Category: anarcho-tyranny

What It Means To Be Ruled By Criminals

     The weight of the law is never turned on a member of the ruling elite. Instead, it marshals all the oppressive force it possesses to break anyone who stands in opposition to it.      Would you like a demonstration? Here’s one from the 2020 campaign season:      When [Barack] Obama first ran for the …

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     This image speaks concisely and clearly of what has been done to normal Americans in the name of “tolerance:”      If it’s normal and wholesome, whatever it is, it’s under attack today. From the Left, of course. The Left must destroy the chief buttresses to our sense of normality before it can remake the …

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Depressing Or Uplifting?

     Once in a great while, and usually through the assistance of another blogger – usually Gerard Van der Leun — I’ll stumble on a piece that “splits the uprights.” This is one such: a tirade that ruptures the categories and makes the reader ask himself, “What now? Do I unpack the Barrett .50 and …

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Too Plain To Permit Being Said

     I’m sure my Gentle Readers are all aware of the New York Times’s rather self-serving front-page motto: All the News That’s Fit to Print. There have been some send-ups of that bit of journalistic pseudo-piety. In these latter days of the legacy media, now that they’ve openly embraced the role of information managers for …

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Unrealized Income?

     I won’t speak for anyone else, but when I call a development “unrealized,” I know what I mean by it: it hasn’t happened yet. And of course, something that hasn’t happened might never happen. So what shall we say, Gentle Readers, about this resurrected notion of unrealized income?      Many billionaires can pay far …

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One Melody, One Rhythm, One Agenda

     It’s Ukraine all day, these days. You can hardly go to the corner store for milk without hearing some talking head blustering about Ukraine. Congress is feverishly debating how to help the Ukrainians resist the Russian invaders. Elected officials of both parties bloviate endlessly about Ukrainian sovereignty and the evil of Vladimir Putin. And …

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No Title Could Possibly Serve

     There are days I wonder if it’s even possible for a human being, however vigilant, to keep track of all the truly significant events and precursors that flood past us each day. I read several dozen news sites and aggregators, and I still miss developments that make me kick myself when I finally do …

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     Assumptions, premises, postulates, stipulations…call them what you will. There’s no getting away from them. We all have them, because we must have them. There is no system of rationality that obviates the need for a set of assumptions beneath its reasoning.      Sometimes, in attempting to understand some strange aspect of reality, we leap …

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Rise Of The PAT

     My admiration for Tucker Carlson grows daily:      Carlson has nailed a key, if largely unnoticed, development: the rise of the Passive-Aggressive Tyrant. Justin Trudeau qualifies. Though a figurehead rather than an actual president, Joe Biden qualifies. Are there others in the First World? Emmanuel Macron, perhaps? I await the evaluations from European readers …

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The Pipes Are Playing Us, Cont’d

     You know, this quoting-other-novelists business is fun:      “We’ve waited a long time to get something on you. You honest men are such a problem and such a headache. But we knew you’d slip sooner or later—and this is just what we wanted.”     “You seem to be pleased about it.”     “Don’t I have good …

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The Longer The Lunacy Goes On…

     …the harder it gets to say anything much about it. Consider these two developments: Too Many People Are Speaking Freely! Away With All That Disturbing “Freedom” Stuff!      The “president” and his Homeland Security thugs are appalled that millions of Americans have reached evaluations and opinions that differ from the Official Story. This must …

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Chronicles of the Collapse, Continued

     If your insanity meter hasn’t pinned yet, it will after you read this:      The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance “racial equity.”      The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will …

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Chronicles Of Anarcho-Tyranny, Continued

     I seldom regret canceling the TV service. It helps that Tucker Carlson’s show is usually available on YouTube the next day:      Carlson calls it “the collapse of civilization – in real-time.” And indeed, there is no better description for it.      Pace Milton Friedman, economists may not know much, but they know this: …

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Revolutions Without Bloodshed Part 2

     We possess unfortunate inclinations, embedded in our psyches by hundreds of years of habituation, toward leaving the most important of all things to the State: Police services; Community safety; Education of the young.      It isn’t just Americans who possess such inclinations. They’re uniform across the First World. As “natural” as they may seem, …

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Revolutions Without Bloodshed Part 1

     They’re rare.      The State that finds its hegemony threatened almost always responds with violence. Violence, after all, is the State’s stock in trade. It’s the characteristic method of rulers to use force and violence to work their wills upon us. In the majority of cases, they could get their way in no other …

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Every Time You Think They’ve Hit The Bottom…

     …they pull out their shovels and dig like giant moles on meth:      It’s possible that this isn’t a first – that at some time in the past, unknown even to me, there have been presidents and Supreme Court justices unacquainted with the concept of enumerated powers, unaware of the significance of the Tenth …

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More Anarchy, More Tyranny

     I’m in a particularly dark mood this morning. It derives from several causes, most of which my Gentle Readers would deem irrelevant to them. However, there is one that’s worth a mention.      Though I disapprove of the linguistic hijacking that has conflated anarchy with chaos, I can do little about it. Worse yet, …

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     Circus knife throwers go through a lot of beautiful young assistants in scanty costumes. That’s not because they “miss” all that often; obviously not, or their unique occupation would have been banned long ago. Rather; it’s because the young beauty’s fear that sooner or later the day will come eventually wears her down. She …

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Anarcho-Tyrannical America, The Continuing Story

     It’s beyond the possibility of dispute today.      Consider the following short video:      Stephen Miller of America First Legal has stated the matter perfectly. But it’s not just medical care that’s at risk:      Manhattan’s new DA has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for hordes of criminals and to downgrade …

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The Proof Is Here

     This whole pandemic nonsense was planned:      The time to resist is now.

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