Category: anarcho-tyranny

An End Of Year Review Of An Unpleasant Sort

     While I’m grateful to have made it to another year, it’s sometimes difficult to imagine how the United States did so. Here, from the tragically underappreciated Jared Taylor, is a recap of some of 2022’s less praiseworthy developments and events:      Yes, Taylor is unsparing…but given our passivity in the face of such horrors, …

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Success Emboldens

     200-proof truth:      Success also inspires emulation. No one who lives in a district he thinks is “safe” or “honest,” in any sense, should relax for an instant. He and his are likely in the greatest danger of all.      Compliments of Western Rifle Shooters Asociation.

A Word I Hate To Use…

     …is slowly but inexorably forcing its way into my vocabulary. And no, it’s not should.      Let’s spend a few moments on the incentive structure of retailing. For simplicity, let’s focus on a merchant who buys all his stock-in-trade from others, and attempts to sell it at a profit sufficient to be worth his …

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The Fish Rots From The Head

     …but in time the decay will reach the whole of the corpus:      [Wil] Wilkins has called Montana home for more than 40 years. He bought his property, just over nine acres adjacent to the Bitterroot National Forest, in 2004. When he bought the property, surrounded by pine trees and with plentiful birds and …

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Voiceless Victims

     Way, way back in the darkest recesses of history – my history, that is – I had a brief exchange with a much older colleague about the presidential election that had just taken place. The year was 1976, and Jimmy Carter (God help us) had just become the President-elect. My colleague, whose name was …

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Establishment Politicians Want You Not To Read This

     Courtesy of the esteemed Mike Hendrix, we have this highly significant story from Big Country Expat:      Now here in the Untied Staatz, we still pretend that elections matter. In truth, the only elections that actually -do- matter are the local ones…school board (need to fire ALL of them fuckers nationwide IMO, Jes’ Sayin’) …

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Good reason to be suspicious of “Citizen Free Press”

To this post, 80 Canadian doctors have ‘died suddenly’… I left a short comment that read something like “Of course. Killing off effective healers would be a primary item on the agenda of our ever more openly active Death Cults.” I went back today to see if anyone responded to it and it was gone. …

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     Back in the Sixties and Seventies, the hottest controversy in criminal justice was that of punishment versus rehabilitation. The trendy theory was that punishment actually increases the incidence of crime – that rather than inflicting punishment of any sort on the offender, carefully re-educating and reorienting him to social norms would be more fruitful. …

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     I don’t write a great deal on this subject, but lately I’ve been getting the sense that the time has come to confront some harsh realities and some ugly possibilities. If you’re not in the mood for the subject this fine Friday morning, I promise that I’ll understand…but I am. ***      The following …

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Western Values Too Easily Undermined. How? Why?

The retired Kiwi physician and regular contributor at Crusader Rabbit (CR) who identifies as mawm, brought to our attention the following observation made by Joel Smalley: “and it’s everywhere. can you seriously tell me you have not noticed the astonishing lack of not just competence, but even of the basic knowledge of how literally anything …

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When Tyranny Is No Longer In Dispute

     …it can still surprise onlookers with its boldness:      Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.      According to his wife Ryan-Marie, who spoke with LifeSiteNews, he also drives two …

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The Speech

     No, I didn’t watch or listen to it. I have a very low tolerance for political blather from anyone…well, other than myself, of course. But from the snippets I’ve been reading, it was at least as bad as We the Normals® expected it to be:      America, ladies and gentlemen, is under attack and …

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An Overlooked Lesson

     I’ve written to this effect on several occasions: The New Segregationists Hard Truth Unspeakabilities Media Strategies And Tactics New Things To Fear      Nevertheless, the idea isn’t sinking in very widely. I suppose that’s just the consequence of a small readership. All the same, it’s somewhat depressing.      “But what’s the lesson?” I hear …

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     The world of “problems” and “solutions” makes for a fascinating exploration of human conceptual space. The tendency to view some unsatisfactory condition as a “problem” to be “solved” is intriguing all by itself. Some such conditions are so persistent and so deeply embedded in the history of Man that it would be more reasonable …

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The Essence Of Totalitarianism

     From Power Line’s John Hinderaker:      Currently the Left is “demonstrating” against the Supreme Court justices who concurred in the Dobbs decision. A few nights ago, as Scott has noted, left-wingers harassed Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other diners at the Morton’s steak house in D.C. Liberals viewed this effort as a triumph–Kavanaugh reportedly had …

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Are The Usurpers Planning To Complete The Coup of 2020?

     I try to restrict myself to only one fit of screaming fury per day, but the Usurper Regime has been evoking more outrage than I can vent with just one. The Imbecile-In-Chief has a gift that way:      President Biden in an interview broadcast late Wednesday predicted a “mini revolution” in November’s midterm elections …

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Fiction Can Be Useful!

     No, really. Have a passage from one of the most adventurous science fiction novels of the Twentieth Century:      There was something leaning against a rock. At first I couldn’t make it out: a pink mound with hair trailing down one side. We got closer and the mound became five hundred-odd pounds of woman …

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Decline And Fall

     At each election we vote in a new set of politicians, insanely assuming that they are better than the set turned out. And at each election we are, as they say in Motherland, done in. – H. L. Mencken      Among the things I’ve been missing lately are the penetrating and erudite essays of …

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Does Anyone Need A Reminder…

     …about why the Second Amendment is so important? Well, here:      I rest my case.

I Thought We’d Hit Peak Insanity Already

     Ragin’ Dave provides evidence to the contrary:      Families that may have turned to homeschooling as an alternative to hastily assembled remote learning plans have stuck with it — reasons include health concerns, disagreement with school policies and a desire to keep what has worked for their children.      Maybe it’s because parents actually …

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