Just Give Me Yavneh

The title is opaque; this is deliberate.  All will be clear by the end.  And my apologies – the length got away from me.



On my old blog I wrote several essays, primarily focused on gun control but not exclusively, to the effect that so many people I know – especially, bafflingly, my fellow Tribe members – react the same way when I point to myriad things that are approaching, e.g., the coming inflation/hyperinflation – an example from Peter Grant who has examined this repeatedly, the racial instability across the country, global instability, potential food shortages, and on and on and on.  Regardless of the precise wording, no matter what the specific subject, the kernel of their reply is always some wording of:

Oh, that’s just not possible.

It was the combination of a recent conversation with someone I know, a fellow Tribe member and long-time professional contact, that I realized that his denial of anything possibly sus about Covid’s origin, any risks whatsoever from the Jab, and his cleaving religiously to liberal news sources while denying legitimacy to anything outside the New York Times-Washington Post-NPR-CNN echo chamber, plus this video:



that prompted this essay.  Note the man, starting at 7:41, who recounts asking his mother about Hitler (my transcription, bolding added):

“…my mother who, when I asked her if we had to worry about a guy like Hitler, she said: ‘No, we are living in a Democracy, we have the protection of the police, nobody is going to hurt us’, so talk about warning signs there were plenty of them.  Did we take them serious, my family didn’t, never believed the Germans would stoop so low they would implement the threats one fanatic uttered…”. 

Another warning claxon on the rise of open anti-Semitism The 3 Constants in Life: Death, Taxes and Anti-Semitism:

The truth is, as much as you might not like to hear it, when Trump was in office it was good for the Jews. Too bad most Jews just don’t know what’s good for them. Also most of the Jews that might benefit from clear thinking will surely not read this. Perhaps you’ll share this with someone who needs to hear it and we can all pray that they will listen. Believe me, it’s as important as ever.

Now Mr Biden is in office, the flood of money to terrorists has begun again. The funnels of money to Iran turns around into tunnels in Gaza.

And yet so many American Jews will not see; The Poisoning of American Jewry is Complete (Judean Rose) (bolding added):

My wallet was full, I had a wealth of information at my fingertips to dispense to her, but the register was closed. She was not willing to listen. Still, I wrote a long email, filled with source material and video clips. I had to. I couldn’t bear it that I knew the truth and she did not and would not even listen. I didn’t send the email, and then I did.

As the late Walter Williams wrote in a column:

No German who died before 1930 would have believed the Holocaust possible.

Hence my term, “Twenty-Niners”.  People who cannot grasp that anything that could radically change the situation in which they live are actual possibilities, and completely dismiss concerns that others present even when backed by evidence.  They have, at least mentally, made the r/K transition to – quoting Bill Whittle as he has discussed this concept in multiple videos – an r-selected mentality of the future as an endless field of green clover.



History rhymes.  Again citing Bill Whittle who describes, in this long (1:44:40) but IMHO worth the time video about civilizations, the collapse overnight “like a strobe light”, time and time and time again like a heartbeat:



Hyperinflation and debt burden leading to economic collapse.  Oh, that’s just not possible.

Suggest that the above might actually be deliberate, a la Cloward-PivenOh, that’s just not possible.

Race wars igniting.  Cite living, current-day evidence including statements by BLM et al that they want to kill all whites and suggest it might spread to their own neighborhoodsOh, that’s just not possible.

Discuss the cycle of civilizations and that that bad things can happen surprisingly fast, and thus the need for guns and prudent prepping.  Oh, that’s just not possible.

Highlight Critical Race Theory and open Marxism being taught in schools as one of the foundational Long March aspects of a Communist takeover of America, let alone the warnings from – for example – a Chinese refugee saying that things are looking scarily familiar, or a North Korean defector saying that even there things weren’t this insane… except it’s race, not class, that is being leveraged.  Oh, that’s just not possible.



Compare / contrast the laws for the Big Wigs (cough cough Hillary, The Biden crime syndicate, etc.) vs. anyone else, mention Obama/Spy-Gate, the weaponization of virtually every federal agency against Trump and the very real potential any dissenters from their orthodoxy will be targeted as dangerous terrorists. Including attempting to turn everyone into snitchesOh, that’s just not possible.

Bring up the duct-tape and chewing gum status of much of our electric grid and its vulnerabilities to weather, space events like solar events, or man-made sabotage at various levels.  Oh, that’s just not possible.



Cite example after example of Islamic hijra happening in Europe with France on the edge of civil war, and whole swaths of Western Europe functionally under Sharia Law, and Islamic refugees being brought to America with effects already visible in Dearborn, MI and Minneapolis, MN as two examples as they outbreed Westerners.  Oh, that’s just not possible.



Even hint that the CCP virus might be manmade, let alone that it could have been used by China and/or their domestic allies (Democrats) as a political weapon leveraging lives and our economy against their hated enemy, Trump.  Special bonus points when you point out that Socialists in various flavors have murdered over 100 million people in their quest for heaven on earth… so what’s a few tens of thousands?  Oh, that’s just not possible.

Observe that President Asterisk is clearly in the grips of dementia which was obvious even before the election, and raise the possibility that he’s merely a sock-puppet for Obama’s third termOh, that’s just not possible.



Glance at the shadow of the possibility the Jab is intended to depopulate the earth by billions to get to the Georgia Guidestone target.  Oh, that’s just not possible.

Point to the open border situation with people flooding in, and not just from Latin America countries but from some scary places, and never mind the demographic / voting population impacts but terror risks to such a policy.  Oh, that’s just not possible.



Highlight the earlier and earlier sexualization of our children, the transitioning of three year olds, open homosexuality and hook up culture and everything else, with the clear impacts on our society’s stability and future.  Oh, that’s just not possible.

Talk about the enemedia being hopelessly partisan, outright fabricating accusations and pimping them nonstop against their domestic enemies, i.e., anyone to the Right of Stalin, and ignoring scandals that should have rocked a fair press like the vote fraud in 2020, or Hunter’s laptop, or PedoJoe’s attention to a pre-pubescent girl’s legs (never mind the videos and other cringe-worthy behaviors over the years).  Oh, that’s just not possible.

On and on and on.  And always some variation of answers, which always boil down to Oh, that’s just not possible.

Santayana weeps as that strobe light gets ready to flash…




Many on our side have voiced utter frustration at our inability to even dent the impenetrable bubble of delusion that shields the minds of the Leftists.  As I have oft noted in comments here and there on the web, these people are missionaries – full of Marxianic Zeal and, thus, view us as heretics.  We can as much make a dent in their minds to reconsider their views as the proverbial brick wall.



That doesn’t necessarily mean that, from time to time, it’s not worth trying with someone willing to have an actual discussion.  Sometimes the seed of a thought can implant and grow, but for the most part don’t bet on it.  They’re far, far too full of their own moral / educational / intellectual superiority to consider they might be mistaken.




In this interesting essay by British political-conservative Jew Melanie Phillips, writing specifically about American Jews and their cleaving to the “D” party and liberalism despite all evidence to the contrary as to which party actually cares about Israel vs. which does not (bolding & underlining added), never mind actual Judaism vs. Tikkun Olam-ism (warning: English spellings!):

I asked a rabbi what could be done to pull American Jews back from the edge of the cultural precipice on which they are teetering. His answer was startling — and brutal. “Just give me Yavneh”, he said.

This was a reference to Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai who, as the Romans prepared to destroy Jerusalem in 70 CE, chose not to try to save the city and the Temple but instead asked the Roman general merely to give him the Yavneh yeshivah and its sages.

The request was granted. Yavneh duly became the spiritual centre of the Jewish people and ensured its survival.

The point was that ben Zakkai realised the behaviour of the Jews in Jerusalem — led by zealots who had destroyed their food supplies in the belief that God would save them from the Roman advance — was dooming the entire Jewish people to destruction.

What the rabbi in America meant was that he had given up on the wider American Jewish community. No longer would he even attempt to persuade them they were on the path of communal self-destruction. They would never listen or change.

Within a fairly short time, given the accelerating rate of intermarriage and assimilation, that part of the community would have effectively disintegrated. But spiritually, ethically, Jewishly, it was already lost.

Making the analogy, aside from the possibility of nibbling around the edges of our liberal co-continent-dwellers – I have given up on those whom I can no longer even bring myself to call “fellow Americans” at this point – there’s no saving them.  They don’t want to be saved.  They cannot be saved.  While it’s worth planting seeds if you think there’s a chance they might take, for the most part it’s not worth trying.




In 1776 brave men pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for the sake of freedom.  Give me men and women of that character, that caliber – willing to take a stand, to fight whether by words or more.

Give me men – and women – like these.  People who believe in LIBERTY, in FREEDOM, and the Constitution.  The Declaration is the WHY, the Constitution is the HOW… and they, plus a solid Judeo-Christian foundation in society are enough.  Interestingly, about that last, in listening to World Net Daily’s Joseph Farah years ago when I had a long commute each night, he put forth an interesting concept that before The People can govern themselves, a la America, people must govern themselves as individuals.  Which echoes John Adams:



Self-control and self-restraint are common themes, I’ve noted, as foundational for self-governance.  Responsibility is essential for liberty too:



And lastly, interestingly, filed under “life imitates art (or is it art imitates life?)”, a quote pulled from a video about great Klingon quotes:

If you cannot control yourself, you cannot command others.

— Klingon Honor Guard Manual

(From the video: I assume there’s actually such a thing in the Star Trek canon somewhere.)

Just as the Rabbi said “Just give me Yavne” to save Judaism in the face of the inevitable & unstoppable Roman conquest, I say Just give me Independence Hall 1776 to save America and, more broadly, the West.  Give me people filled with the brushfire of liberty in their minds and a burning heart yearning for freedom, putting the Individual above The State, and all tempered with morality and responsibility.

And while I’ll still weep, and while I’ll still fight hoping to avert the collapse, I know that with people like this we will preserve the seed corn of liberty, and rebuild.

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  1. […] THE TRANSOM Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1385 Red Pilled Jew: Just Give Me Yavneh 357 Magnum: CNN Are Not Journalists, They’re PR For Biden & Co.  EBL: Fionnula […]

  2. […] Just Give Me Yavneh […]

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