Category: firearms

From The “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” Files

     Democrat politicians would like you to believe that they’re women’s best advocates and protectors. (Mind you, you mustn’t ask them Matt Walsh’s question “What is a woman?” That would upset them terribly.) They constantly prattle about “women’s rights,” as if one’s rights are in some way dependent on one’s sex. But then, we know …

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“…But I know it when I see it.”

     Does anyone remember that little phrase? It became notorious in the early Seventies, after the Supreme Court issued a ruling in a pornography case. The original speaker was Associate Justice Potter Stewart. The stimulus, of course, was the question “What is pornography?”      The Court did not issue a definition. Instead, the ruling centered …

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Blue States’ Assaults On The Second Amendment Continue

     We already know about New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom, Illinois’ Governor J. B. Pritzker, and New Mexico’s Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and their machinations against the right to keep and bear arms. But now Democrats in the state of Washington have gotten into the act:      According to Jason Rantz …

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Discomfort On Display

     I don’t know how to embed one of these YouTube “shorts,” but this one is worth your time. It’s a fine example of the kind of squirming that anti-Second Amendment activists will do to avoid a straightforward question. They cannot abide having their intentions displayed plainly. They will not answer a question with a …

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For My Fellow Firearms Enthusiasts

     CheapAmmo.Com is once again offering …cheap ammo!      Jack Neal emailed me with some of the sales that will go live on Friday morning: The deals will go live on Friday morning at 9 a.m. (Eastern Time), similar to what we did last year. We’ll have the following ready to ship. In most cases, …

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Get It While You Can

     Americans are used to a condition of abundance. Not Marxist “abundance,” which prophesizes a world in which everything is so copiously available that there’s no need for prices and commerce. Rather, Americans are used to free-market abundance: a condition in which the availability of goods at affordable prices can be relied upon, because there …

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Self Destructive

One of the tidbits of knowledge that I’ve gained recently is that Israel, for all you see their Soldiers walking around with guns at the beach, or at a pizza joint, has severe gun control throughout the country. That actually made me stop and scratch my head. A country of millions, surrounded by BILLIONS of …

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Why Now?

     Robert Royal’s column of today, “Psychopaths In Power,” makes several useful observations:      The great psychologist and social commentator Jordan Peterson recently found exactly the right few words for our predicament: Psychopaths are in power. Others have said as much. He added, however, that the psychopaths have been utterly brilliant in using terms like …

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Chiming in

Given the various lawless areas all seem to have quite a few connecting issues, here’s another link in the logic chain. The issue wasn’t gun laws, it was race. “The study found that in areas with higher black populations, mass shootings are likelier to occur compared to communities with higher white populations,” CNN reported. “The …

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Rights For Me But Not For Thee

     Anti-gun activists in Tennessee have been harassing legislators and Second Amendment supporters. That’s part of the Left’s playbook, of course…but have a gawk at this little tidbit:      On May 16, 2023, WTN 99.7 FM’s Brian Wilson delved into the revelations from a secretly recorded training session held by gun control advocates in preparation …

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New York And Weapons Law

     A few days ago, owing to an unfortunate incident that occurred here at the Fortress recently, I visited a local firearms emporium for the first time in some years. In the process I learned a few things of which I “should” have been aware some time ago.      New York state is highly unfriendly …

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An Eye-Opening Graphic

     I stole this from Ragin’ Dave at Peace or Freedom:      Says a lot, doesn’t it? But there’s a larger tale to tell, and tell it I shall.      Have you ever heard the term “Saturday-night special?” I’d bet most of our Gentle Readers have. It’s a derogatory phrase that refers to inexpensive handguns. …

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From The Land Of Fruits And Nuts

     California Democrats have an odd definition of the state’s power to tax:      California Democrats are looking to push legislation that would tax the state’s wealthiest residents, even if they’ve moved to a different state.      The bill was introduced last week by progressive Democrat Alex Lee, which is looking to impose an extra …

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Statist In A Cleft Stick Dept.

     Men of good will should celebrate every event that compels the evil-minded to show their true colors. This is nowhere more important than when an individual right is under threat. An episode of this kind occurred just yesterday in upstate New York:      That’s all the specific information I have on this incident. The …

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The Obfuscation Game

     The Left has adopted a new tack in its campaign against the right to keep and bear arms. A recent article in The Atlantic, a left-inclined publication, contended that the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is a “mystery” whose meaning is uncertain. While the article refers to several considerations (some …

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Politics Uber Alles!

Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states:      First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration. …

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An Early Morning Thought

     What the statistics tell us, quite clearly, is that when it comes to rates of violent crimes and crimes against property, demographics matters, while the legal availability of firearms does not. Where there are large numbers of persons predisposed to ignore the laws, the laws – including laws about firearms acquisition – are more …

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