Quick Takes

One: The Left ruins everything it touches



Our host tipped me off to this piece up about the “wokification” and corrupting of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings which was, actually, the first true long and weighty piece of literature I ever read.  In that tip our host stated (italics in original):

The trend among Leftists in the arts has been to desecrate great older works such as The Lord of the Rings in any possible fashion, and to condemn outright that which it cannot somehow spoil.

It suddenly occurred to me: Morgoth and then Sauron took elves and broke & ruined them to create orcs as servitors to their evil – “a ruined and terrible form of life”.  So, too, do Leftists take the transcendent and uplifting and break & ruin them in the service of their evil.

And while I’ve only recently become a fan of art museums, I find myself gravitating towards art that uplifts, that enlightens, and that shows incredible talent and skill mastered over years. I see the destruction of art, specifically, as a way to break our appreciation for our own civilization. For when cans of an artist’s feces are hailed while actual art is denigrated, we’ve lost our sense of our own civilization:

Great civilizations can survive a lot of things, but not impoverishment of spirit. – Mark Steyn



And while driving one day I found the classical channel.  OK, I like heavy metal, and generally listen to talk radio, I was captivated by the transcendent skill that it took to compose some of the pieces I heard, as well as the coordinated orchestra – practiced and accomplished and disciplined musicians all – that were required to produce that piece.




Two: Bertold Brecht: Prophet



Single, Military-Aged Males From Haiti and Senegal Walk Through Border Gate in Del Rio (VIDEO)

From f*cking SENEGAL?  Who remembers the “refugees” from the Congo and other African nations at our border?  And IIRC, but I can’t find a link, they were observed to have rolls of $100 bills.  As Surak notes:

June 2021 was a record month ever for illegal crossings, with 900,000 total so far in 2021. That is more than the population of some states. There are not many cities larger than that.

And separately, same link:

It’s planned. Do you understand? The United States is under invasion, our armed forces are standing down, and “law enforcement” is assisting.

Those of you who think that in 2024 Trump will come roaring back?  Nope.  Not happening.  TINVOWOOT.  Never mind all the skullduggery (love-love-love that word!) that happened in 2020, just think of all these illegals and refugees streaming and/or being flown in who will be naturalized in the nick of time for the 2024 elections (embedded quote, bolding added):

The Obama administration had its own project for turning aliens into citizens as quickly as possible in order to get them on the voting rolls, but the new strategy goes beyond anything Obama tried to do.

The new strategy begins with using DHS to assemble all the available data on the “potential naturalization-eligible populations” and breaking it down by age, sex, and zip code, as well as other demographic details, to target “outreach”.

By “outreach”, the working group of agencies headed by Biden appointees means converting aliens into citizens.

That data will allow the government and a spectrum of “partners”, most of them Democrat allies, to target resident aliens the way a corporation targets potential customers of its products.

Except that the data is coming from the government and the product is voting for Democrats.



The piece quoted is by Daniel Greenfield, who wrote about this before; HOW THE LEFT WINS ELECTIONS BY TRANSFORMING NATIONS:

Bertolt Brecht once wrote, “Some party hack decreed that the people had lost the government’s confidence and could only regain it with redoubled effort. If that is the case, would it not be simpler if the government simply dissolved the people and elected another?”



And from the main source article from Peter Grant:

With every illegitimate, un-American move the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party make, that switch is getting closer and closer to being flipped.  If they continue on their current path, sooner or later, that’s going to happen . . . and they’re going to rue the day they made it inevitable.

Brecht’s sarcasm is now literal truth. Western governments are dissolving their peoples and electing other peoples in their place. Democracy allows peoples to elect governments, but power also allows governments to elect a people. The left has decided that it can win the demographic game of thrones by changing the demographics. And it’s right.



America has been betrayed by both Left and Right – the former who envision a compliant and dominant voting bloc, and the latter who want cheap labor.




Three: The future belongs to those who reproduce

So a few days ago I took the kids on a whale watching trip.  Great trip, lots of whales – a good first-time experience for them.  A first for me was one humpback who breached several times, and another who did fin slapping.  The older one asked pointedly: When are we coming again?  Amusingly, the young one complained about still thinking they were moving as I was putting them to bed.  I tend to get my “sea legs” very quickly and wonder if they’re following suit.

I got to chatting with one of the crew, a young woman who – as it turned out – was a few days away from her 30th birthday.  Attractive… and unengaged, let alone unmarried, and with no kids.  Inferentially, because it’d be rude to just ask, there were no plans to get hitched or have children.

Meanwhile, in a video I wish I still had, a Muslim preacher was holding forth in Europe and, as they talked about conquest, several parents held up their infants.  They know. Muslim Births Projected To Outnumber Christian Births, Others By 2035. And from this article (bolding added):

Algeria’s undisputed ruler until his death in 1978, said it clearly in a 1974 UN speech:

“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends.

Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.



Look, I’m not arguing for women to be barefoot and in the kitchen squirting out kid after kid relentlessly year-over-year for their whole fertile lives.  But the trends are clear – we are being outbred in our own lands.  From that same article as above:

In Australia the trend is like this:

30 years ago, there were about 25.000 Muhammedans in Australia. Today the official figures are said to be 350.000

A demographer studying Muslim migrant populations recently came up with the following:

Average Muslim migrant populations tend to double in size approx. every 10 Years.

On my old blog I discussed The Islamic Lotus and the peril we face, based on this analogy:

Imagine a large lake with an invasive new plant that doubles every day.  Located in a bay, it doubles daily without notice.  But all of a sudden, a total surprise, it is suddenly covering 1/16 of the whole lake, then 1/4, then 1/2, then the entire lake is choked with it. Seemingly overnight… in scant days… a clear lake is taken over.

y = e^x

Exponential curves are a cast-iron b*tch when the independent variable goes positive.

As Muslims migrate in, some moderate.  Some, like my (nominally) Sunni Muslim wife, are really atheists and are not an issue – I cannot envision headstrong Mrs. N adopting any kind of headbag (in a conversation with her sister who voiced a thought that maybe she’d start wearing a hijab, my wife exploded “We’re Kazakhs, we don’t wear that Arab sh*t”!).  But in general they do not assimilate – they’ve come to conquer, and they know it.

And so many Westerners – whether in Europe or America – are utterly clueless… and will be utterly clueless right until they’re choked by that weed.



Charles Martel, Jan Sobieski III, Vlad Tepes, and others weep as our elites willingly surrender – indeed, give aid and comfort to the invaders – what they fought, and what countless Westerners gave their lives, to defend.




OK, an open question.  The last Covid collection was looooong, so long people have commented negatively – and fairly – about it.  Here’s the issue: the deluge of information has not slowed.  So I am openly asking for suggestions on how to shorten them to a “manageable length” while still making sure I cover things well.


1 ping

    • Daniel K Day on July 25, 2021 at 1:35 PM

    Stop trying to cover things well, Nitzakhon. This is not the only website I visit, and I’m probably typical. You don’t have to cover everything that strikes you as worthwhile, or even vital. Other bloggers will mention things you omit. Remember, you’re preaching to the choir here.
    The link to Gatewaypundit was of the greatest interest to me.
    As long as I’m on the phone with you, what does your handle mean?

    1. NITZAKHON is the Hebrew word for VICTORY. Which we, on the Right, desperately need.

  1. Links, damn it, links! Not graphics and cartoons. Not endless use of blank space.

    I shan’t say this again.


  1. […] A video on the degeneration of art in today’s modern world (sorry for the repeat from here but it’s a good and apropos […]

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