of his significance, nor of his reach. Why else would the Left be working so hard to destroy him? In the video above, he emphasizes responsibility as …

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“What Works” Versus “What Sounds Good”

     Thomas Sowell has many pithy sayings to his credit, but the one that resonates most powerfully with our current maladies is this one:      The more I study the history of intellectuals, the more they seem like a wrecking crew, dismantling civilization bit by bit — replacing what works with what sounds good.      …

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Take A Chance. Columbus Did.

I’ve tried over and again to come up with a warning that would have real effect. But time and again few others have been willing to speak of the mounting dangers and decrease the numbers who walk around wearing blinders. I no longer care that I am dismissed as a crank. The decency that I …

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Determinism And Its Antecedents

     Were you aware that the hottest issue in the physical sciences today is whether there’s really such a thing as causality? Actually, it’s been the hottest issue for several decades already, ever since the codification of measurement uncertainty and quantum level indeterminacy. Physicists struggle to work with quantum systems that defy classical conceptions of …

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Determined Not To Say The “Obvious”

This is a very short clip, yet critically important. Tucker Carlson asked why public officials ignore the significantly irregular rise in deaths in the last quarter of 2021. Adding “Why aren’t they screaming.” For some reason Charlie Kirk simply did not come up with one particular motivation even though he broke the story. It is …

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Revolutions Without Bloodshed Part 2

     We possess unfortunate inclinations, embedded in our psyches by hundreds of years of habituation, toward leaving the most important of all things to the State: Police services; Community safety; Education of the young.      It isn’t just Americans who possess such inclinations. They’re uniform across the First World. As “natural” as they may seem, …

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     [Rather than strain a tired brain beyond its current capacity, I’ve decided to recycle a piece from 2017, when the urban rioting we’ve “enjoyed” since then was just coming over the horizon. – FWP] ***      A great deal of one’s ability to feel secure – i.e., prepared for likely developments rather than threatened …

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