Category: anarcho-tyranny

Pray For Whom Or What?

     It’s All Souls’ Day, the day we the living are supposed to pray for our beloved dead who might be in Purgatory enduring a last purification before finally reaching Heaven. (See also this piece.) I’ve got a fair number of beloved dead to pray for, but just now my attention is on another sufferer …

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Incentives Matter

     The world of the Utopian is blessedly free of incentive effects and their more remote consequences. This allows the Utopian to say things like: “Well, just print a lot more money and give everyone $1,000,000, and that way everyone will be rich!”      Mind you, I haven’t actually heard a Utopian say exactly what’s …

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More Truth Than We Can Stomach

Wes Rhinier brings it:      I haven’t written much or posted much at all recently. What’s the point? Nobody Cares! Almost everything I write the comment section turns into a pissing contest. The thing is, deep down, you know I’m right. You know there is only one way to restore Liberty for our children and …

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A Matter Of Units And Standards

     When it comes to individuals’ Constitutionally guaranteed rights, the lines are sharp and clear. The understanding of a right would not be possible otherwise, for a right divides the universe of actions into permissible and impermissible. Thus, it’s always possible to know when an individual’s right to his life, his liberty, or his honestly …

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Mask Droppings Dept 2023-09-13

     I never expected anything this brazen, even from the Usurper Regime:      The White House sent a letter to top US news executives on Wednesday, urging them to intensify their scrutiny of House Republicans after Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, despite having found no evidence of a crime. …

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Now Where Have I Seen This Before?

     Karen Ashley reports:      New York City is struggling with the financial toll of the illegal immigrant crisis, so as part of the city-wide budget reductions, the Director of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget, Jacques Jiha, suggested reduced overtime hours for the NYPD, the Department of Sanitation, the Fire …

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The Drones Of Labor Day: An Unpacking

     This tidbit should be inspiring more questions than it is at present:      The New York Police Department will dispatch drones to monitor backyard parties and private social gatherings over Labor Day weekend in response to any complaints. However, some are saying that drone surveillance by police would be an invasion of privacy.      …

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The Chronicle of the DC, 27 Aug 23: Admission By Inuendo

In attempting to assure Maui residents that help would eventually come to them, the White House tweeted they were — ahem — laser-focused: 2. We're laser-focused on getting aid to survivors, including Critical Needs Assistance: a one-time $700 payment per household offering relief during an unimaginably difficult time. We have staff on the ground dedicated …

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The Chronicle of The DC, 24 Aug 23: Fomenting Toxicities [Updated]

The same city that tolerates homelessness and welcomes illegals who add to it, could not be clueless as to the public health degradation that had to come with it. The city of Los Angeles will issue a citation for washing one’s car in one’s driveway. The object was to penalize addition of untreated soap which …

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The Chronicle of the DC: 17Aug23 Maui

Please point out — to anyone who will listen — the Sustainability agenda of every major Western institution. It’s a religion with them. Their moral code is not that of decent human beings. To these neo-pagan Sustainability worshippers, sacrificed human life is what is sacred to them. The Progressive Movement — with its Sustainability priests …

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At The Third Level

     In this country, the third level is where the action is – the sociopolitical action, at least. The physiological and safety levels are well-served for more than 90% of our population. Where we’re most vulnerable is in our desire for acceptance.      Not that the Left hasn’t tried its damnedest to attack our physical …

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Blinding Flashes Of The Obvious Dept.

     I hope you had a good Independence Day, Gentle Reader. Now for the news! If you’ve been waiting for an anchor point on the “obvious” curve, I’d nominate the following as “Duh”-level:      You can no longer have an American nation, if the son of the President of the United States successfully connives to …

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Pretending As Policy

     You’ve probably seen this cartoon:      While it originated during the Obama years, it expresses today’s theme in a particularly striking way.      America’s cities are in a state of chaos. Crime of all sorts is exploding. The American food supply is being threatened with restrictions in the name of “climate change.” (Of course, …

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The Totalitarians And The State Of Fear

     My acquaintance with the works of the late Michael Crichton isn’t deep. However, I have read what many consider to be his best novel, State of Fear, and was greatly impressed by his insight into the desires and methods of contemporary power-seekers.      A fearful populace, that shrinks from terrors real and imagined, is …

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On Pulling Triggers

     These statements by baseball great Curt Schilling have just come to my attention:      “We’re up against a side and a force that doesn’t play by the rules – refuses to play by the rules,” he said, adding of conservatives: “We get excited, and we get emotional; that’s it. They break the law; they …

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They Will Not Let Us Be

     Every day brings fresh proof:      Violence broke out again in Glendale, CA, after Antifa showed up to a school board meeting at which parents were protesting the school’s promotion of “pride month” and gender ideology.      Videos showed police on the scene in riot gear as well as temporary barriers being set up. …

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They’ve Discarded All Pretense

     Donald Trump is today the most popular political figure in the United States, and one of the most popular this century past. The Usurpers are aware that unless they put him behind bars, come November next year he’ll wipe the floor with whoever they nominate. So they’re denying him a fair trial:      Joe …

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Worse Than Communism

     They said “It can’t happen here.” They said “This is America, where we have rights.” And they said “He wouldn’t dare!” But he has:      Scared yet?      How would you, Gentle Reader, defend your privacy and property against a ukase such as that of New York City Mayor Eric Adams? Adams will have …

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Your Daily Outrage

     It’s not just Chicago; the whole state of Illinois has decided to surrender to the savages: No charges for Chicago teens who killed 70-yr-old with stolen KIA, mayor fires police chief who asked questions      Police in the village of Robbins, which is southwest of Chicago, announced that no charges have been filed against …

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Questions That Go Unanswered

     Some are asked by millions:      Congress seems to be most effective as a machine for enriching its members. There are a great many members and former members who became hugely wealthy during their tenures there. How? A Congressional salary alone could never account for it. Does a seat come with some sort of …

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