I don’t need one. I need seven of them. Standard combat load, because this country is going down the shitter and the civilization our fathers built is being discarded.
Does that seem harsh? It might be, but that’s what happens when criminals are allowed to do what they want and the government encourages it. I don’t have a cop car, and handcuffs, and a jail to hold the lawbreakers, and a system of people to adjudicate the law. All I have is a rifle, and the will to defend my family and my property. When you stop the police from keeping the peace, then every crime can carry a death sentence.
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Need seven…plus enough ammo to reload them as often as needed.
When the Supreme Court of the country says police do not have a legal obligation to protect you then you need the 30 round magazines to protect yourself and your family from anything that seeks to do you and yours harm. Regardless of whether that “anything” is a criminal, an animal or a government.
Including the police. Maybe especially the police.
Take a look at the southern US border. That’s why i need a lot more than 7 mags and a dump truck load of ammo.
First question to anyone who asks such nonsense: Who decided that you need to have an opinion over what property I can own, purchased with my own money? More deaths have been caused because of ideologies than bullets (the Soviets had a planned famine that killed more civilians than WW2 killed in all theaters combined, not to mention China’s “Great Leap Forward” and the dekamegadeaths that caused). And here in the US, more people are beaten to death with fists, clubs and other blunt objects every year than are killed by all those scary-looking long guns.
The instant Congress passes a law that says that the President will no longer be protected by men carrying all those scary-looking guns, I might consider listening. (Never said I would agree, but I’ll listen.)