The C.S.O. and I were bantering over dinner, deriding various social fads from the Sixties all the way to today, when this happened:
FWP: But you know which was the silliest of them?
CSO: Which one? They’re all pretty silly.FWP: Yeah, but…Free Love?
CSO: Hm?FWP: C’mon! There’s no such thing as “Free Love!” Sometimes there’s “Deeply Discounted Love,” but it’s never free!
CSO: (smiles) You forgot something…FWP: What?
CSO: (infomercial announcer’s voice) But wait: there’s more! Call within the next five minutes and we’ll double your order! Pay only separate shipping and handling!
FWP: (Chokes on a fried scallop)
Perhaps this will settle whether lunatics have more fun.
1 comment
Well, the LOVE is free – it’s the Sex that costs you.