Category: anarcho-tyranny

Testing The Threshold

     You’ve surely heard about Cori Bush’s demand for $14 trillion in “reparations” to American Negroes. A little arithmetic makes that $350,000 for every Negro in the country. Well, as unlikely as such an award may seem to you, Gentle Reader, there are Negroes demanding a lot more than that:      A local resident told …

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Dress Rehearsal Tarantella

     First, a little music: Judy Collins singing a grim Leonard Cohen tune:      Now that we’re properly depressed, “on with the show.” ***      Stephen Kruiser has a warning for us:      Because the beating heart of the 21st century Democrats is communism, civil unrest is a favorite tool of theirs. It provides a …

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Owing To The January 6 Trials…

     …and much else, including such events as the death of black thug Jordan Neely at the hands of a public-spirited Marine veteran, the legal principle – yes, Gentle Reader, it is a principle, not just some libertarian’s half-baked notion – of jury nullification has re-entered the national discourse.      It’s actually rather strange that …

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The Wheel

     First, a little “inspirational” music: The wheel is turning and you can’t slow downYou can’t let go and you can’t hold onYou can’t go back and you can’t stand stillIf the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will Won’t you try just a little bit harderCouldn’t you try just a little bit more?Won’t …

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Whence The Barbarians?

     I do hope you like quotes, because you’re about to get a lot of them:      The day will come when a multitude of people will choose the legislature. Is it possible to doubt what sort of a legislature will be chosen? On the one side is a statesman preaching patience, respect for rights, …

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A Gloomy Afternoon

     I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, dark, damp weather is the occasion for my gloomiest thoughts.      It’s that sort of day on eastern Long Island. I’ve spent most of the day dealing with household chores and minor necessities, basically trying to keep from thinking about “big stuff.” While the “big …

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Historian Hanson On the Left Daring Us To Go the Way of Rome

the Left is saying to America something along the following lines, “We are so morally superior to you that we can and must employ any means necessary to achieve our unpopular political ends. But you cannot respond in kind or deter us by mimicking our own tactics, because should both parties do so, the resulting …

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Undoing The “Not Done”

     I hope John Ross, the author of Unintended Consequences, won’t mind the following lengthy excerpt from his book:      Joe Columbo was a well-guarded organized crime boss who operated in New York in the ’60s and ’70s. In 1972, a mob rival paid someone to murder Columbo during a New York parade. Knowing that …

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The New Abnormal

     One’s views will often depend upon one’s time horizon. If yours is short, you’re likely to have a different conception of normality than your neighbor, whose horizon is many years deep. The continuity of an individual’s experiences is decisive in determining what he regards as normal.      Consider the lot of the “military brat:” …

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From The Bearded Spock Universe: Public Servants Who Want It Kept Private

     Cops are public servants, right? That’s what it says on the sides of the cars, anyway: “To Protect and Serve.” Is there any doubt about whom they’re supposed to serve? Isn’t that We the People, a.k.a. the Public? We do pay their salaries, after all.      However, a lot of cops have become averse …

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Unforgivable Sin, Ineradicable Stain

     Perhaps you’ve already read about this latest infamy against the well-being of the American people:      The Department of Interior (DOI) initiated a rulemaking process to “establish maximum protection” for 13 million acres of land across the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. It was set aside by. Congress for resource development.      Biden added …

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Smart Tactics

     Clever tacticians know it: Strike the enemy at his weakest point. Believe it or not, that – not tanks, aerial warfare, or poison gas – was the biggest innovation that came out of World War I. Before that, nation armies would hurl themselves at one another’s strength, each hoping to destroy the another and …

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The New Standard For Guilt

     Amendment V: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any …

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From The Land Of Fruits And Nuts

     California Democrats have an odd definition of the state’s power to tax:      California Democrats are looking to push legislation that would tax the state’s wealthiest residents, even if they’ve moved to a different state.      The bill was introduced last week by progressive Democrat Alex Lee, which is looking to impose an extra …

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Yeah, Right

     Are we really expected to believe this?      A former Las Vegas Judge committed suicide a year after she resigned from her position after facing an ethics investigation.      Per the Clark County coroner’s office, Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.      Here’s what happened, in chronological sequence: Andress-Tobiasson’s sixteen-year-old daughter …

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Framing Mischief

     There are parts of the Old Testament that are particularly instructive, especially when applied to the behavior of governments. Here’s one: Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. But the LORD …

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Tirade #2

     Stand back, Gentle Reader. This could get ugly. I’m about to vent. ***      Mostly, I eschew watching videos of more than two or three minutes’ duration. I read very fast, and I much prefer to absorb information that way. Thus, the time spent watching a video is almost always several times what reading …

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Tucker Is Almost There…

     Listen to him and ask yourself how much further he has to go:      I’d say it’s not far at all. Remember: “Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts …

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Courtesy Of A Brave And Forthright Colleague

     …by the moniker of the Feral Irishman:      Read and reflect. You may not have a lot more opportunities.

On The Reason Progs Favor Border Invaders

“…as the wetback problem was never about humanitarian concerns but about the accumulation of power via the fraudulent votes of the invaders….” — AoS coblogger CBD The reason I’m calling attention to this is I am hoping to prevent others from also carelessly parroting what I consider a red-herring. Heck, some of those migrants are …

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